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Have You Started Your Christmas Shopping Yet?

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AB Editor | 11:15 Thu 15th Nov 2018 | Christmas
34 Answers

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  • No. - 164 votes
  • 57%
  • Yes. - 107 votes
  • 37%
  • Other, I will discuss below. - 19 votes
  • 7%

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Good morning all.

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almost finished
Christmas cards at the ready.
I'm quite organised up to now.
Nearly finished, most wrapped three things left to pick up at the week end.
the grown up kids get cash so no stressful shopping to do :-)
Voted Yes, but needed a kinda option, really.

Bought a book, in January, for someone, and that was going to be the start. Then realised that I wasn't going to be able to afford to get something for everyone else, so I'm just buying for my Great Nephew and his half-Sister (Although I'm not related to her) and I've explained and apologized to the others in my Family (Not what I wanted...).
I've selected 'Yes' because I've bought a few little prezzies so far (partly because I had an hour to kill while my car was in a workshop right by Asda and Smyth's Toys earlier this week) but that doesn't mean that I've really got involved in Christmas shopping yet.

The latest I've left it, before even buying Christmas cards to be sent overseas, was 3.30pm on Christmas Eve before buying anything at all for Christmas. I think that my cards might have arrived just a little bit late that year ;-)
I buy things through the year when I see something for a certain person....then I hide them away.
That works well for me unless I forget and, as I did yesterday, find a two Christmases ago gift.....and think.....
Hmmmm....they're good now..... :-(

I also buy online now as I hate busy and crowded shopping.
gness, have you finished knitting my christmas jumper with the red nosed reindeer on the front?

The weekend of 22/23rd Dec is early enough for all of us.
Almost, nose on the front and botty and swishing tail on the back...that was right wasn't it?... ;-)
that's the one, plus a black dickie bow on the collar

I don't buy Christmas presents, or cards.
All done 3 xmas cards
Slightly off the direct topic, how far do you throw the net of presents? Some people seem to buy for every Tom, Dick and Harry, distant relatives, that couple you met on holiday etc. We decided a few years ago it would be the immediate family only, grandchildren in our case and a Secret Santa for the few adults. So liberating, I don't know why there is so much stress about buying or why people put themselves into huge debt.
nearly finished..a few bits 'n' bobs to to write next week...deccies up in a fortnight, a few wreaths to buy for cemeteries... and a foodie list to write..... have I mentioned birthday recently ? ..would it be a good time....wish list on Amazon..Harrods..John Lewis...Fortnums....De Beers..Boodles...Chanel...
Zebo - I agree. I stopped buying when my kids preferred money to actual presents. I don't put up decorations either.

It's still summer...
Cutting right back this year got a couple of things for grandchildren. Children will get money.

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