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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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this shop seems to have everything you need and is top rated.

if you want to add a dangly watch look here.
Not sure what your ethical stance is on buying from China...I have done it a couple of times and received the goods safely and within 10 days
Hi all
Hope you've had a peaceful night .Still skipping and sorting cleaning and whatnot .Off to the storage container shortly . Should be fun but I'm getting a bit knackered now
Yes , throwing stuff is very liberating Robinia . If I was inclined to be a looter I could teach 'em a thing or two about throwing things :)
Bloody morons .
I listened to an interview with some of them who thought it was OK to loot shops and smash up property but when the reporter asked how they would like their own homes looted and smashed they were aghast .Just shows the mentality of some of them .

Yes ,bon voyage Jno and have a nice time down along Jude . Safe journeys to you both .
Back later folks .Be good .KBOxx
Oh stop it Woofy ,this minute :)
I've just quickly perused a couple of those links .
I'm a bit tempted ! Winter draws on and I need something to occupy those dark evenings . Quickly flicked on the first page of Etsy . I'll be back later for a more in depth look .lol...Hope you are both OK xx
Thanks for all those woofy, it's very good of you to do all that...I mainly want to redo old things I already have before I snap a necklace or something all over a shop floor, but ooooh, I love etsy, I'd forgotten that one & I'm going to be browsing it for ages. The watches are lovely.

Yes shaney I heard one say 'well who wouldn't want loads of expensive stuff for nothin'...I'm going to keep doing it til I get caught, it'll be my first offence, what will they do?'....Unreal.
Am I banned....
shaney can you still knit etc with arthritis, I find it very hard on the old knuckles, but then I was never that good at it.
No problem Robi, happy too help others spend money.....
Neti why are you banned? what have you been up to? and why the naughty avatar?
I can tat but not knit (try saying that with a mouthful of nuts)
I can tit for tat :o)

I'm not sure what neti's been up to but flaunting those bazooms around cb can only lead to trouble...what happened to ya suntan neti, you're looking a bit peaky?
No I do not, I have just been out swimming and lazing in the sun for 2 hrs and am a lovely (unhealthy) colour. Off for hair cut soon, yeah!

Woofy I was annoyed with the Ed, and i was cantankerous, but Ed in his wisdom has left me on here!
This avatar is to show that i do have a (very) dark side.
Have you been a Naughty Neti ?
Yes I still knit but only small things .Mainly socks and squares . I knitted loads of squares for balnkets for Rumania .But my SiL and her sister have now run out steam for sewing them together because I'm useless at the sewing .
I am knitting a jumper atm but only double knit .I can't handle anything heavy or complicated these days.

Well ..we've carted loads out and carted more back in .
All the contents of the container are now stacked around the house . I give up .
I'm going to knit my men straightjackets which I shall force them to wear while I order another skip and bin the bloody lot .
They're worse than magpies :)

Mind you I have just found cigarette albums in pristine condition from the 1936 Berlin Olympics .EBay here I come :)
Oh no, I have just dropped a 2.2 lit bottle of cola on my toe AGAIN, it is throbbing but no idea if I have damaged it again!
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Had no internet for over 24 hrs. grrrrrr. But not to worry because I have been in bed sleeping. Gum got worse and sinuses badly affected. Also felt dreadfully sick. Have reverted to the original tablets because the stronger ones he gave me didn't want to work at all. Feeling better this evening but tired and woozy.

Just going to read your posts and catch up!

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I simply don't believe it Neti.............................!!!!!!!!!!

As they say in this part of the world "Wha' arr ye loik"

Think I have caught up - melted mint crisps, wedding outfits, Paris, New Zealand and riots.

Have a good time jno!!
Evening all, amazingly toe does not hurt at all, it's a bit fat though, I give up.

Hair looks awful, way too short, I am annoyed, luckily it will grow before I go to England else I'll have to go around with a bag on my head, this is bad karma for my bad behaviour today!!!!
Ivo has installed my new computer - it turned out not only was the motherboard kaput, so was the screen and one of the hard drives (fortunately the one that didn't have anything much on it). He thinks it was caused by some sort of power surge. Fortunately we found an old screen hidden in a cupboard - it's about the size of one of the early TV screens, about an inch square and I think you can just see the Coronation on it.

neti, a very old friend of ours dropped a knife on her foot a couple of days ago, sharp side and all and it's apparently blown up like a balloon and looks seriously gangrenous and threatening. She has had to go in for an op and I am honestly not sure if she will survive (she is 80something). We will be texting her daughter while we are away and keeping our fingers crossed for her.

Not that I want to worry you about your foot or anything.
Well done jno with your new computer and old monitor, you could have asked Mr N he saves all the old equipment in the shed, 100's of rubbishy old monitors there!

Hair is horrendous, I am gutted.

Toe is fine.only hurts a little on the nail, I can wiggle it about, so have got away with it yet again. Mr N was all sympathy and in all seriousness he offered to get me some steel capped shoes, I ask you, I don't wear shoes which is the problem, will try to keep my crocs on in the kitchen, things should bounce off of them!

Hope you are all well and happy.

Have a good trip jude!
Just spoken to sister, and bil is due his triple heart bypass on Monday but he has an infected toe, all red and swollen and causing him such pain, so he is on strong antibiotics to hopefully clear it in time!

Sissy is also going to donate to that poor mugged student Ashraf Haziq for me, so now I feel a lot better.

She said Eastbourne Police just blocked both ends of the main street, last night so if there was any thuggery it didn't happen. She lives in a nice area and was awake for several nights worrying about being attacked, and she is looking after the surgeon's house next while they are away!

Nice neti is back!

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