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Mad over Fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 21:02 Sat 04th Dec 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
171 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Welcome again, one and all on this wintry evening.
The fires are all banked up, the Aga is glowing and the warming drinks are almost ready.

Sadly the drawbridge has been frozen shut , so access can only be gained by skating over the moat.
Members are respectfully reminded to leave their skates at the door as the blades would play havoc with the parquet in the grand hall.

There are these prizes for tonight's raffle:

A fish supper. (Uneaten , still in it's original newspaper)
A hot water bottle. (Only one visible leak covered by elastoplast)
Two ounces of pink wool. (Double knitting...different batch numbers.)

Members are also reminded that the buckets in the downstairs conveniences are there for a purpose and are on no account to be used.


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DSJ If you need a push-start give me a shout, only happy to help a lady in need
Sorry Kate - I wasn't ignoring you, my equipment is not up to speed tonight. Well done, that must be a relief for you ((((((((((HUG)))))))))) from me too ♥
I'll let you into the secret. It's a tiny yellow opal. I mined it myself in Coober Pedy.
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Careful, alexandred...don't want to upset Ena......

Welcome Starrybuck, nice to see you again. I'm sure Mamya can rustle you up some coffee.
I had an Uncle Coober what a coincidence

Starbuckle do make yourself at home
That's kind of you, alexanderd. Shall we go outside now? If I win the opal in the matchbox, please draw again. Byeeee.....
DSJ I did that a few years back
Most impressive DSJ but not as big as her ladyship's oar she has for stirring. alex? ALEX ????
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You had an Uncle Coober a few years back, alexanderd ?
I do not wish to know that.

Goodnight DSJ. A short visit but an enjoyable one.
Don't worry, Ena. We won't get up to mischief. See you all next week.
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I was only trying to protect you , Ena.......
Night DSJ - no worries, take care
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I'd follow them out , Ena
It wasnt me who had the uncle coober LadyA it was Matron, what are you drinking tonight? Ok got the jump-leads ready Dsj
It was my uncle coober Milady alas no more, sniff he had an incident with a wild boar in the woods bless him
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He's talking jumping now, Ena....
Thanks for the coffee but do you think I could have a little something in it - and not out of the green bucket please. Come to think of it not out of any of the other buckets either. What I need is something to warm the cockles of my heart, whatever that is. I haven't unfrozen yet and as I am not very good at skating I slipped on to my wotsit on that icy moat still trying to get rid of the bruises.
Alex did an excellent job of unfreezing the drawbridge.
Been for habitual break and "that lot from next door" are in the ornamental garden with hooters and party hats.
And one of them is sitting on Ellie.
Good evening all, it's plain to see
that all is peaceful in here for me
I have had a good day, both me and Bill
can I look forward to peace and goodwill?

Bobbi x
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I'm sure Mamya can provide you with a winter warmer, Starrybucks...but the news from Miss Meg is very disturbing.

All hands on deck now. Prepare to repel boarders.. Knock over their zimmers, Do whatever you have to but get that lot out of the garden.
Alexanderd, form a rescue party and release Ellie.

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Mad over Fifties CLub

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