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Mad over Fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 20:02 Sat 04th Dec 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
171 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Welcome again, one and all on this wintry evening.
The fires are all banked up, the Aga is glowing and the warming drinks are almost ready.

Sadly the drawbridge has been frozen shut , so access can only be gained by skating over the moat.
Members are respectfully reminded to leave their skates at the door as the blades would play havoc with the parquet in the grand hall.

There are these prizes for tonight's raffle:

A fish supper. (Uneaten , still in it's original newspaper)
A hot water bottle. (Only one visible leak covered by elastoplast)
Two ounces of pink wool. (Double knitting...different batch numbers.)

Members are also reminded that the buckets in the downstairs conveniences are there for a purpose and are on no account to be used.


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Hello Bobbi. You are most welcome to enter here, and this place is usually an oasis of peace and quiet, but unfortunately tonight we have been invaded by the Hoe for the Bewildered next door. So , if you could please join forces with us, we will try to eject them
Whisper nicely to matron Stuckbra!. She keeps a little something in for me - we call it heart medicine lol. Matron - I would have thought that an accident in the woods is better than having one in the short shrubbery. A toast to your uncle coober. Miss meg - you are a hearty soul ( I went in the cupboard under the stairs for one, so to speak)
Bobbi how wonderful you have popped by, I have a twinkle in my eye, there's many a good bloke called Bill, do come in and drink your fill,

There is plenty on the buffet sideboard to warm up coffees etc and a excellent selection of tailcocks.

Shall go get my arnica cream fer bruised wotsits.
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You're neede back her to get rid of teh Bewildered lot. They're taking over.

help !
I can see the yellows of their eyes!
Why can't folk just debate and get on???
seems a waste of energy to me..LOL
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Debate ?
Are you insane ?
Are you one of the Bewildered?
There's no reasoning with them...

Help !
Helllllooooooooooo Bobbi! Welcome, come and have a seat - ignore her ladyship's rallying cry - tis too cold for games outside tonight. Some mulled refreshment wee geordie lass?
I am in a good one and have had a good day
so I have popped in her to have my say,,,in a friendly manner of
Have they got in the mansion?
Uncle Joe's blunderbuss at the ready.
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They're inside now. I am retreating to the upper hall.
Tin hats out and prepare to repel, they are not coming in, shall I send for three and fourpence??
OMG Quick, chuck the contents of the buckets over them. That will get rid of them. You'll have to wait a bit for me though I'm just finishing off this Irish coffee Mamy made for me.
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three and fourpence ?

Send for anything you think will help.
I'm locking up the minute books and the club funds as we speak.
Bobbi are you lost dear there is no debate we must repel, here is your tin hat
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Collect up the buckets.
That was a brainwave, starbucksie
Right follow me >>>>>pushes lady alex in front, we'll hide in the bushes and have a stratagey talk
I think we have them cornered prepare to tip em over the ramparts
Where are you locking them up to My Lady, just in case we have to get to them in a hurry. Especially the club funds.
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oooh, gruuuugh, aaaarrrgghhh
On my way Ladyalex fear not I shall soon repel these boarders as they dont pay any rent. Blunderbus not needed I have my trusty(rusty) toasting fork at the ready

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Mad over Fifties CLub

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