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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Night Night

Morning all.

No more sugar today shaney, leave that to me!

Hope Mr woofy and woofy and dogs had a quiet night.

Hope lottie mouth (and everything else) is calmer today

Hope Robi is more settled today and loving everyone

Hope jude is having a quiet day, all this gadding about.....

Hope jno is quaffing vin and escargot.

Hope Dolly is having a peaceful night.

Hope our Vinny is OK!
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..... and hope Neti has a good day free from lizards and multi coloured spiders.....................

It's so sweaty here, could hardly walk home. Found the cat locked in and the back door unlocked! but Mr N had been home and he'll deny it was him!
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My god, he is the same as Mr LL!!

I found half a packet of prawns eaten (I had saved them for my lunch), but it wasn't him at all!!!! I shall have to have a serious talk with the dog and cat about raiding the fridge.

Off out for scone and coffee with friend. Have just had a brisk half hour walk with Megs over the field. It's lovely out there.

A'noon all, weather's not as good as yesterday yet. I suppose it'll brighten up when it's too late to do anything.

Welcome back Jude! Chill out a bit!

shaney every day's a sugary one for me...and salty, although that craving hasn't been quite as bad lately. Likewise the bananas tomatoes. My sister's friend's mum is ill & all she wants to eat are toms & her doc said it's probably a potassium thing. As 'nanas have a lot of it too I suppose that's what my craving's been about. I just go with it now, your body knows best, if it demands cake & chocolate who am I to argue? :o)

That's a cute lizard neti (but I wouldn't want it in my bedroom)...and yes, I feel better than yesterday & am liking the world more. Just give me 10 mins <<< out there & I guarantee it'll all change. :o)

Lovely comfy top Lottie....and of course I felt obliged to have a look round on there. There's a navy reefer jacket I like the look of, I wanted one last year, but it might be a bit short, I like coats & jacket to cover my backside & keep my hips warm.

Men! They deny everything don't they? Never explain...never apologise...pah! who needs 'em? :o)
....and I shall have to have a word with mousey about unlocking doors when she is home alone rofl!
Oh dear me no, Mr N would never eat prawns willingly!
At last ladies I've had time to catch up a bit. I'll have to combine messages. I hope everyone with the collywobbles are now feeling better. Husbands are behaving and taking their medication and doing as they're told. Admitting they sometimes leave doors unlocked.

I had a wonderful couple of days down in Zummerzet with Steadier an his wife. They really looked after me. Everytime I got in the back seat of their car his wife held the door open for me. We visited Watchit, Dunster, where he bought me lunch, and Tarr Steps. Then at the end of the day they dropped me off at the station for my train home. I'll put a photo or 2 on when I get round to it. Tarr Steps was a beautiful place.
Then on Saturday I went to Shrewsbury Flower Show with Fuscia. A lovely sunny day after a drop of rain when we were on the coach. I've never been before and it isn't really my scene but I can say I did enjoy it. Sunday and yesterday I was cleaning washing and shopping and then I had to go to town to book another trip this time to Norwich. I'm pleased I did as all the seats were nearly gone. Last night my sister came round as she is going away and will be away for her birthday and I had a card and pressie for her. So that's it -up to date.
I'm now looking for some silver hooped earings that have butterfly clips to keep them on. I can't find any in Derby anywhere. anybody have any ideas about anywhere on the net I might find some.
I have one more big expense coming up and that is my car service and MOT. So no more on the whim spending til after then. I did buy a bedside lamp this afternoon from Asda but it was a bargain in the sale.
Today I've been to a pub where they do all home cooked food and I had cottage pie with lovely mashed potato. Then I came home and had Vanilla icecream with whizzed up banana and Baileys poured over it. Loverrrrly.
Soon be ttea-time.
It's good to be back - see yer later 'gater(s)
Blimey jude, you've worn me out. What are Butterfly clips?
is that like post and butterfly (pierced ear) or different. Goodish day here. DH has got the collywobbles but has eaten two count then TWO meals today and my tens machine seems to work. I have got the pads stuck round my knee and the control thing wedged in my knickers (TMI) as I am sat here in my jammies and have no pockets. Its quite a strange buzzy sensation but deffo no pain.
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Nice to get the news from the Biddies' roving reporter!!

I don't know where you get your energy from Jude, but I am so pleased you have been having a good time.

I have just spent a couple of hours with my poorly next door neighbour just having nice chats, tea and cake.

