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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Hello folks

Just got back from the hospital where they rushed my bro last night .He can come home later once they are satisfied with him .He's muttering and puttering and wanting to get home..
He suffers from this atrial fibrillation and had a bad attack in the night .I do wish he would slow down a bit but he's like a jack in the box ,always on the go .Can't sit still for five minutes .
I had a pop at him,so did my nieces and Sil and a bit of a weep .
There isn't much they can do about it really .He's such a worry . Silly old fool He's 77 but thinks he's 27 .
All my bros have dicky tickers and are a constant worry .

Anyway .lovely day here ,.Hope you are all having nice weather too .

Thoughts and hugs are with you Woofy.Keep us posted xxxx

Yes Neti ,baking powder as Woofy says. Brilliant .
I had a couple of glasses of this foul mixture when I got a touch of this again and touch wood all piddling probs solved :)
Take care all.Pip pip for now .
Couple of cheer you uppics ..fuchsias and anemones
Lovely photos Shaney. I hope you Brother comes home soon and does what you all want him to do but I know it's hard to slow down if you're that way inclined as I am. If I have stuff to do I dash around except if it's the Skeleton. By the way, I did it all except fo 2 clues and one was the Eric Morecombe one. I dion't think laterally enough!! I emailed B and he said it wasn't the first time your name had been in the Winner's List.
I wont be making Tai Chi on time tomorrow as my car man isn't bringing it back til the morning then he wants a lift to work.
All the best to Mr W and you Woofy.
Yesterday I had 4 visitors. Didn't get my dinner until about 5 then sat in the garden til it was almost dark chatting to the the last one.
Hope everybiddy else is ok today.
Ironing to do now - see yer later 'gater(s)
ah shaney, what a worry, hope he is ok!

Like jude I dash about when there are things to do, but cannot clean the small villa when even one of them is at home, although I tidy it so it looks Ok, the bathroom is always wiped over and taps polished, but today I had hija;s bedding to wash, lawd knows what she was doing in it, orange juice spilt everywhere, blood on two pillows, so that had a hot wash, then I had 8 shirts and 3 pairs of shorts of Mr N's to iron, plus my trousers and shirt and hija's work uniform, I was dripping when I finished. Dragged Henry round the place but the cat hairs stick to the carpet it's impossible, will have to get a new carpet. Washed up two huge loads by hand! Too hot to cook so we had the remaining paella to which I added chicken, which was fine. Just had a swim and shower, feel better now!

Where's Robi, hope she is OK!
ah shaney, what a worry, hope he is ok!

Like jude I dash about when there are things to do, but cannot clean the small villa when even one of them is at home, although I tidy it so it looks Ok, the bathroom is always wiped over and taps polished, but today I had hija;s bedding to wash, lawd knows what she was doing in it, orange juice spilt everywhere, blood on two pillows, so that had a hot wash, then I had 8 shirts and 3 pairs of shorts of Mr N's to iron, plus my trousers and shirt and hija's work uniform, I was dripping when I finished. Dragged Henry round the place but the cat hairs stick to the carpet it's impossible, will have to get a new carpet. Washed up two huge loads by hand! Too hot to cook so we had the remaining paella to which I added chicken, which was fine. Just had a swim and shower, feel better now!

Where's Robi, hope she is OK!
Oh Shaney so sorry to hear about your bro and I will do some bothering on his behalf. Not baking bowser though, bicarbonate of soda which is different :-)
Powder not bowser ha ha
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And there was me puzzling about what a Baking Bowser was!! Glad I haven't had to go to bed puzzling!!

Sorry about your brother Shaney.

How is Mr Woof this evening?

Off to bed shortly. I feel really tired. Mr LL not home from London yet but I am too tired to wait up for him.

Lol...Woofy .I thought they were one and the same .I found it in the cupboard .
Little packets with Bakpulver written on them .Lord knows how old they are .
But it did the trick .I'll have to get some proper bicarb in as a stand by .

They let my bro out round six.
He drove himself home ! Tut.

I thik I'll toddle off to bed .My computer seems to be on a go slow again .I'ts printing my typing very slowly although it doesn't do it when I write emails.Very strange .Perhaps the elastic bands need tightening .

Wishing you all a peaceful night and hugs to you Woofy .Hope MrW is OKxx
Over and out .
Hello everyone. It's Murky today as Chris Evans says. and cold. Got my cardi on.
We haven't heard from Robi have we? Hope she is ok.
Shaney - SOTD 3. How did Mrs Cleverclogs do then :¬) ! It was another close match wasn't it. Hope you puta's quicker today. Happy your bro is out of hospital even if he's not doing as he's told.

Not dashing today Neti just waitin for my car man with my transport back. I do miss it especially on a Tuesday

Still thinking about Mr W and you Woofy.

Laters 'gater(s)
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Good morning.

Pleased your brother is home Shaney and hope he keeps well.

