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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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morning Neti! if you are awake...where did you get the prayer from? DH doing well after a tired day yesterday, its me who is flagging. We had the fireworks last night, finally went to bed around quarter to midnight, dogs were fine in the living room with me with the telly on well dosed but I could't go to bed.. Knee has been giving me gyp all night, I am back to hobbling again. Will bite the bullet and see a physio next week.
IT looks like its going to be a fine day...once the paracetamol takes effect, I will go for the papers.
Morning woofy and all others. I got the prayer from FB! Have been up a while, getting hinja off to work at 9am and then getting Mr N to look at washing washing, and damn; damn; damn; he has mended it, and I wanted a new Samsung fuzzy logic with timer, one. We have just eaten bacon sandwiches with a cup of coffee, so am sitting on bed with fan on. Off for paella lunch at 2.15. Just waiting to washing to finish and to see if still leaking which is does not appear to be! Glad Mr woofy is settled. Why don't you dose yourself at night? My bottom hip is hurting like mad for the last couple of days. It's the same pain that I get on the other side when spine is curling, so maybe spine is turning back!!
Sorry for the typos.
Hello Chums
Belated birthday greetings Dolly .Hope you and your family are all keeping well and hope that you had a lovely dayxx

Very warm and steamy here .I've been on a downer for a coupla days .I 've had this rheumy attack and all my joints on fire . .But it goes off slowly .
You seem to have dodgy knees too Woofy .Mine are both painful and swollen .The last injection I had in the left knee has worn off now and I'm back to wearing a support from time to time .
Stop whining Shaney !
Hope everyone is KBO'ing and hope that you're all OK, and that poorly spouses and friends etc are getting on alright .
Pip pip for now .
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Mouth getting better and I am beginning to feel human again.

Glad that Mr Woof is up and running well Woofy I agree with Nets, my doc. told me to always take a couple of paracetamol before I go to bed as routine in order to get some quality sleep. i.e. attack the pain before it hits!!

Feel human enough to do some gardening. I have achieved nothing in the house or garden for a week now.

Neti. Master LL has one of the Samsung washing machines. Wretched thing plays a horrible little tune when it finishes and does nothing but bleep and flash at you during each cycle!! It would drive me mad!!! So stick with the old one.

See you later.

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Oooh, hello there Shaney!!

Sorry you have been on a downer. We could have kept each other company!!

Take care

Cheer up Biddies, and moan away on here!! Shaney and woofy you know you should spray your knees with WD40, it's made from fish oil, not so sure about the mouth though lottie.

Am off for paella now.

I hate these electronic washing machines, "put it onto rinse" says Mr N, how the devil do I do that? I have the flashing lights and bells and hate them. What happened to the good old dial and that's it?
You complain if you want to Shaney, I certainly do enough. Quiet day here. DH doing alright, my knee a blooming nuisance. Paracetamol helps but makes me go to sleep, I can't risk being dopey at night ATM. Dogs are fine, crashed out on the settees I have rubbed cold get on my knee and taken paracetamol and voltarol and it's easing.
DH offered to take me out to lunch but I can't walk far enough.
I know the feeling Woofy .Every painful step of the way .My hips and knees seem to be shrieking an awful lot lately .I can stand the knees it's the hips and lower back that drives me insane .
It's tearjerking to be honest .I can't take painkillers through the day .They make me feel feel spaced out .I dread the cold damp weather .
Still at least having now cleared the storage container I'm well equipped with walking sticks :)
Poor old crocks we are .
Nice to see are you feeling better Lofty xx
Poooo Neti ..that WD40 stinks :) I rub Pfedersalbe in .

ooh yes ..Give it a try Woofy .Very good stuff.
That sounds good shaney, does it do other things, ie mend things!

Have lunched, lollopped on lilo for an hour in pool annoying Mr N and neighbours by singing along loudly to my mp3, Steelers Wheel, PJ Proby and the lot, now cooling off in bedroom (have shared a bottle of the ole vino of course).

