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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Morning all
Bright and breezy here .Hope you are all OK .
Poorly toes seem to be catching .I hope they all soon heal up for everyone concerned .
I have lots of little jobs to do today but I don't feel very enthusiastic .
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Good morning.

I do hope your friend will be OK jno. Poor lady. Please let us know.

Neti. In what way is your hair horrendous apart from being too short. I know I often hate my hair when it is first cut, except that my new hairdresser seems to take off too little rather than too much. Give it a week or two and you will become used to it. Is it shorter than the picture you showed us?

Hi Shaney, bright and breezy here too. Well the weather is - I am not. My mouth is so sore and I feel washed out, but am going to try and get going today.

Morning all.. Hope you and yours are toddling on....bit damp 'n breezy here.

That's nasty for your friend jno, I hope she gets though it ok. I was talking to my sis a few days ago about the silly accidents that happen in the home & how they can change your life (hopefully temporarily).

I see we're back to bazoombiza today...neti for pity's sake be careful & keep those crocs on, how would you cope with being laid up for weeks with a badly broken foot?! I tend to drop things on my feet from time to time, once it was a hefty book & I thought I'd got away with until my toe went black a couple of days later.
I'm never 100% happy with my hair, it's a good thing I can handle it myself or I'd look like a haystack. Most hairdressers I've ever had take too little off, or the lower layers are ok but there's not enough off the top, I'd like it shaggier...or short, but I'm not quite brave enough.
Good luck & best wishes for your b-i-l.

Hope you feel better Lottie, a sore mouth's bloomin miserable...and carry on clearing shaney, don't let them win. Hoarding must be a thing with some men, my b-i-l's dream is to live in a log cabin next to a scrap yard :o)

I did a mini life laundry yesterday, more of a handwash really, I cleared out my odds 'n end drawer (man drawer? :o)). Anyway, amongst much rammel I found two 1950s one shilling coins and a at least I know where I'm heading today.
Damn just lost a long post! grrr

Am just colouring the grey ring at the back of my heasd, horrible it looks: Lottie the cu is about 2/3 inches shorted than that piccy, I do not like it, but at least it will grow and next I'll go back to the other place even if it is more expensive cos they are good! My chap worked at Toni and Guy for years and is getting his own "Toni and Guy" salon this winter, well I'll run a mile!

jno, I do hope that poor woman rcovers and gets well and happy.

Toe is fine, no bother at all!
oh dear, everybody's busy doing their life laundry...
Not me, am off to see Ballet of Moscu dance Don Quijote with hija, (her treat) but it's so jolly hot, I suppose the theatre will be air conned!
NOOOOOOO, hija is not dancing with them..................
I've done ironing .Poop .Hate ironing .
Sorted out some books and some bags of bits and pieces for the charity shop .Hoovered upstairs .
Turfed out the desk where the computer is .
Shredded copious amounts of paperwork .Cooked the dinner .
And now it's time for tele and whisky .
I may be back or I may just fall into bed :))
Take care all ..enjoy the ballet Neti .
sorry guys, grumpy day. DH is fine and on the upward climb, I am having nightmares of the most realistic kind.
jno sending some healing prayers for your friend.
see you all tomorrow
Hi all, back from ballet, it was terrific, thoroughly enjoyed myself and with 2 glasses ofwine, and I still drove home!!
morning all...the dawning of another blue day here....nice to see "you" back Neti and glad you enjoyed the theatre. nightmare free sleep last night which does help.
quieter day today as DH doesn't go to dialysis...maybe we might go out....
laters all
Good morning friends, countrybiddies and ballet danglers. It's like a bathroom outside s'morning, warm and steamy, and it feels quite nice but I ache like hell...oooh, do I ache.

woofy bad dreams seem to ruin your whole day don't they? There must be something in the air (maybe the full moon tomorrow) because I had a nightmare last night & I'd only been asleep for about half an hour, my aching legs had kept me awake for ages. There was an awful roaring noise in my dream and a tiger's face suddenly appeared...and when I woke up I could still see the tiger face everywhere I looked. It was like when you stare at a bright image & you can still see it when you turn away. I can usually get things into perspective once I know it's a dream but that left me feeling terrible....and I'm not going down the garden today without a rifle :o)

Steady on shaney, you'll have nothing to do next month :o)
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Warm and steamy here too.

I hate those dreams Robi - where the images just don't go away. I usually end up getting up and making a cuppa and reading something, but they take ages to fade. Hope the tigers don't get you in the steamy jungle out there.

Glad you enjoyed the ballet Nets and hope you have a lovely day Woofs.

I still feel grim. Antibiotics are taking their time and my sort mouth area has spread - not infected just sore. It's down my throat as well. Have a GP appt on Monday for other reasons but will consult him about this as well. Of course antibiotics in themselves make you feel low, so I am led to believe.

Enough, enough, stop moaning Lottie. I have to go shopping at some time day - supplies are running out. Our Thai friend and restaurant owner cooked a lovely meal for us last night to take away. It was delicious. We left it entirely to him what we got. I have never tasted any of the things he prepared before - one of them was Mongolian beef apparently.

See you later Biddies.

Actually we have a 'killer cat' that now comes daily to terrorise the birds, maybe that's what I've blown up im mind :o). The other day it was hiding under a shrub waiting to pounce so I grabbed an old wooden spoon & metal dustpan & managed to get right up close behind it & bang like almost left it's skin behind when it shot off, haha.

The prob with anti-bios is that they can make your mouth sore. Can you use corsodyl Lottie? It's a bit harsh but I'm ok with it short term.
*im...??! must be a new kind of biddy speak :o)
in my
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Can't use Corsodyl at all Robi, not even diluted. It strips the skin off!!! Dentist has suggested salty water (good old fashioned remedy). Last night I was sucking Strepsils as well because is says on the back of the pack that they can be used for sore mouths. They did help.

Re "im" - I seem to be typing things like that a lot lately. I think my brain is mile ahead of my fingers. As I am typing I seem to be thinking of the next thing I want to say and type in completely the wrong words!!!!
If you have a decent old fashioned chemist, you might get glycerin and thymol mouthwash which is soothing and antiseptic. My bad dreams at the mo have music in with very depressing words and tunes. I am sure that I haven't heard them anywhere, they seem to come out of my subconscious.
Anyway back to the positive, we ARE going out!!
Robi I have got a sonic cat scarer the RSPB tested cost a bit but works wonderfully well....on the other hand, the saucepan and spoon sounds like more fun.
Morning all sweeties.

Would love that cat sonic thing but would need at least 4 of them and at that price, d'oh!

Sweltering here, been to try on wedding outfit, damned if the bazooms diedn't let me down, looked awful! Seen another but don't hold out any hope!

hate the hair but it is cool! (I mean temperature wise)

Wear can I buy a size 42/44 c cup strapless bra that is any good at holding 'em up??
Sorry about all your bad pesadillas (nightmares) awful things and to be on your own when waking up from one is terrible. I am not dreaming anything horrible at the moment.

i really enjoyued the ballet which I glad about as I wasn't at all bothered about seeing it, as I think Don Quijote is a foolish book, but it was lovely and funny.

Have to get on with ironing (Shaney come over???)

Will run carpet sweeper over the floors as I forgot I had one, and Henry is a bit heavy in this weather!

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