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Mamyalynne | 21:12 Sat 12th Feb 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
180 Answers
Her Ladyship appears delayed, so welcome all.


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Cheers everyone, any new recipes for tailcock mixes are always welcome.
Well, not so as to be heard on AB
Tyhe windows are shut, fluff ;o)
lol ttfn, i should hope so too!

its very quiet shall i get everyone on tequila slammers?
Mamya - why are there no male members here in Club tonight? Not much of a Valentine turn out yet, is it?
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I have made vodka and lime jellies too, hic! If you drop those they bounce too.
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Male members pfft!! are you in the right topic dear, Sqad may help you with anything medical.
If you don't mind, fluff, I am not allowed salt - hyper-my-backside-tension, so i will stick with my cognac, but I hope others take up the kind offer.

Right, time for a little of the Poet-what-Lauri-Ate

Rose’s are red
Violet’s are blue…
Violet should get
Thermal underwear, too
i've got one of them but its a bit rude, might get removed :-)
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♫ You are my sunshine,
come share my moonshine.
We shall get merry beneath the tree,
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
For you are my drinking buddy. ♫
Evening everybody. I have brought some smoked salmon and olives which have a use by date of tomorrow. Perhaps they could be part of our early Valentine celebration?
For the rufflette some bath bombs. Too timid to use them in my tiny bathroom!
As part of the celebrations we could have a ladies' excuse me dance. Or even a spirited performance of Strip the Willow?
So Excited!
Well at least that would have a novelty value, eh fluff? ☺
Mamya - cheers!
Hi Daisy - I do love an olive, unstuffed of course, and smoked salmon in scrambled eggs - swoon
Ladies I am popping to Tesco's in a bit,is there anythin I can get for the club,tailcock sticks,pickled onion monstermunch,male members? My man servant here can bike anything over to you, he's very nifty on a bike.
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Daisynonna, how wonderful a feast is developing here. Hope Ena doesn't win the bath bombs, she is accident prone - may have to call the UXB guys in.
Cheers bloom - a male would be nice, ta.

My love is like a red, red rose
Though ‘tis hibernating now
Some bugger pruned me, far too hard
I am a sad old mardy cow
mmm stuffed olives, i had some of them but i ate them, they were stuffed with garlic, good thing i'm in tonight :-)

i best not ttfn, i'll drag you all into the gutter with me and i'll get told off and not be allowed in again :-(
psst..........................dont let slinky kate in.....she has the " LURGY " for the ruffle i have a kitchen pulley ( no rope ) unused hand granade...,
My epitaph fluff - 'We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars'
Tulips are red
Forget me nots blue
Without your two lips
I won't forget you
Hello anne - the grenade is mine - all mine - anyone want to argue?
Thought not ☺

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