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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:55 Sat 11th Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
156 Answers
The Club is now open.

Welcome one and all .
Members are asked to be careful when crossing the moat. Due to staff shortages it has not been thoroughly filtered this week.

After the fiasco of a raffle last week, I have rather lost interest, so have not donated any prizes this week. Sniff.

The Committee respectfully reminds any member who has not already done so to do so.

(Opening a little early tonight on account of the Last Night of the Proms.)


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dont want to upset you lot, not at your advanced years, would slightly cliquish be more acceptable ? lol
Meg you do not know the half of it, she was fair out of control and I feared for poor Alex the way she kept mumbling "I'll have him" over and over, sedation was the only option.
who would you like to decorate m'lady
anneasquith we are neither clannish or clickish we welcome anyone as long as they are mad, age is irevel,ilereff,,,doesnt matter at all
mamy I really do think you should let Ena out if she hasnt had a drink tonight she will be worse than ever
No Anne not really we have welcomed you with open arms, sorry you find us so, thanks again for the Stovies a very kind thought
Well, I have wondered about her being hyperactive, does she ever sleep? Still seems a bit harsh, is Alex happy with this?
Think the Xmas decorations are a bit early, haven't even had All Saints yet!!
i am going home to make some chips on my aquafry,see yous later,
AllSaints? arent they one of those girlie bands?
who mentioned chips . crinkle ?
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I think , as a mark of our non-clannish-ness you should decorate Anneasquith, slinky.

I am inclined to agree with Mamya as regards Ena...I saw what she was up to earlier and it's for her own good that she has been restrained...not to mention the wear and tear there would be on the furniture with all that head -banging.
Worry not. Brought my own life jacket and a suckling pig for the raffle.
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Welcome, help yourself to a tailcock and some nibbles

I think there was also talk of chips.......
"decorate " ? not for a while ?
Oh Daisy welcome a suckling pig, the last we had was at Michaelmas what fun that was.

Is Anne being decorated, what will her title be, do I have to curtsey, my knees you understand?
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I don't think curtseying will be necessary, Mamya......
We all have knees at our ages and stages.

Has alexanderd sorted out his pants yet ?
oh oh, can i be the duchess of buchanan street ?
We have a STICKY again wahay!!

Of course Anne tho you may have to remind me now and then.
Just come home, did I hear 'restraining'....erm.... can someone please tell me more.....
sounds interesti..... oh but shocking I'm sure....????... any handcuffs or bedposts mentioned,... purely in the interests of research of course!
You may refer to my having to restrain and confine ttfn in the depths of the dungeons for misdemeanours, it is unfortunate but necessary, Do hop you are well Pru?

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