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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
339 Answers
The Club is now open.

The moat has been thoroughly cleaned since last week and members are advised that swimming is again safe between the lower green flag and the upper green flag.

On no account are members to try to swim between the upper green flag and the lower green flag. This could be hazardous.

All prizes for the non-raffle will be gratefully accepted if left on the small hall table.

Tonight's winning tickets will be drawn tonight.


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"I am sailing..I AM SAILING.."
Not in the moat?
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Lovely, Supersuezy. Just lovely.
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How is his ludship tonight - is he still growing his collection of asbo's?
Well I never, what a night you are all having. Good evening to one and all. I have erected the net on the tennis court and I am quite sure her ladyship will hire out bats and balls at a high rate of interest. Have also removed al those vuve vove, blowy things from the moat
ooh should we discuss those? I may take his nightcap up in a minute after a sneaky ciggy
why are you all lying on your backs on the lawn are we expecting aliens again?
I think I'd better stay upright then, or at least sit if Alexandred is AWOL he's usually here by now. I think I'll partake of a tailcock and a few of suzeys sausages, Thanks
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Lordalex is very quiet tonight. Mamya has adjusted his medication and it has done wonders.

He is not cultivating Asbos. He grows dahlias and aspidistras.
Tarataratara - I give you TTFN - Winner of Chig's Fluffy Rolo !
Anyone for tennis then?
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Alexanderd good evening. The voice of sanity at last. How pleased am I to see you.

All sorts of people were threatening to lie way of getting them up again.
And flicrat has made an outrageous allegation against lordalex.
"Maggie I wish I'd never seen your face...."

I'm on a rod stewart buzz :)

Baby Jane..Don't leave me hanging on the line"
Have I ? News to me ! Might be fun being outrageous though....
What is suezy on tonight and can I have some please? she hasnt been close to glastonbury and gone to pot has she?
Am swimming home across the moat,with my tennis racket on my head before I get accused of anything else. Night all. ( England for ever tomorrow!!)
She's been in me punch bowl alex, I've filled it 4 times, think she has a siphon attached.
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Good night , flicrat...a short visit tonight, but memorable.

I think that Supersuezy is a little younger than the rest of us and unused to strong drink...Mamya's Wincarnis Wonders take a bit of getting used to (I'm jolly glad to say).
flicraft you may have to jump over the flood barrier in the moat I raised it to keep the water in due to the lack of rain

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