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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
339 Answers
The Club is now open.

The moat has been thoroughly cleaned since last week and members are advised that swimming is again safe between the lower green flag and the upper green flag.

On no account are members to try to swim between the upper green flag and the lower green flag. This could be hazardous.

All prizes for the non-raffle will be gratefully accepted if left on the small hall table.

Tonight's winning tickets will be drawn tonight.


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Better keep the punch bowl topped up then , Mamya, if there's a syphon involved. They work both ways, you know.........
And i made a bowl of long island iced tea but that never got out from the kitchen to you guys, nor did the bowl of cosmopolitans or Margaritas...

"Some guys have all the luck, some guys get all the pain.."
Aaaaarrrrgh! Now he tells me. Wish i'd won the bandage in the raffle.
Goodnight flicrat. Hello alexanderd- be a gent and tell gran she may now lie down on her back (!) it is for a good sight of the space station - don't faint alexandered. Suezy - my name is not Maggie - please change that wax disc.
Sorry flicraft didnt know you were swimming home tonight Lady alex normally lays on transport (at a price of course)
Question Author
Mamya will help you, flicrat. She's a qualified matron, you now. Got a hat and everything.
Have you got the rolo with you, ttfn? I have asked chig to drop in here when he comes back with the new packet.
I didnt know we had space for a station, this garden is bigger than it looks. How are you feeling ttfn, I hear you had a fall
But I am trying to forget about it alexanderd dear - hence the burkha wotsit. boxy I have offered it to Jan - she sounded unusually agressive - and you know me - meek and mild!
I did wonder about the burka thingy, I wondered if someone had been trying to steal the camel
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Is it a cheesy burka whatsit ?
There is a laundry out the back, you know.
I wouldnt advise using that laundry, remember what they did to my suit. My grandson is wearing it now and he is only 9
Flitcrat is all bandaged up now, should last till you get home

Wheres miss meg, she's been seeing ufos you know.
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I'm seeing stars......
Ladyalex - have you noticed all the 'umbles' about tonight

suezy - learning not to grumble
gran - out for a fumble
boxy - all of a jumble
Matron - ever such a busy bumblebee
me - almost humble
ufos? has Lord alex being throwing crockery in the air again good job we hid the shotgun
and ficraft...taking a tumble
Just remembered I brought some apple crumble
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Why thank you for drawing the 'umbles to my attention, ttfn. Most gratifying.

'Umble pie for lunch tomorrow too I think.

Quick read of Dickens to find Uriah Heep being 'Umble and I'll be set up for another week of lady-ing
Moi, aggressive ttfn? Only if my vodka or chocolate is withheld. I am ok now and waiting for the non-raffle to be drawn. I have pink numbers this week so I know I'll win something.

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