After the excitements of last week, let us hope for a calmer evening tonight.
The moat has been cleared of tennis balls, the drainpipes have had barbed wire put round and extra locks have been installed. It is to be hoped that these precautions will be sufficient.
The Committee have decided to re-instate the raffle in place of the non-raffle, so any prizes would be appreciated. No more knitted biscuits, please. We're still unravelling the dog .
Any new members wishing to join will receive a warm.
I'll come with you MissMeg to do some rounding up, I think Prudentia is a little slow today, you take the upper lower meadow and I'll have a look in the longer short field at the other end of the meadow. Rustlers are such a pain.
Probably me splashing in the moat. I got a real taste for it a week or so back and use it for a quick getaway. Do you want to frisk me for the teaspoons?! Or the Koi carp??
Flicrat.....we have some friskies left over from when we had a cat...I think they're somewhere in the potting shed. If you find them you could frisk yourself.
I'm afraid marjorie is rather shy, her thong has somehow attached itself to her southern regions and she is destined to read the first lesson in church tomorrow. I think she is hoping it wil be from acts of the epistles.
good evening all have been partaking of the late evening sun, lovely voice m,lady .Matron just to show there are no hard feelings over last week I have left a bunch of flowers for you in the upper, lower vestibules.
flicrat...I'm surprised about the non-frisking. I took you for a frisker.
Was there a tiler, ever ? Did we ever have the much talked of Mah Jong drive ?
Is there a God ?
Miss Meg, I haven't seen Uncle Joe or his mintballs all week. I thought you had taken him back with you last week. He is yours, when all is said and done.
OH thanks so much, will pop off and put them in water, you are so kind. Will check on the boys too, though am sure they were playing whist last time I checked.