ASm watching Geraldine Mcewen (I think it is) as Miss Marple but not too sure of her, prefer Joan Hickson. They are actually in the Grand Hotel in Eastbourne. Watched an older one last night "Mirror cracked" with Joan Hickson and they even mentioned Sta Eulalia as being paradise, I had to keep replaying it as I couldn't believe it!
I wish it did mend things Neti . It's lovely and cooling for the old joints .I keep it in the fridge along with with variuos other cooling gel type stuff which I slap on my legs.
I have visions of Mr S spreading aloe vera gel on his toast one of these days :)

Yes ,Joan Hickson was the best Miss Marple and of course Margaret Rutherford .I wasn't keen on Geraldine McEwans portrayal .Too fluffy wuffy ,but Julia McKenzie is very good .
Can't seem to get Julia Mackenzie yet, but will keep looking, I like her.
I have got some stuff called biofreeze gel that works on the externals but it takes pills to get to the nerve pain. Anyway all quite well here, DH asleep comfortably after a fair intake day, dogs fine, I am mobile so all in all pretty grateful. I am sat here with a canadian whiskey and ginger ale out of my posh birthday bottle.
Sleep comfortably all.
I can't get past Joan Hickson as MM, she was the definitive version! Like Sir Alec Guinness as George Smiley. No outing for dogs this morning, I don't trust knee to hold up but it is better...lazy articles love a lie in and we will all go out later DV
Good morning everyone.
shaney I woke up thinking of your pains, it must be awful, I get twinges in knees and hips, and once the hip just gave away and i fell over but mine do not hurt all the time. I think the air con has a lot to answer for, but it's too hot to sleep without it! We have it only very gently not freezing!

Have been up since 7am (6am your time) cooking egg and bacon for hija before she goes to work, and back in bed with a cuppa now, having also swept the patio and sprayed the ants nest there!

Bro in law went to Brighton Hospital yesteday in readiness for his triple by pass today and all tests were fine so foingers crossed that he has his op and that all is Ok. Had a phone call from his son who is over here at the mo, inviting us to drinkies in his posh villa with swimming pool (and room for a pony no doubt) but it's so far away, that Mr N doesn't want to drive that far. Also a call from our god daughters who are arriving in San An and want to meet up but again, it's so hot and so far (by these roads standards) and roads are so dangerous with the summer people hurtling about. Also another call from another friend who hads some real Cheddar cheese for us, so no doubt we'll meet with them cos they are local!
Bad news, Bro in law cannot have his op as his infected toe is now ulcerated.
Oh Neti, sorry to hear that. He doesn't need a post op heart infection though.
<ding ding...ding ding...♫ To sail on a dream on a crystal clear ocean....♫

Morning creakies, stand aside, I'll show you how grumbling's done :o).
For the past week+ I've been halving my daily hrt, I know they want me come off it now, so you have been WARNED! Well I'm dizzy as hell, feel like I've been steam rollered, skin itches & my eyes are too sore to blink, I've got yellow fever (at the very least), wooly aphids and adelgids but does anyone care? No, the whole world hates me...and I hate them.......or p'raps I'm just constipated, lol.

Anyhoo, keep hanging on in there I hope you all feel better & that any operations will soon be over & done. The Met office says summer's finished after that case why does the week's forecast look to be glorious? I think we should prepare for an Indian summer.

♫...Hi Calypso, the places you've been to...♫

I'm going slightly mad, just inore me...everyone else is....nobody loves I look fat in this?...
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Sorry Robi, but your post has made me LOL. I can empathise with you!!!

Your post put this in my mind and I shall be singing it all day now.

Sorry about your brother Nets.

Off to docs shortly to discuss all sorts, which I shall promptly forget when I get there!!!

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PS My one regret is that I never saw the wonderful, talented Freddie live.

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