I saw a jacket I really loved on the M&S site as well, but it only has 3/4 sleeves which is a shame. 3/4 sleeves on a winter jacket doesn't really seem a good idea. Now I shall be looking for something similar with long sleeves. Have decided that I shall be getting a new jacket/coat this year, something a bit more stylish than my usual fleeces and parkas and something that will be suitable for Russia next year. I don't expect it to be very warm there at the end of May.

This is the jacket I want or something like it

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Woofy, you have conjured up a wonderful picture in my mind. And as for vibrating things in your knickers........................... (censored!!!!)
I have one of those machines, but I don't get on very well with it. I seem to get in a mess with the four wires and mine must be bigger because it certainly wouldn't fit in my drawers!!!
Hello chooks
I've had a very fraught day . Went into town for a few bits and it was jammed with grockles .
On the bus home I get Two Ton Tessie sat next to me .I'm not exactly skinnie minnie but she made me feel like Twiggy.
Gab ,gab ,rabbit ,rabbit to the woman in front of her . So ,we get near my stop .Three times I asked her if she could please excuse me as I wanted to get off .Noooo ,gab bloody gab,regaling this woman that she was going to be 65 soon
( I thought to meself ,by the look of you love there must be heaps of hope for me ).
Anyway by the time she'd shifted her mutton off the seat he'd sailed past my stop and the next one and I had a long trek home with my creaking knees and hips . Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.Bloody ignorant gobby woman .Bah !
And she smelled .
Phew ..that's great ,getting that off my chest :)

Jude ,try Amazon for the earrings and I have you pencilled it in on my calendar .Will email asap .

Lol at Woofy with a machine stuck down her knickers .I've tried Tens(borrowed from a friend ) but didn't get any relief from it .Knowing me I probably had the thing arse about face .

Large drink for me I think and a bit of R&R in front of the tele .
Take care all Keep trucking xxxx
Nice jacket lottie.

Mr N suggested that we go out for a meal as it is too hot to cook, then spend 15mins moaning about paying the bills etc!

Had lovely mojitos, prawn and avocado salad and we shared a salami pizza, it was cool and fresh down by the beach, then hot slog home, swim in pool and now in air conned room, he's fine, had hia 6 monthly moan!
Hi all. Had a good laugh some of your posts. I'm getting really tired now.
Thanks for the tip about Amazon for earings Shaney. Will have a look and let you know how I do. By the way I made the magnificent sum of 2 on SOTD this week. Only managed to watch it today on iPlayer. Going to garden bit tomorrow if it doesn't rain.
I'm off now so Have a good night all my Biddyfriends everywhere. Love to you all!
Honestly your minds......the buzzy bit is the gel pads that you stick on. Yes I know what you mean about it not working, it either works or it doesn't and it's not placebo because it works on animals, also I am the worlds most sceptic sceptic, have worked with too many physios to have any belief in their magic powers, even the good ones.
We are all settled for the night and all is quiet......night night all.
I've just watched The Great British Bake Off .It's really good with a bit of history thrown in .
Very clever they all are at baking .But I get annoyed at the fact that the judges take little mouthfuls of cake and fumble and crumble about with it .I'd be in there like a shot and scoff the lot :)

I had 19 SOTD Jude .I like these new questions they've thrown in like the homonyms and anagrams etc .I must brush up on my particle physics though
Very good contest though this week . Durham were brilliant.

I'm looking forward to Who do you think you are this week .JK Rowlings ancestors came from my part of the world .There was an article about it in the local rag .

Oh well another day another dollar ....Night all .Be good and sweet dreams
Oh yoohoo Woofy .I had some treatment on my knees a good while ago at The Nelson in Merton .It was similar to a Tens thing .Pads put on the knees and an electric current pushed through .I think I had six sessions at the time but it didn't help and I ended up having both knees washed out ,one after the other.
Since then I've had cortisone ,but it's getting to the stage of replacement at least on my left knee or so my GP keeps muttering .If I sit and deliberately bend my knees they scream and crunch and are very swollen .The left one is the worst and gives out on me .I get so fed up with it .
Everything revolves around I going to have a relatively pain free day and be able to do something .Even today by the time I got home I was cream crackered. I spend a lot of time gritting my teeth :)
It's a bugger.
Take care and I wish you both a peaceful pain free night xx
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Anybody in!!!!

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