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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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well, I don't seem have been murdered in my bed, so that's got to be a good thing. Plus it's actually hot and sunny today, Boris is in his office and all is well with the world. At least in my street. Had a friend round or luncheon and she brought some mint crips but we put them on a table in the sun and forgot about them. I hope they recover after a few hours in the fridge though they might go a funny colour.
Funny colour is Ok jno, is that all you have to worry about??
We could all sit and cry and worry for the state of affairs in this country (or the world) at the moment neti but it wouldn't make things get better or stop happening so we go on whittling about the 'stuff' in our own lives. I've got quite a few things on my mind actually & I could easily lose the plot but right now I'm just slightly miffed that jno has mint 'crips' in the fridge and I don't. :o)
it's a well known fact that people got through the war by concentrating on the colour of their chocolate. It's the Blitz spirit; it's being so cheerful as keeps me going.

All the local shops seem boarded up tonight but I think that's just precautionary. jno jnr hasn't heard anything that suggests my life is in danger. All the same I think I'll leave putting out the bins till tomorrow morning instead of tonight.
hello all. Neti, I used to have a similar hairstyle, got fed up with hair in my mouth on windy days so went for a crop and have never looked back.
Sorry you don't feel well Lottie, mouth infections are the pits
Neti is your toe still attached? and a mouth ulcer? getting attacked at both ends.
Robi I get my crafty bits on ebay, i will have a scout around and post some links.
This talk of the kids rioting because they have nothing to do makes me mad. Both DH and I come from poor families, which is neither shame nor virtue, just a fact. Our "nothing" wasn't mobile phones and fashionable clothes.......
Like happy families all good days are the same so I will just say that we have had a good day...
Wishing you all a good non grumpy non achey SAFE night and day.
jno, are you living in a danger zone, although I guess anywhere in London is a danger zone right now. Methinks you had better fly away for another hol. Do take care.

woofy toe does not hurt at all although it looks really strange, big dent in first joint and then splayed out sideways (and I always had such sweet toes), I did wobble it about cos I wondered if it was still attached but all's well.

Yes have got hold of hairdresser, his mobile fell in the pool so he has just replaced it, guess he'll need my money now. Am looking forward to getting rid of this long hair in my fair, no I am not bearded!

These rioters have too much time on their hands, we weren't poor but we were not allowed to be bored, and mother didn't entertain us! We always walked a mile and a bit to church every Sunday, that filled in that day!

We often buy off coloured choc here as it (as jno's did) melts and then gets cooled off and put back on sale, meat goes a bit green sometimes, yes food can be colourfull!!

I waffle on, but like you Robi, there are some horrible things going on in my life that I couldn't and wouldn't tell anyone, not even my family, so I chunter on inanely. ps there is nothing violent going on so don't worry.
I still can't get over that poor victim. Kicking in the shops and stealing is bad but being kind and attentive to a poor bleeding youth and then robbing him blind was the last straw for me. If I win the lottery tonight I will track him down and bring him over here for a holiday of his choice.

Hija has bought us tickets for the ballet on Thursday, Ballet de Moscu again and they are doing Don Quijote (2nd book) so will have to google it as I won't have a clue what is happening!
Email jude x
Yes I thought that was the pits too Neti .Poor lad. Only a young boy and that hulking great thug robbed him .The barsteward .

It's very sad what's been happening in lovely London where I spent so many happy years and in other parts of the country .We live in a volatile world these days.It's frightening really and beyond comprehension .I know you shouldn't hark back but I think people were more content when they had less .
It's all me,me,me,want and must have .

If any of you happen to be cruising past here,the sign which says ..Welcome to Shaneytowers ....has gone and been replaced by ..Welcome to Steptoes Junkyard .

We ordered the largest skip and it's full ! And we still couldn't get the shed in but I think the gardener may come and take it hopefully .What a day . But at least we've got rid of loads of stuff and the weather was nice .
Picky was a good soldier and did all the donkey work .
More sorting out tomorrow .

Have a goodnight all and if I could magic away all your aches ,pains and worries overnight I would .
Pip Pip for now .
I am off to Paree on Thursday (by train) so I trust our housesitters will be armed with machine guns and so on. We are swapping and staying in their Paree flat while they mind ours (so they can be near their Hampstead home, which is being renovated). But I am not a great worrier by nature, even though my teeth get me down occasionally, so I refuse to get too excited about riots.

