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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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very sorry to hear that, neti. Is she in the UK?

Have just got back from carnival - I will have to go see my osteopath, as I think the sound systems have shaken several ribs out of place. No more steel bands like they had in the good old days. I gave the goat curries a miss but did have a corn on the cob - woohoo, I do let my hair down sometimes.
Neti so sorry to hear your news. What can I say? It stinks. Xxx
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Night night.

Robi is everything alright with you? Haven't heard form you.
Goodnight All. Thinking about you. Thanks for your true
Just watched New Tricks ,hilarious ,with Brian putting his warmed up clothes on from the drier to help him sleep . It's the last one in the series next week .
I hope they do another one but they're all getting on now .
Then I watched a bit of that Field of Blood but it didn't hold my attention so turned off .
Only 17 Sotd this week Jude .
Goodnight all xx
A quicK goodmorning all. Have a good day. Still thinking about You Mr and Mrs W.
SOTD Shaney - yet again a magnif...3 Well done to you, you little brainbox you!!

Got to go.. Laters 'gater(s)
Here I is, just a quick good morning, I haven't caught up yet, I've been right poorly I have (IBS/stomach bug?) :o(.
I've had to put the puta on early 'cos I'm expecting a parcel & wanted to track says the couriers just having a coffee & burnt toast :o)
Hopefully I'll be back to read all your posts later...been a crip weekend weatherwise hasn't it?
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Good morning.

Sorry you have been poorly Robi. It might be worthwhile having a word with your GP. My doc thinks my IBS is more likely to be diverticulitis now because it virtually cleared up when I was on the antibiotics for my mouth. It is playing up again now I am off them!!! Worth keeping a check on it.

Take care of yourself.

Not too much longer to wait Woofie, bless you. Thinking of you all the time.

Off to meet my friend for lunch today and then going to take things easy. I did a fair amount in the garden yesterday and couldn't sleep because of 'screaming hips' and cramp on and off last night in both legs. I feel like a dishrag this morning.

We are going out for a meal tonight with friends who are down at their Norfolk 2nd home this week. Used to be my neighbour 32 years ago in Hertfordshire
Oooh, it's very chilly here. She just said on the lunchtime weather that this temperature's below average for September!

Just caught up with you all and I'm so very sorry about your sister neti xx.
I've just been to post a card/pressie to my younger g'daughter who's 9 in a fortnight & I do wonder whether cancer will still be claiming peoples lives when she's my age.

And thinking as always about the woofies.x

Lottie the only way they'd diagnose diverticulitis here is by poking cameras up and down every bloomin' orifice & I can manage without that. It's back to irritable bladder again today which was how it all started last week...oh pe po piddle bum.

I missed New Tricks shaney, I went to bed to watch it, I was cold and tired but I fell straight to sleep! I did nothing else but watch the tele yesterday, it was back to back Camomile Lawn on freeview (Yesterday)...the acting was a bit hammy, but I like that kind of thing.:o)

Oh I see you're a trolley dolly jno...hmmm, and a six wheeler. I think mine's just about to become a uni wheel. I'm going to have a look at that site, I just saw something that said towel reviver. I think some of mine are beyond help but I'm saving my new ones because they look nice in the cupboard :o)
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Hi Robi,

I thought it was cold and went out in long sleeves and a jacket and then felt hot. Am sitting here now in a summer top and cropped trousers and feel cold again.

Mr doc. said he suspected diverticulitis and to come back and see him when it reared its ugly head again. I shall resist going back because like you I don't want to go through the process!!!
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Whilst I was out this morning, I went into our local department store (yes we do have one - sort of - well a furniture, household store quite a huge one). Some young man was buying a toaster for his Mum's birthday. £150.00!!!!!
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Reduced from £199!!
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Well some people have more money than sense Lottie, I've never owned a toaster, I don't have much worktop space & the grill on my gas cooker does the job (and warms the kitchen on days like this) :o)

I've been venturing out there (you hardly dare have an opinion on here)<<<
seats on planes...give me the whole damned plane to myself, lol

The sound of kids...lovely? I can here the little darlings 4 doors down when they're screaming and yelling in the garden, I'd be hairless if they were next door. (I realise that day will probably come, I'll start dropping hints early :o))
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I don't have a toaster either Robi, we just use the grill. We don't eat that much toast anyway.
Lol lol ...yes I've just been having a browse .
I think all fat people should be shot ,along with women over 60 who have the audacity to wear jeans and all children should be belted to within an inch of their lives :) It must be really hard work to be perfect .

Not bad here weatherwise .Dry ,was sunny ,now clouded up .

I've had a very exciting day . Cleaned out under the sink .Amazing what you find .Slung out loads of half used gunky bottles of God knows what and then progessed upstairs to the bathroom cupboard and did the same .
Then I heaved out old crip from my make up bag . About time I slung that spit mascara :)
I'm going to the new Poundland on Friday with my SiL so I can restock with more stuff :)
Hope everyone is OK and hope you feel a bit better now Robinia .These tummy upsets get you down don't they . I'm on the dizzy dame pills atm .Swimmy head and the window tips to one side when I turn over in bed :)
Thinking of you both Woofy xxx
Take care all .
Over and out for now .
oh, I hope everyone's feeling a bit better. I feel really chilly, thermal socks on and all, byut I don't know these days if it's the house, the weather, or me. I probably need a more expensive toaster to sit beside.

Yes, we saw the towel reviver but didn't buy any; we have new towels, and old ones that look more like tea towels (only more transparent), but I don't think either of them needs reviving. The six wheels are cute, I'm tired of trundling two-wheel bags up and down the station stairs, but the new ones just spin round to the next wheel when you go up a step.
Hi Everybiddy. Been to La Tasca in Derby this evening What a rrip off. £30 for 2 of us for 6 bowls of Tapas. We left my house at 4.30 and were back in the house supping Baileys cofffee at 7.00 Never again am I going there.

I have a toaster, it is a Sainsburys Basics and it cast me £4.50 perfect for my 2 slices of a morning. I do have to use the grill for the crusts though :¬)
sorry you haven't been well Robi and good to see you back.

Right must say good night now as I'm up early for Windsor.

Woofy I promise there will be sometime in the day when I will think about you and Mr W. and hoping that things will go alright.

Goodnight all Sleep tight. See you soon x
Just re ~read my post and I must have multipleletteritis!!!
wowee, I may be up all night but I have finally identified a piece of music that I keep hearing as background on TV (Whirling Dan used it a while ago) but as I don't have Shazam I couldn't figure out what it was... anyway, it's here

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