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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:55 Sat 11th Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
156 Answers
The Club is now open.

Welcome one and all .
Members are asked to be careful when crossing the moat. Due to staff shortages it has not been thoroughly filtered this week.

After the fiasco of a raffle last week, I have rather lost interest, so have not donated any prizes this week. Sniff.

The Committee respectfully reminds any member who has not already done so to do so.

(Opening a little early tonight on account of the Last Night of the Proms.)


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Perhaps we could make it a regular event....we could do with a few replacement carpets in here.

Miss Meg, I'll have you know that lordalex's activities on the rug used to be renowned and much sought after...I was the envy of the W I.
Well the mins boggles we only had Lino, sniff

I think your thrums are where you left your big scissors milady.
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I'll never find them then.....thrumless and scissorless, I don't know

Lino's pretty good for the night time cramps in the feet, better than carpet.
I used to live in the town where most of the lino in Britain was made.....didn't half whiff of linseed oil....
It is ok until it cracks and then you get nipped bits LOL

I shall search for the required tools of the trade
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That is very kind of you, Mamya.
However, I must be off to bed now, so I bid you all Good Night!
Thanks for all the laughs and don't forget to let Ena out.
See you all next week, if we're spared.
ladyalex :-))
Well I left the broom stick at home and flew here on the magic carpet, now you lot have cut it up and made origami out of it.
Taxi please, milady pays.
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Just pooped back to remind everyone (ahem , that means you Miss Meg) that ladyalex NEVER pays.
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popped back...ladyalex never poops either
Goodnight Ladyalex, sweet dreams and thanks again for the use of the Manse
Bit like the Queen eh?
Good night Milady, all beds turned down and best Egyptian cotton sheets in place, will seek out the thrums for next week, don't worry about Ena I will put some bread and water under the door later.

No taxis for miles dear sorry.
Well Matron looks like thee and me again good job I brought my dancing shoes
Oh I have my dancing frock all ready
now that we are all alone you can tell me what really happened to Ena, I hope she is not poorly again
I would not want to betray a confidence but cannot be cruel as both she and I care for you and would not want you to worry, she is staying with her sister till Monday. You are a gentleman.
I thought that might be the case sorry to hear it she is such a cheery person and gives us all a good laugh . Dont know if you can get in touch with her but if you can please convey my best wishes and tell her I will keep a space on my dance card for her
I worry about you two!! Thank you for your suport in A&N, will post there as things progress. Snuggle cuddle, don't want to be gooseberry, at your age as well!! tut tut
Sorry to hear it ? She is keeping Sis company and is fine, of course if we speak I will pass on you regards, dance card indeed harrumph!! LOL
Miss meg read your thread tonight in A&n but didnt really know what else to say but thinking of you and I am sure you will know when the time has come
Yes me too Meg did not think it right to comment here, take care my love.

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