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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
339 Answers
The Club is now open.

The moat has been thoroughly cleaned since last week and members are advised that swimming is again safe between the lower green flag and the upper green flag.

On no account are members to try to swim between the upper green flag and the lower green flag. This could be hazardous.

All prizes for the non-raffle will be gratefully accepted if left on the small hall table.

Tonight's winning tickets will be drawn tonight.


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You are the perfect gent alexanderd - I omitted tumbe for - err emm - obvious reasons. Nice to see milady planning ahead - is her middle name mercia or similar sounding?
Shall I draw the colours Milady??
Question Author
Whilst we are waiting for the shuttle, I shall draw the non-raffle.

Tonight's winning number is number.........BLUE

hurrah! I won the Acdo!!
Question Author
Sorry, Mamya, our posts passed in cyberspace.....who needs a space shuttle?

Please draw the rest of the non-raffle...I have my Acdo, so am less interested than usual.
BLUE, but I have pink! Fiddle, mutter, mutter.
Oh bother I had number pink again, if nobody claims the tape measure can I have it please I may have to measure the depth of the moat to make sure it is safe for swimming
Question Author
There may be other colours to come...don't all lapse into the slough of despond....
Come lovely bombs and fall on Slough,
It isn't fit to live in now...
ladyalex you have come over all poetic, could his lordships new haircut and beard-trim have anything to do with this?
Hi Alex, moat is smashing desperatly tryingto keep awake for the space ship passing. Have you considered getting a job with NASA?
I do not wish to win gran's tape measure - I know why the first 2 inches are missing

SHe has been knitting <<whispewrs now>> willy warmers - only small ones mind.
Jan - I have little slips of litmus paper in my meds box - just in case something untoward happened with the non-raffle - please help yourself.
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I have no wish to know what gran has been knitting.

I am sometimes poetic, alexanderd, sometimes not.
The muse comes and goes.
Miss Meg they did offer me a trip into space but at my age I prefer to keep my feet on terra firma and anyway it is very hard to keep the tailcocks in the glass up there
thew winning numbers are


help yourselves from the table
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Thank you, Mamya...looks like I won quite a few prizes tonight!..Acdo, babywipes, etc etc...I am lucky at these non-raffles. Hurrah!
All 20 of mine were green
I had one pink and 17 a sort of puce colour(could be because I spilt my drink on them I suppose). Oh well there is always next week
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Now now, don't be bad losers......
Well you have to sort it out between yourselve, maybe ttfn would like the velcro hair curlers?

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