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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
339 Answers
The Club is now open.

The moat has been thoroughly cleaned since last week and members are advised that swimming is again safe between the lower green flag and the upper green flag.

On no account are members to try to swim between the upper green flag and the lower green flag. This could be hazardous.

All prizes for the non-raffle will be gratefully accepted if left on the small hall table.

Tonight's winning tickets will be drawn tonight.


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I'm here, need a sit down though. It's hard work pedalling up that hill. Any punch left?
Personally not a lot Jan, but there is always some left after the others have left - mamya is an over sized squirrel! How has your day been - enjoyed the tennis?
Plenty Jan or would you like to order something special, this is great all my special girls around me.
Hi ttfn, tennis not great today. Was waiting to watch Murray but he won so easily it wasn't that exciting. How are you feeling?
Do you want long or short version Jan!
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May I have a long drink please mamya - but in a large glass anyway! I am thirstier than ever x
It means chuck it over the hedge, sit down have a ciggie and anything you wish to drink bez!
I'll just get another vodka then you can give me the long version. I'm having trouble sleeping so if you start and I'll let you know if I'm still here. Seriously, hope you are feeling better and not working too hard.
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hallo, you're all burning the midnight oil - ttfn I think you're leading our mamya astray - the doors are usually closed for the night quite a bit before now - though those long summer nights might be to blame - I've just finished br ekkie so I'll give the tailcocks a miss for a bit - going up to the loch for a quick peep - see you all later S
ROFL Jan. Went back to work too soon. Fainted before going to work but made it anyway - a tad late but they are used to that now! Stayed 2 hrs came home - boss told me to see GP and get signed off - well the cleaner isn't trained in bodily fluids. Signed off for 3 weeks to cover pending hospital appointmnets. Took a tumble yesterday - face not a pretty sight (all together now 'it never was before so why worry now' thanks) bled like a stuck pig because of the warfarin and have a gold medal jobby of a black eye. Time for another drink everyone?
Hi seekz - say hello to the osplets for me please, I had a go at the KM doodah, so if you could fix it for me to continue in the freefall I will be your twitcher mate for life coz I likes being different. Night night x
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They don't wear bloody bootees anymore bez surely, but it means don't knit into the stitch just pass it over to the other needle, you will prob purl into it the next row (did I just write all that when I'm pi$$ed)?
More drinks it is then and then , well anybodies guess eh??
Language mamya please! Look what you done now bez - she was fine a minute ago. Large ones all round then - where's Jan - not another under the table tonight? Ladyalex will have to append seat belts to these garden chairs - and you know she doesn't like to splash the cash.
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Raise yer glasses to girl power.
go girls
Oh dear ttfn, not a great return to work. Hope your face is not too sore love.

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