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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
339 Answers
The Club is now open.

The moat has been thoroughly cleaned since last week and members are advised that swimming is again safe between the lower green flag and the upper green flag.

On no account are members to try to swim between the upper green flag and the lower green flag. This could be hazardous.

All prizes for the non-raffle will be gratefully accepted if left on the small hall table.

Tonight's winning tickets will be drawn tonight.


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The older the better as far as I'm concerned, ttfn.'re getting above yourself. I organise the repairs here.....or did you want the tiler for nefarious purposes ?
I am sure she said viparian reasons ladyalex - well it has to be water based or he wouldn't need his special tape to help her out now would he
Getting a bit personal now ttfn and ladyalex. Think I shall retire with my dignity (more or less) intact before worse befalls
Question Author
There are snakes in the duck house ?????Is that why flicrat wants a tiler ?
Do tilers deal with snakes ? Or is this one a specialist herpetologist tiler ?
Special tape ???
It's all getting too much for me, I may need the sal volatile again.
Don't forget your cherry then flicrat - you left it in your empty (drained bone-dry actually) punch cup
Question Author
Good night, flicrat.....dignity maintained....see you next week again I hope.
Safe journey home, beware of tilers.
You have heard od duck tape ladyalex? <the upper class know nowt about real life> All the trades people swear by it
Thank you all. Haven't had such a merry Saturday night for ages.LOL...Sweet dreams all. flicrat.
Question Author
Duck tape, of course...I have always thought of it as duct tape, though.......
Night flicrat - sweet dreams and ttfn

like I said <the upper class know nowt about real life>

at ours we use turkey trimmings for tying up the rubbish sacks each week milady
Night AYG and flitcrat, well we could do with some tiles on the pantry floor, those flagstones are murder on my bunyips, and Alfie finds them uncomfy too.
Question Author
And what would rubbish sacks be ?
What flicrat will be filling when she trawls the moat tomorrow morning for all the dead leaves that roofer removes tonight
Don't upset the applecart ttfn or Milady will bring down the portcullis afore I've quaffed me tailcock and its a very large glasshhh Hic
Well girls I will have to love you and leave you as I have a heavy day tomorrow ta for the laughs take care all of you
No perspiration mamya - I am allowing myself a late pass tonight as I haven't had a field trip for ages (they are not the same you understand as pavement trips)
Question Author
Fortunately I know nothing of rubbish sacks or bunions.

I will ask the tiler for tiles on the pantry floor, Mamya. I would not like to thinkk that i was responsible for your buns.
How is dear little Alfie, btw ?
God bless alexanderd, sweet dreams and ttfn x
Question Author
Good night alexanderd. See you next week again I hope.

I'm off to bed now too, so g'night everyone and thanks for all the laughs.
See you all next week, if we're spared !
ladyalex :-))
Night Alex ♥

Alfie is fine Milady, I bought him a new feeding bowl its very dapper, has gem decoration, he loves it!

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