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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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quite a bit cooler here tonight, but does anyone set a bus alight to keep me warm? No. I should move somewhere more edgy.
Oh I can bang on alright :) In fact I could bang on all night ,with gippy tums ,aching joints ,throwing it down in stair rods ,blowing a gale .Grumpy husband .Bah .

You're brave going to a gym Lofty . I've got an exercise bike .In the loft :)
My knees wouldn't stand it these days .I'd be cream crackered after ten yards .

Oh don't tempt fate Jno please.
It's frightening what's going on in London and it seems to be spreading .I feel really sorry for the people who've had their homes and businesses destroyed by mindless thugs .

Goodnight all .Sleep well .
there was actually a hint of trouble a couple of miles down the road but it looks like it was nipped in the bud. jno jnr phoned to say he'd seen a warning of it on his gf's Blackberry - presumably the police have Blackberries of their own now and are catching up. It's remarkable how long things are going on on the telly before anyone turns up - I was watching a place burning in Lewisham for 20 minutes without a fire engine in sight.

Just watching the news of the rioting, absolutely disgusting, what is wrong with the youth of today? If I had my way I'd bring in water cannons, real bullets and taser anyone in sight! I'd given them a half an hour warning to clear the streets and anyone left hanging around (providing it not a helpless person) then I'd let rip. They wouldn't hang around for long!

Ah got that off my chest!

Hijha has only just been paid, so late, so I have very little money today, just enough for a coffee and some washing powder, which is very important to me!
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I am so upset about London. I can't remember any news affecting me so badly. I agree with you Neti - totally. The areas shown are so close to home for me. Areas where most of my aunts and uncles lived, particularly Ealing, Clapham Junction, Croydon. I am glad my Mum never had to witness what is going on. She suffered a lot of trauma in the Blitz and couldn't have coped with scenes like this caused by a few organised adult thugs and lots of mindless moronic kids.

I am totally unhappy and feel sick in the pit of my stomach!
Good morning All. How scarey is all this rioting. It's not all the youth of today Neti because there are some great youngsters about but their stories wouldn't fill the front pages would they. Having said that something has to be done with the minority who are causing trouble and strife for decent living people of this country. I agree about the water canons Neti but they could bring in the army, if there are any left, to sort them out. That's my bit said.

It's a lovely sunny day here lovely and fresh for me. Hope it isn't too cold for any of you.
Hope too that your day is a better one for you Shaney.

I'm off to Tai Chi and my usual visit to a local eating establishment. Then would you believe there's another Footie match tonight against Shrewsbury who we have to beat or else!

Anyway have a good day all aches, pains and appointments permitting.
Take Care...laters 'gater(s)
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I love this weather Jude! Am off for walk with Meggie and neighbour/friend shortly, then off to lunch with another friend. Well a cheese scone and a cuppa actually - it won't break the bank. We take it in turns and catch up with our weekly gosspit.

No gym today!! Probably tomorrow morning.

Shaney. Funnily enough the excercise bike is the one thing that doesn't tax me too much. It doesn't seem to put any pressure on my hips or legs. I tried a cross trainer - total disaster. I got off it after 10 seconds. I am OK on the treadmill too as long as it's not too fast.

See you later.
Morning all...bright 'n breezy (the weather that is, not me)

The news is very depressing, and frightening, life's hard enough for some people without all that. I've a cousin who lives in London, not in a riot area but it's all going to have a knock on effect. Funnily enough (not funny haha) I said to my sister a year ago there would be riots before long...she gave me one of 'those looks' so I shut up.

Well by all means keep on banging on, I could harp on til the cows come home about many things at the moment. There's a full moon at the weekend so maybe I (& the weather) will be more settled after that. It was awful yesterday, cold & windy, bins blew over, so did the plant tubs, dead leaves all over the place today.

I'm the same on a bicycle Lottie, I can ache like hell but riding a bike feels better than walking. I very rarely go out on mine anymore though, it's old & heavy & the roads are not only very busy but in pretty poor repair...and there's the weather to battle with.

Well I suppose I'll have to kick my own backside (good trick if you can do it :o)) and get something done instead of wallowing here in a slough of despond.
Lottie I understand what you mean. I was born in Battersea and my Mum lived there until her death. My first thought when I saw the riots was that I was glad she was not alive to see it and be terrified. She was housebound at the end and a bit forgetful, I don't know what we'd have done.
One woman woke to find two looters in her bedroom luckily they left when she challenged them, but what could have happened, and it wil soon.
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Woofie, my mum was born in Battersea and I was born in Wimbledon, well Merton actually, I think. Two of my aunts lived along Lavender Hill.

Am back from my walk.

It feels autumnal out there and looks it too. Lovely and warm, but the air is quite fresh. I know you dread autumn Robi, but I love it - Autumn and Spring are my favourite months. July, August, November and December are my least favourite. When January comes I look forward to spring so I don't mind January at all. The snowdrops start to appear.
yes jude, I know it's not alol of the youth, but something's gone wrong somewhere!

met a new friend for coffee and boy did we put the world to rights! She was also moaning about her grown-up daughter saying what a b*tch she was, I was amazed!!!
*alol* youf talk? a lot, I mean!
oh poop, a bit chunk of cheese just fell out of my cob onto the floor...and there's no Charlie to clean up :o(. I'm hanging on to this carrot cake very firmly.

Weather's much improved at the moment so I'm going to potter about and soak up some daylight. It's the shortening days that give me a sense of doom, but I seem to adjust during the darkest months. I like it best when it barely gets dark.

Do any of you crafty people buy jewellery making accessories online? If so can you recommend a site please? I need thread, clasps, stretchy stuff and that leather thongy(?) stuff, I've just snapped one of mine, it's got a lovely copper filigree leaf on it. And I've discovered you can buy watch faces, I like watches on bead bracelets.

this is exactly my hair style at the moment, but am getting it cut to this as soon as I can get hold of the hairdresser!

(if you can see it) Am fed up with tucking it behind my ears, it's so thick and hot!!
Have jsut seen something on the news and it has made me cry and really despair, a young person was being helped by other youths after being attacked, he was dazed and bleeding and the helpers seemed ok, then a black youth went behind and opened the victims backpack and took out a wallet or phone and laughed and walked off, I am gutted, it is so sick!
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Both styles are very nice Neti and will suit you. I would love to have my hair in a straight style - at the moment it is a complete mess!!

My throat now hurts and I have a headache. I think it's something to do with the infection in my gum. I am going to have a rest on the bed shortly.
Oh lottie poor you, have a rest. I now have a gum boil or mouth ulcer.
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Can't help with the jewellery thing Robi :o(

Neti I have seen that video. Dreadful isn't it.
It really upset me, out of all the evil, that was bad.

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