Am off for bone scan late this morning. They couldn't/wouldn't arrange my three scans to take place on the same day, so have to trape to Norwich for a ten minute scan. Good job I have transport, but it still costs a bomb and takes approximately 3 hours in total. I feel so sorry for people that have problems with transport.

Thinking of Mr Woof especially, and Mr S. of course, as always.

Miserable grey day here as well Jude.

Also hope that our Robi is OK.

Will see you folk later.

Hi Lottie hope you scan goes well today. See yer later! x
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It's only a routine bone density scan Jude. Five minute job! I have had them before. Nothing to get het up about as I already know I have a degree of osteoporosis. Thanks though.

I just don't feel in the mood to drive 66 miles for 10 minutes just because the hospital can't fit it in at the same day as my MRI scan. Apparently it 'makes things very difficult for them'. Well it makes things very difficult to me and I thought the patients came first :o(. Petrol costs and £2.00 parking charge as well - that's if I can find a parking space.

Grumble, grumble, grumble.
Morning all, just bobbing in for a few no one else having a problem with this site, it's so slow for me & I couldn't post yesterday? It's only this site because I've just been in several internet shops (looking for coats) and they're ok....why am I instantly drawn to the most expensive items?

shaney I'm sorry your bro's been poorly but there's nothing you can do to slow people down/speed them up, I know, I've tried. I hope he'll be ok...and I hope your plumbing's better! Lovely anemones are doing well too, well except for the ones I had to replant, they hate being disturbed.
Had a touch of plumbing discomfort myself recently so I'm upping the fluids...not sure if I could drink bicarb though, yuk. I think I've got travelling inflamation/fibro roulette, everyday it's sommat new at the moment and I feel grim.... oh crip, now it's raining.

Thinking of woofy & mr w...hope your scan goes well Lottie...and kbo the rest of you.
sorry to hear your brother's poorly, shaney, but I guess you're right, slowing down is his job not yours. He sounds like he'd be out all night jiving with Jude given half a chance.

Well, definitely wet here today, but where are the flash floods I was promised? I had a whole roll of kitchen paper ready to mop up with too.

At least it's a break from the oak tree. Has everyone's gone mad or is it just mine? For weeks it's been pelting the lawn with those wasp gall things, I think they are, and now acorns. I'm having to pick them up by hand as they're too heavy for the lawn vac, and there are just millions of them.
hello all.

Hope your bro takes it wasy shaney (some hope!)

Good luck lottie with scan (we don't have them, here!)

Good luck woofy and mr woofy

Hey there Robi, no probs with the site for me!

Hi jude!

Jno where fore art thou now?

My bro in law is having to have an op on his manky toe this weekend just a local jab job, to clear out all the infection and then he's home for approx 4 weeks before heart op can take place, so he'll probably get taken in when I am there.
good grief... what hospital have we chosen for the biddy autumn reunion this year??
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Back from scan and have just been round to Master LL's for tea and sympathy. I have lost another inch in height and I feel miffed!!!

However, on the plus side, the weight I was told I was a month ago, which I didn't believe, was apparently wrong - by 12lbs. So I have only put on 3 llbs and not 1st. Bloody hospitals!!!!
Hello chums
Miserable day here .Drizzle drizzle .
Nothing much going on at Shaneytowers .
Did you have bone density Lofty ? Loss of height . My bone density is good and I've only lost an inch or so in height which is normal .Mind you this was a while ago .
Are they doing anything about this osteoporisis for you .Calcium supplements etc ?

Thanks all for your good wishes for my bro .He'll be fine. I hope .I think my SiL has read him the riot act .
My niece made made me laugh .He asked her drive his car to the hospital to pick him up .Hers is too low for him to get in and out of .
She says they nearly had a stand off in the car park .He grabbed the keys ,told her to get in the car and drove off !
I'm going round there tomorrow and I'll give him one of my looks :)
I love my brothers so much .They aren't spring chickens anymore and I would be devasated .........etc .
Anyway hope you are all well and special wishes for the Woofies .Always in my thoughts .
Sorry to hear you are not too good Robinia .KBO lass xxx
SOTD Jude 21
Pip pip for now .
We've chosen this hospital Jno :)
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Hi Shaney,

I last had a bone density scan four years ago and have been taking calcium since then. I was borderline osteoporosis then (there is a name for it, but I can't remember it) My doctor also prescribed tablets that you take once a week which badly affected my tum, so I stopped taking then.

The rheumatologist says not necessary to take the tablets if my bone density has not got worse so this latest scan was to find out whether it has or not.

4 years ago I had gone from 5'9.5"" to 5'8", and I had had a fractured vertebra which accounted for losing 1/2". Now apparently I am 5"6.5", but son measured me this afternoon as well and says I am nearer 5" 7". I am aware that my spine is curving over where I fractured the vertebra and I can't stand straight against a wall now, so that obviously makes me shorter.

If I have lost more bone density then I can possibly have a monthly injection which will be better than the horrible huge horse tablets!!

I shall soon be a petite 5'2" . Oh dear.

I am pleased about the weight thing though!!

I like the look of that hospital. When do we all check in!!!!!

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