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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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And your sister is an absolute Angel - a real rock for you.


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Fields are safer than roads Neti. No people, no traffic, no dark alleys or corners or walls that people can hide in or behind. I am not a nervous person anyway.

I feel totally safe out in the country around here (except when there are stags hiding in the woods and roaring!!) That was actually quite scary and unbelievably loud!!

Shaney, can't they give Mr S any indication whatsoever of how long he will have to wait. I feel so sorry for him and for you. You both must be so very fed up. xxxx
Thanks Lottie...difficult day and NOW we have fireworks........
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Oh no, not again Woofy. Who is it that is continually celebrating and causing you this problem. I seriously thing fireworks should be sold to licenced people only and that any firework celebrations should be applied for and people should have advance warning. It's just ridiculous that you should have to put up with this.

I am angry for you and you need your rest.

Bugger DVD player has gone tits up just as it got to a good bit . It keeps going bam bam bam as if it's stuck somewhere .Tut .No good me keep fiddling with it ,I haven't got a clue and Mr S is sound oh .

Woofy my thoughts are with you both and it's good your sister is coming to be with you . I don't know what I would have done without the support of my brothers .♫ We all need somebody to lean on ♫ .....

We'll give it another week Lofty and then get in touch with our GP's secretary again to see how much longer .I've been looking up waiting times and it's 92.5 days at the Paget for this op .Longer at the N&N .
But ,the thing is ,they loused up before so I think they should have had him back sooner .
Have a Goodnight all xxx

I was in gay Paree, just whizzing back through the euro tunnel. Am now safe at home and laundered some sweaty clothes before remembering the unused metro tickets in the pockets, dagnabbit.

My, they do have nice steak tartare over there. I know they say 'don't try this at home' but I'm sure if I could just rub a cow down with a cheese grater I could get a similar effect.

Sorry everyone and their spouses are still feeling below par
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Night, night Shaney. I agree with you, they should have had Mr Shaney back in straight away. Can your Doc. contact them on your behalf?

Welcome home jno. Let us know how you get on with grated cow!!!
Oh yoohoo Jno ..Welcome back . I can't keep up :) Ooh steak tartare .
Yummy .Slurp :)
Our GP did enquire Lofty only to be told he was on the list .
It is getting us down a bit I must admit .Because of the long time with the catheter I have visions of him having to retrain his bladder or being incontinent :(
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Hopefully, he will get some post op support to prevent such problems Shaney! Poor man, he must feel quite wretched. Damn hospital!!
Morning all, just catching up.

Good luck Mr woofy, now maybe he'll feel better, what a nuisance, and poor Mr S, it must be awful stuck in all the time (if I may be a bit indelicate shaney, does he know when he wants to pee, and why can't you go out if he feels Ok, does he have a bag or something - sorry!)

Waves to jno, I'm spinning around not knowing where jno is and when she is off again to somewhere. Wherever it is have a good time.

same with you jude, are you staying at home for a while?

Hello to lottie and Robi, hope you are feeling better R!

Waves to Dolly.
Good morning All.
I really care for you Woofy and Shaney with all your problems. I know I'm not very good at expressing myself, and I consider myself lucky healthwise, but I do care and 6 years is a long time to be sharing your company on here without becoming friends and that is how I feel about you all.

Yes Neti I'm at home for a while until the 31st when I'm going to Windsor for the day. The usual trip on a boat up the river including tea. I have been before but it was a long time ago.

Sorry I got it all wrong Jno. I'm glad your time in Paris was good.

Today the Rams are at home so I'll be trolling along to Pride Park as usual. All I'll say is we're doing well, and I wont go on cos I know you all don't love Footie.

Have a peaceful day Biddyfirends and take care.....Laters 'gaters!
Biddyfirends????? That's a weird mistake FRIENDS!
jude, I think you express yourself very well and what you say goes for me too, you say it all much better that I can!

I think we'll be biddyfiends for a while!!
Morning all
I'm so sorry poor mr w's back in hospital woofy, I hope they get straight on with his op & it makes him feel better once he's over it. I'm not surprised you feel scared, I think the fear can be as bad for the close ones as it is for the patient. Thinking of you x

And a speedy appointment has been ordered for Mr s shaney. In the meantime make the most of your days lolling in the garden, I think we still have some good weather to come despite the pessimistic prediction by the met office last week. Oh, I'll add a new dvd player to your order :o)

Oh dear Lottie, your adventure sounds like the time I was walking MacPoodle & we were almost trampled by a herd of runaway cows...of course as I get old(er) and (more) bewildered the cows will become stampeding wildebeest in my tale ;o)

Allo allo jno! My sis is going through the tunnel next week so I hope you didn't dump your Pimms empties on the line, she's off to Remagen, Germany...anyone been?

Enjoy the match Jude! Biddyfirends, haha...where's Vinny, there's a joke in there somewhere involving beer and curry? :o)

I keep feeling like crip, I don't think it's hormonal, I think it might be a virus so I shall mostly be lolling today too.
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Morning all.

Just about to breakfast and hope that wakes me up. I slept very heavily last night - unusual.

Robi, hope a restful day will make you feel better, take care.

Re Biddy Firends and curry - LOL!!

I am definitely experiencing bing a Biddy Firend this morning - no curry last night needed though.

Thinking of Mr Woof especially today sending healing vibes over from Norfolk.

Talking of Norfolk - it's all dried up here again and I am doing rain dances!!

See you later

Just slogged back from village, boy it is hot! Had a lovely compliment, the local pet shop owner was moaning about her bones aching and I said "Oh I know" she said how old was I as she is 52! I said in 3 yrs I'll be 70, so she chortled and said that we british always get out 60 and 70 muddled and surely I meant 60 in 3yrs time, and I relly should learn my numbers, so i said no 70, and she couldn't believe it, cos admittedly she looks well frumpy. That put a spring in my step I can tell you until I tripped over the kerb!
Hi all quick pop in while I get ready for sis. Its a waiting game news about plan for DH yet.
Fingers crossed for you both woofy xx
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Just popped in to check on how things are with Woof. Back later
Hi Woofy Like Neti says Fingers Crossed for you both. Whoever's looking after me has been pestered all day..

Threeee - NIL Threeee - Nil is all I have to say about the afternoon's outing!! Hoooray Hoooooray!!'

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