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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
339 Answers
The Club is now open.

The moat has been thoroughly cleaned since last week and members are advised that swimming is again safe between the lower green flag and the upper green flag.

On no account are members to try to swim between the upper green flag and the lower green flag. This could be hazardous.

All prizes for the non-raffle will be gratefully accepted if left on the small hall table.

Tonight's winning tickets will be drawn tonight.


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I saw it this morning Jan - don't think I will look again for a couple of days.
♫ I'm the barkeep and I'll cuss if I want to♫
Carry on knitting bez - they are supposed to grow into them aren't they? So long as they only wear them for the sack race they will do just fine.
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♫ If we don't know you by now.........♫
A white horse went into the bar and the barman says 'I've got a whisky named after you'

The horse replies ' Eric?'
arf arf pmsl
Jan please pass the tena pack quickly - mamya has .........needs
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Well I didn't think my joke was as limp as bez's
Maybe so bez - but time doesn't stand still (and apparently there has been a lot of water under that particular bridge) Dr white is all but forgotten now and the word is tena now.
Dr whites made good surgeons masks when I operated on me dolls ha ha
me mam used to give mea note to take to shop and he would put them in a paper bag and wink at me how weird!!
I used them as face masks when I liberally covered my first cat with Bob Martin's flea powder- had to do so because of dreadful hayfever - me not the cat. The neighbours said I looked peculiar in the garden. Actually I looked peculiar anywhere really.
Please don't make me laugh. I was in the kitchen earlier getting hubby a drink when I dropped the top off the bottle. I had to call him to take over cos I knew if I bent over I was going to wet myself. God I hate being this age. Think we should get free tenas.

I actually did just have a senior moment. Hubby fell asleep on the sofa about an hour ago and as he is having trouble sleeping I thought ah bless I'll leave him there. Just had a thought though, should I wake him up to take his sleeping tablet........ doh.
I feel like an old music hall act tonight
Yeah right - I look like one too
Oh Jan been there done that, just be careful not to turn into nursy, its very easy done. If he's sleeping let him be. Bless you

Wonder if there was a dr white, I remember timothy whites I think
In all honesty Jan one of my so-called-mates from work bought me, among other things for my recent birthday, a key ring with the legend on it 'You smell of wee'. Big sis thought this highly amusing. I didn't - the truth hurts. If you wake him up it may take a while to get back off - my sleeping pills dont ruddy well work either. I am still waiting for last nights to kick in for goodness' sake.
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