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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
339 Answers
The Club is now open.

The moat has been thoroughly cleaned since last week and members are advised that swimming is again safe between the lower green flag and the upper green flag.

On no account are members to try to swim between the upper green flag and the lower green flag. This could be hazardous.

All prizes for the non-raffle will be gratefully accepted if left on the small hall table.

Tonight's winning tickets will be drawn tonight.


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Any more of your lip, flicrat and I will have alexanderd evict you.

Child: "Daddy, there's a duck at the door."
Father:"Don't be silly, it's just a man with a bill."

Boom boom.
Led by What Tyler ttfn? Or should that be Who Tyler?
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And that goes for you too, ttfn.
Which Tyler are you talking about now Alexanderd - I only heard of it 3 mins ago at 1122
Thank you ladyalex for those few ( very few) kind words. I suppose it's better to be evicted than eviscerated - or is that reserved for the ducks??
It's ok I won't charge for the bandage, its preused.

Your Granny is here too, how many more to look after??

gran get yer fingers out that bowl I need a tipple love.
Sorry flicrat - the breeze blew my headdress over the other good eye and I couldn't hear who said that. Haven't you got a deep voice btw
who called for a roof tiler? He is at the door with all his belongings
The nine year old grandson is going to love the duck joke. Thank you ladyalex.
Oh so I wasn't even entered into to non-raffle tonight, Diabetic sticks indeed, I think I'll head off home now while I can still stand up I'm feeling rather tired tonight. Good night everyone thank you for having me.
Thoght we were discussing tailors. It's me cockney ancestry.
Slate him off please alexanderd - I am still a little shy - thank you
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Good night, askyourgran. It was a pleasure to have you .

Glad my jokes are appreciated , flicrat....the old ones are the best, I always say.
I thought boxy was coming back to let some of for us after the sputynick thingy went past?
Goodnight Askyourgran, go careful on the motorway
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Has boxtops gone ? I thought she was just having a snooze.

Don't send the tiler away, alexanderd...the back lobby roof needs some attention. I'm sure he woudl love to oblige.
Bye bye gran - sorry about no tandem tonight - you would only have been doing all the hard work again anyway. sweet dreams and ttfn xx
And then send him on to the duck house please, if he's that obliging.
How old do you like your titilations milady?

She was only the Colonel's daughter, but she knew what regiment!
Why flicrat - have you got an accumulation of dead leaves in your guttering?

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