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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:55 Sat 11th Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
156 Answers
The Club is now open.

Welcome one and all .
Members are asked to be careful when crossing the moat. Due to staff shortages it has not been thoroughly filtered this week.

After the fiasco of a raffle last week, I have rather lost interest, so have not donated any prizes this week. Sniff.

The Committee respectfully reminds any member who has not already done so to do so.

(Opening a little early tonight on account of the Last Night of the Proms.)


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where in the waynes world do you live Stewey?
no offence ment to Stewey! much grovelling
Five hours away, petal:)
hello all,popped in for a tailcock,i was cleaning the attic and found this here xmas tree ,only 104 days to go you know,i also had a blow up reindeer which i left at the entrance to the moat,i thought if i put this here xmas tree in the great dance hall you could all put your little gifts under it and i will have loads to open when i come up for my dinner on xmas day,i hope yous are all well,how old is this australian ,is it john james????
You must be over the big pond stewey we may swim over soon as it is still light over there
Oops the others are under 40 milady - I see milady has already instructed her briefs about the copyright.
Just remembered I brought some bottles of vino suspecto back from my hols please help yourself and as we arent having a raffle thingy I havent brought anything
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Sorry to be away...distracted by the Proms.

A rival, you say! Prepare to repel boarders!
Splice the mainbrace!
I would think, alex, that after swimming across that moat you guys have you would be to tired to tackle the pond:)
slinky please not the xmas tree yet and why pray are all the gifts yours? I did not know we were catering on xmas day, better put more sprouts on.

I think Stewey is nicer than John James
You underestimate us Brits Stewey a hardy lot you know.
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Stewey seems very nice.
Who is John James ?
Is he a euphemism ?
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Hello alexanderd.
How was your sojourn in Cypress ?
Anyway, you nice lot, I'm off across the field to the bar in order to quaff a few wobbly-pops.............cheers!
Hello Ladyalex, I dont know what you lot were up to last week but that moat took some cleaning tonight which is why I was tardy arriving
Had a lovely time ladyA decided against going topless didnt want to frighten the natives you know
Bye Syewey have a wobbly pop fer me♥
Alexander, there was a rumour that you were phoning home about Nickers Ear - we were confused....
one jod less for the crew tomorrow,many thanks
well i'm giving you's plenty of time to choose special presents for me ,dont forget to put my name on them,cos mamya is wanting my is mollykins has given me this idea,great isnt it.

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