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Just have to say...................

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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Fed up with waiting here. Obviously they have all gone out for the day.....................................

Blow them all, I'm off to do something useful!!
I's here....

Oh well I'll go off and do something useful too!
morning all...knee tens is wonderful, took dogs out this morning then had some catch up sleep. DH and I then had a late normal breakfast and are watching daytime TV.
You can get GPS on the computer....
Please note, jno especially, if any of you receive emails from Maureen Smith (old biddy) they are not from me, do not open them., I do not use that email anymore for you lot.
I have also deleted all your email addys from that one.
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Ooooh I had one of those and opened it. There was nothing in it!!!

Son is backwards and forwards with jeep and trailer today carting logs from his garden to ours.

I am doing various things which include having cuppas every half hour or so.
I had one of those emails and there was a link on it that started 'a 9yr old' then all gobbledegook so I just deleted it, didn't open the link, and then put the name in my ban folder.
I only sent private emails now after the last scare and try to let you know on here.
a'noon all...I'm here, well for a short visit, weather's nice so I'm trying to make the most of it.
I've just been laughing at shaney's bus rant, I know the type & I think there are most of the reasons there why I hate buses, I'd freak if I missed my stop.

Oh dear buzzy machine's down drawers? I don't think that's a good idea for me, people would think I'd changed from a stick insect into a cricket. And apparently you can't use them for headaches, all that vibrating probably makes your teeth fall out :o)

Does anyone know if you can mix plain fybogel with (no sugar) squash? It's my neighbour, she usually has the orange but they've given her plain.
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Actually my email had a link, but I didn't open it either. But there was only a link. I guessed it wasn't our 'maureen'
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I haven't been on a bus for years and years.

Actually on thinking about it, I did get on a park and ride bus about two years ago and ended up at the completely wrong car park on the other side of the city.
Yes Robi, you can stir fybogel into any water based liquid including flavoured milk (yuck)....probably best not to put it in a G and T though.
Thanks woofy, it seemed to make sense to me but I didn't want to tell her to do anything that might have explosive consequences! :o)

Well it's been a lovely day weatherwise & in theory I've been sorting out the outhouse/ practise I moved things around, swept the floor and put it all back. The problem is it isn't stuff that can go in the bin so I'll need a man who can. Oh well, at least I know what's in there.
we went to town this afternoon and DH has come back exhausted...he went straight to lie down and I now have to get him into his jammies...wish me luck
oh dear, good luck woofy & a peaceful night for both of you x
All the best Woofy. Sleep well.
I'm just listening to my fave Footie team at the moment with my back door wide open and would you believe it's pitch black and I have Mr and Mrs Blackbird feeding on mealworms.
he's in bed and settled...i know you get post radiotherapy side effects but its all getting a bit much for me so i have emailed his lovely consultant for some advice....he's so thin........
Woofy, I signed off before your last message. I'm sorry. I really feel for you and hope you get some help. It must be very difficult knowing what is the best thing to do. You sound a lovely caring lady and I wish you and Mr W all the best. x
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I am shortly off out.

I am thinking of you both Woofie. Make sure you take great care of yourself too please. You have needs too and you need to be well and strong to take care of Mr Woof. Bless you! Much Love.


Mornin' All hope you have had a goodnight and feeling rested today. It isn't such a bright one weatherwise here. I'm off to meet my sister and we're going to walk to a pub out in the countryside for our lunch. Then when I get back I'm going to attack the garden again. Not happy with it at the moment but Robi, my viola and pansy seeds are beginning to show so maybe, just maybe, I'll have success with summat!! (That's Derby slang for the uninitiated :¬) Sister just arriving see yer later 'gater(s)

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