Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Welcome To The AnswerBank ScienceAny discussion that is scientifically led is acceptable, whether it is about physics or a conspiracy theory.
Whilst discussions and debates are encouraged, The AnswerBank reserves the right to remove answers that are deliberately misleading, e.g. by implying that a statement is a scientific theory or law when it is not, especially when such answers may impact personal health choices.
The AnswerBank makes no claim regarding the scientific accuracy of any post (question or answer) made by a member.
I did something pretty dumb, after a few drinks. I am based in the UK, and went to an escort who was Chinese. I had protected sex, and she supplied me with a condom, she was very adamant about use of...
I live in the UK, I had protected vaginal sex with a Chinese escort, but she gave me oral unprotected. Could I catch HPV? I’m seeing a clinician, and getting tested for all stds, so everything appears...
https:/ /www.ne wscient ist.com /articl e/23187 46-simp le-webc am-test -could- show-wh ether-y ou-lack -a-mind s-eye/ In the last few weeks I think that I am losing the ability to 'see' with my mind's eye. I miss...
The ITER fusion Tokamak project in Cadarache France still have Russian scientists employed. Absolutely disgusting… kick the dirty f?&@ers out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
In thought Ronnie O'Sullivan is number 1 in the world ranking
So why had he got number 2 against his name ?...
I was thinking back to my schooldays a few days ago and I recall a science teacher creating a volcano out of one or more powders in a metal tray by igniting the stuff with a match. Does anyone know...
I’m unsure if I have psoriasis or not, I’ve had itching and slight redness on and off for years in a private area and at a appointment my gp muttered the word psoriasis which worried me a bit. Steroid...
Yesterday, two wind turbines kept in phase for all the time that I watched them. Was turbulence locking their rotations together? One was directly downwind of the other. A third turbine, at the side...
I awoke to see a glorious red moon last night.
Just wondered what caused it...
Can someone help me get my head around this. I can get a mental picture of how magnetism, electricity etc work. I have been reading about how muscles work and I understand the mechanics and I know the...
Hi Folks, For the past 12 months, I have been putting a 2 litre bottle of water in the fridge at work, (which I fill up from a tap) to have to drink for the following day. However, for the past couple...
There are at least two TV programmes ( This Morning - Lynsey Crombie "Queen of Clean" and Filthy House SOS) where they recommend sodium bicarbonate and lemon juice or vinegar as home-made cleaners....
I saw the name in the book and the book said that I see the video by this title but I can find it can someone give me the link...
Is 125 beats after walking 15 mins normal? It stays above 100 for 5-10 minitues....
As the clocks went forward last weekend, my wall clocks changed automatically. So my question is what is in the clocks and how does it know when to go back or forth??
We are getting poor TV reception right now. It's a lovely day, blue sky no wind. According to worldweatheronline the pressure now is over 1020, which is considered high. But why is TV reception...
Where it is applied
I’m currently still a kid, 15, however my eyesight has progressively gotten worse over the years, currently sitting at -9 and -10 diopters on my right and left eyes respectively, so I’m fearing losing...
Do any ABers think that nuclear fusion as a viable source of clean energy is achievable within the next, say, 20 years?
I have an open fire in my lounge with a cast iron fire gate in which the fire burns. I noticed some years ago that empty aluminium cans when put on the hot embers of a coal fire degrade, the can,...