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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
339 Answers
The Club is now open.

The moat has been thoroughly cleaned since last week and members are advised that swimming is again safe between the lower green flag and the upper green flag.

On no account are members to try to swim between the upper green flag and the lower green flag. This could be hazardous.

All prizes for the non-raffle will be gratefully accepted if left on the small hall table.

Tonight's winning tickets will be drawn tonight.


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I am trying very hard to be spared at the moment. Thank you for yet again a very hospitalable night ladyalex, sweet dreams and ttfn x
Goodnight Miladt the beds are all aired and have put up the mozzie net so you can have the shutters open.

ttfn ooh field trips, makes me remember the Trough of Bowland.
Have you seen the tweeny lately mamya - it is ages since I saw her doing the breast stroke through the large punch bowl - I hope she hasn't syphoned off more than she can slurp
Well Milady has employed these young uns afore and it doesn't often work out, then there was the incident with the chauffeur and the scullery maid, but we draw a veil (no pun intended) over that.
I love it when milady gets a bit uppity with us - fairs me grin - you couldn't see that under the burky wotsit but take my word for it. I meant to bring a large steak for the eye but knew she would have it away for his ludships breakfast . Fancy a good stiff drink now mamya - the tantalus is under the table - whoops there is Suezy - try not to wake her.
If we whisper am sure she will not rouse, a large one for you sweet? or is that a silly question.
Hysterically funny mamya - but I do like our soh!
Sorry for the bid pauses I am on MSN to my daughter too lol
That's nice mamya - no apology needed, I had something to attend to too. I hope your family is all well?
oh yes she's just inviting herself and grandson for tea ha ha as hubby is working.
Sunday tea with the family - lovely for all of you - 3 generations!
Indeed I love it, don't this little lad as often as the other but he's a sweetheart a very gentle boy, but he adores my sense of humour and we have a good laugh.
Nice to see good hereditary lines mamya! I hope flicrat is ok in that duck house - me thinks it is too small for me to get comfy in - unless I chuck the tiler out first!
Theres allers the conservatory and we can fag it in there wahay!!
You are incorrigible mamya - I am a dirigible in this burkha - there phew I have removed it - smoking in one of these is dangerous you know - there is no orifice for the mouth or nostrils!
Indeed a hindrance to the dreaded weed LOL Oh lets crack another bottle am recklesss tonight.
Yes please mamya - I swear bez's surname is Eel! I can't keep up with her!
Another chair please mamya - we may be getting some special company!!
Will do and have some sparklers on standby to brighten up the tailcocks, so watch they don't set light to your hairnet love.
It may be 2 special guests yet mamya - this is exciting

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