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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
339 Answers
The Club is now open.

The moat has been thoroughly cleaned since last week and members are advised that swimming is again safe between the lower green flag and the upper green flag.

On no account are members to try to swim between the upper green flag and the lower green flag. This could be hazardous.

All prizes for the non-raffle will be gratefully accepted if left on the small hall table.

Tonight's winning tickets will be drawn tonight.


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suezy, a tweeny was a maid, as I recall it was because you have to run up and down "between" the posh rooms and the servants' quarters all day long.
Had some dolly blue somewhere <<rummaging in handbag>>, I've also got some earplugs as well as the noseclips boxy, they might come in for something later on.

Hic! these wincarnis wizards are really nice.
Suezy a tweeny is an inbetween maid - don't worry she has more status than the scullery maid (juist)
I hope the dolly blue hasn't dribbled out all over your handbag gran, blue innards is no fun.
Ok own up, who put the shark in the moat? I was just about to dive in when I saw the fin. Think I need another large glass of punch to get over the shock!
Well if it existed it is lost from history, how odd.

Mixing more drinkies and popping a few smoked salmon flaky pasties in the aga.
^ pardon the slight speech defect - it is not easy when I look like a cross between a panda and a pouch rat. Mamya - meds tray please - just the liquids for me tonight
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I promise not to touch your tantalus. Cannot speak for the others though....
Rinso, Mi'lady I rember well. Jan are you sure it's a shark and not one of the bewildered lot with a cardboard triangle on their back?
How long before it is dark do you think? It is getting a little warm under this burkha wotsit.
"Did you ever know that you're my Heeerrrrrrrrroooooooooo"

dramatically in the air spilling wine over herself*
*waving hands* should be before dramatically...Stoopid typing
ttfn take it orf, we don't mind and I can't see much anyway ♫ 2 lovely black eyes ♫ Hic11 dancing around gingerly.
ttfn I told you to take it off a page ago, we are all ladies here tonight, you will be safe, the gents seem to be staying away.
I forgot to tell you, the shark was me, my neighbour lent me her little un's swimming fin so I wouldn't drown.
Suezy, I really think you should go for a swim before you get too drunk and sign anything Mi'lady puts in front of you.
These documents are binding.
The earplugs boxy I knew they were going to come in handy.

I think Alexandred is in the moat ma'am snorkelling for the frogs and the shark is now on the menu for tomorrow. He's quite good with a harpoon ambidextrous even, what with all the other jobs he does here.
Good choice suezy.

You know how shy I am boxy
have you let one off yet?
Thanks Miss Meg..I'm not signing anything tonight haha
If the frogs come up here I am hoppin' it.
I cannot stand the little beasties
Think thats the smoked salmon ttfn

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