As far as I can see the rioters want to get at the police and the looters want to get at shops. There is neither of these near us; we are just a suburban backwater. So I am trusting we are safe.
Hello Everybiddy, those of you who are still up anyway. I'm sulking - Derby lost and that's all I will say about that.

Steady who didn't want his season ticket has been texting me all night asking what the score was etc. he is on his holiday camping in Burnham on Sea and insisted he was not longer interested in The Rams. Ha Ha Ha !! She laughs sarcastically!!
I am off to Devon on Thursday/Friday to see Steadier and his wife for a trip over Exmoor. I'm staying at a B&B Thursday and coming home Friday evening. Looking forward to that, haven't seen him since Christmas. Just had a thought, Robi, how are your family in Aussie. My sister informed me on Sat. she has booked a trip to New Zealand in January to see her daughter and grandaughter. I said I would go with her but for some reason she doesn't want me to.

Isn't it great Shaney to get rid of stuff ad get sorted out. I try and tidy my shed (which is integrel to the house) during the Autumn. I don't usually throw much away just sort and put stuff in it's proper place for the winter. Then when Spring comes I start all over again making it untidy.

I'm off to bed now so take care all and have a good night.
See yer later 'gater(s)
shame about that, Jude, I was in New Zealand last winter and it was great, their summer is much better than ours. You could always go alone, they're well used to 'poms'.
Neti I will bother Im Upstairs for you in a general non specific look after Neti and sort her horrible stuff way.......
Hello all, am sitting in bed bed watching the news, but haven't seen anything too bad at the mo, apparently Toxteth kicked off but I thought that was a normal night for them!

Hija is still out at an "after party" which have been banned but still go on!

Isn't it strange the minute you are due to go to hairdressers, the ole hair looks jolly nice!!! Will be glad to get rid of the mass!

Woofy you have enough to bother with, without worry him upstairs about me, mine'll sort itself out eventually I hope!

Hope all biddies and biddiemen are in fine fettle, taking their meds and/or peeing, whichever is appropriate!
Why would rioters break into M&S, nothing there except for frumps!
Morning all...all present and correct I hope? I'm going to hide in neti's bazoom if there's any trouble over my way, they'll never find me in there :o) I've had a look at our police report and there was a bit of bovva but thankfully nothing tooo bad, although any trouble is too much.

Have a lovely time down there with the yokels Jude, oooh arrr, hope the weather's good for you. My Oz family are ok thanks, well he says they are, you never know do you? He phoned at the weekend & said they were feeling the was the same temperature as here. :o/ He'll be complaining about the heat by xmas.

And Bon Voyage, mange tout & nom de plume to you jno. Don't be too gay in Paree. :o)

Oooh, what a lovely feeling to have a life laundry shaney, I think there's something in that fung shooey, you do feel calmer when things are tidy.

Why break into M & S neti? P'raps they needed a good dinner. I know nothing about all this is funny but when I heard an eyewitness say the trouble in his area had started with them breaking into Iceland my mind did boggle...
And Bon Voyage, mange tout & nom de plume to you jno. Don't be too gay in Paree. :o)

^^ that is hilarious Robi, you are so funny!!
if we see any Yoofs out in crimplene we'll know...................
well you've gotta laugh even if you don't really feel like it :o)...if yoofs wore crimplene all that sweatin' & itchin might slow 'em down a bit.

I forgot to say thanks to woofy for the reply about jewellery!

Silly weather, we've just had a right downpour & now it's sunny & breezy though.
Have just seen the ideal wedding outfit for me, it's in Royal Blue and an all inone, but blouson top (to cover huge stomach), but cut away from the armpit to a tie neck with a flower on it, and the trousers are straight, will try it on tomorrow, as it's £40, so cheap, but will have to see if I can get a jacket, bolero or stole to cover up arms,, also need nude high heels to totter in (will have flip flops in bag just in case). Wish it were a paler colour, but I do not often see things that I like! Can't wait to try it on, bet it looks so silly!!

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