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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Yo ..Lofty .I often wonder about this arthritic thing .
As you know my background I have no idea where it hails from .
It may be inherited I don't know .
What I do know is my joints are probably wrecked from too much sport.
I often curse Miss Green ( her of the flying hairpins) who made us run round four hockey pitches on a regular basis :)
But I did love sport and played a lot of it well into my thirties .
Then I wonder why my knees are buggered :)
Hi Everybiddy ~ I'm late tonight. But just called in to say Goodnight to all of my very Biddyfriends. I'm having a bit of an emotional moment ~ but Ill be fine tomorrow and I expect most of you are in bed but just wanted to say Goodnight.
Thinking about Mr & Mrs Woofy and Mr & Mrs Shaney. x
Morning everyone.

Jude, I hope you are feeling better today.

Woofies hoping you have a good day, same to the shaneys.

Hope Robi is ache free and full of internet!

jno is usually OK (apart from the teeth)

Had a lovely surprise yesterday, had just gotten off the puta after posting to you lot, when I received a phone call from our God daughters who are here on holiday, so after explaining we we lived, I then spend an hour running to and fro trying to find them trying to find us. Eventually we all met up and had a lovely afternoon drinking wine and 7up, and the Mr N came home and was so surprised, then they invited us out for dinner. We went to the place in Es Cana where they always used to stay and the food was awful, but I don't think they have much taste as they enjoyed it, but then went to another bar and had the most delicious and big mojitos, really enjoyable. Staggered home at some hour and hija staggered home later (she was still partying from Wed pm). Feel fine today, but couldn't keep this up too often. looking forward to staying in again now!
Of course Mr N paid for the dinner.
I took HRT for 5 years and felt no different, my medico said 5yrs was enough. Yes shaney it is made from horses urine called equine, says it all. I bled dreadfully almost non-stop for the first year, never again!
Morning All. Fine today thanks Neti. Having hair cut and I might change the style. It's about time now.
It sounded a goodnight for you Neti. I could do with one like that, I miss my Rock and Roll Nights with my friend. I did see her yesterday for a lovely lunch and a catch-up and her work hours will be changing in September so we will be able to see more of each other.
It is pouring down now and has been all night I think. Still walked to the paper shop with a half broken umbrella. :)
Thanks Robi for the tips about my seeds, there are about 8 in one pot and some odd ones in others. They're looking good! I'd better go and start at the top of my house and work my way down with a bit of cleaning etc.
Take care all of you - Thinking about you.
See yer latere 'gater(s)
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Glad you had a lovely day yesterday Neti. I always think that things are enjoyable when they just happen out of the blue like that. Sometimes we can look forward to things and then be disappointed.

Glad you are feeling better Jude You can always email if you need to offload you know.

Your hair suits you so well, but I am sure whatever you choose will be lovely.
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Thoughts and much love to Mr and Mrs W.

I presume, Shaney, you have no news of operation dates yet. Feel so sorry for you both.
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My neighbour died this morning at 5.00am. It feels sort of like the end of an era after 32 years. Bless her at peace now.
sorry to hear that, Lottie, but I guess she was elderly and had lived a long and fruitful life... which I suppose is what they'll be saying about all of us sooner or later.
ah lottie, so sorry, and all that jno says, except the bit about us !!
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She was 81, but not an old 81. She was still living a very active life until this last year. Went white water rafting in Canada only about 5 years ago. Leaves an extremely fit, sprightly, and young looking husband, also aged 81.

I must admit both my aunts are much older than her and don't seem elderly to me at all either.

She had leukemia.
Good evening...been a right old soggy day it has (outdoors that is, not me) and all I've done is clear out me cubby hole (or glory hole as Lottie called it...but have you googled that?!...ooh, I say, haha). I found my old yellow feather duster, Charlie loved it & used to dance around my feet when I used it. He probably thought it was a canary on a stick. I miss the little lad.... I've tried to stop looking at the house as a whole, too daunting, and just do one very small bit at a time. Should all be done & dusted by 2020 :o)

So sorry you've lost your neighbour Lottie, it upsets the balance of things doesn't it? I can't get used to my newbies being here & I dread anything happening to the lady on the other side, I think she's 87...and she's gone to visit her 93 yr old sister today!

My family on my dad's side have all had arthritis, my grandma was riddled with it & died suddenly at 65...she looks so old in photos...and hrt hasn't prevented this fibro so I think you're damned if you do & damned if you don't when it comes to taking them. I blame many of the world's ills on chicken pox/herpes virus...when they wipe that out we'll all live to 150 :o)

Hope you're feeling lighter today Jude & that the rest of you are well.
Thinking of the woofies.
Hello folks
I am sorry to hear about your neighbour Lofty .
It's absolutley tipping it down here, the patio is flooded and the roads are awash . It's really chilly too.
My washing is still on the line .It's only a few bits so it can stay there now until next August .
Hope you are all OK otherwise .Still no news for Mr S. He's getting a bit cheesed off now .
I'm going to make us something to eat dreckly and then plonk myself on the sofa and watch my Homicide DVD . I have another 15 episodes to get through :)
As always thinking of you Woofy .
Take care all.
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Hiya. Rained all day virtually, I have just put my heating on, everything feels chilled. Mr LL isn't here yet to tell me it is very warm and he can't understand why I am cold!!

Have prepared stuff to stir fry and just waiting now for him to come home.

Slept for two hours this afternoon. Didn't mean to, but that bed looked tempting and I was cold. Meggie joined me!!

Probably not back on tonight, so goodnight in advance to all of you.

I was hot (the hottest day so far) and Mousey and i lay on the bed with the fan whirling at full speed (too expensive to use air con day and night!)

I'm looking to buy an extendable feather duster to reach the top of air con and fans etc, can't be doing with trying to jump up and dust!
I've got these now, the feather ones break & shed and wooly bears love them you know!

Thank you for your kind messages. All your best vibes and prayers for Wednesday please. Will let you know how it goes xxx
Hello woofy, of course payers and love to you both. xx

Robi I has a couple of those from the 100 pts (like a £1) shop but can't find them anymore.
it was not the hottest day of the year here, though perhaps the noisiest, as there was thunder right overhead. My old friend has apaprently got over the surgery on her foot, skin graft has taken, and she is recovering in her daughter's home. I hope this is a good omen all round as she is 80-plus.

Everone getting their steel drums ready to go the carnival?

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