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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Morning all

Nice boots lottie, never heard of them, shiite kickers, we'd call them.

Just woken up, rather late for some reason.

Weather is same old, same old.

Going to get my brekkie now, see you all later!
when some of my posts have capital letters in the middle of words, that is when I am on android phone, no idea why it happens!
There was a huge black and very fast running cockroach out the back near the dishwasher last night, and I screamed, and Mr N came running (that's a first and I'm quite pleased) so he bashed it and missed it and it went under the outside fridge/freezer so we sprayed all round it. I know we have them in the garden but hate them running near the house. Normally I could be murdered and Mr N wouldn't help!
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Morning all. Off to Morrisons, we are out of supplies!!

Cockroaches, yuk. But I have never seen one.

Look up Fitflops on the net, Nets. They really do do what they say. I bought a cheap pair of sandals which I now wear indoors all the time. I was dubious when I bought them, but I really do benefit from wearing them. They are medically approved as well!!

See you later.

Hugs for the Woofies (and everybody else, especially Mr Shaney)

Midically approved, lottie? not like those scholls, cos they hurt my feet and cannot wear them. Have had a brief look at the boots which is why I said nice!

Cockroaches are prevalent all over the island, not because I am dirty although many folk do have them for that reason! One dirty "friend" found his remote for the telly didn't work and when he opened it to change the batteries he found it was full of dead cockroaches, ouch, I still feel revolted. When I worked in a hotel in Hendon north London, every morning there were cockroaches running about the kitchen and the chefs used to throw them onto the grills to kill them, I rather hoped they cleaned the grills later!
Just back from lunch, we tried a place that we haven't been to for years cos it got so grotty but it's all new and upmarket now but prices were Ok. Had tapas for a change, really super they were, love the toro picante (bull with spicy sauce) it was delicious. Am not on any taxi duty today so had a pint of lemon shandy, aren't I a devil!!

Hope you are all alright!

Waves to the woofies, thinking of you both x
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Midically approved!!

No not like scholls. A completely different type of concept. I knew you liked the boots, but I meant look at the Fitflop website regarding the benefits. The soles are lovely and soft too.

We had hot Ciabbatta herby rolls straight out the oven from Morrisons filled with tomatoes picked from the greenhouse five minutes before I made the rolls. Ooooh delicious!!

Am feeling miffed about Louis Hamilton and the Grand Prix :o(

Also waves to Woofies
Have just eaten a bowl of lovely fresh strawberries with sugar, yum, Sunday is my lazy day.

I love fresh tomatoes, can't often get that lovely tomatoey taste over here!
From woofy

Thank you. The biddies are being a great support. Getting to Wednesday is like wading through glue but we will get there!:
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Seems that it's just you and I here today Nets. The other's must be out gadding somewhere!!
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And please thank Woof for her message. Not the best of bank holidays weekends for her and Mr Woof :o(
gadding in Stortford, arrived early so spent the time devastating the credit cards in Coopers. Even got one of these to hold the other purchases


It works too!

I brought a trolley when I had to have my shoulder op, I felt a bit strange at first but got used to it. Now I only use it when doing xmas shopping without Mr N's knowledge!!
Have decided to stay in today to tackle this pile of ironing!
Bu88er, bu88er, bu88er!!! Just typed a long message and then pressed the wrong key and it's all disappeared. (excuse the language)!
Here goes again.

Good morning Everybiddy I hope you've all had a not too bad a weekend and Woofy - Thinking about you both, soon be Wed. hope all goes well.
I've not been on much over the weekend as my Neighbour Friend (NF from now on!) has spent most of the time here relaxing and drinking Baileys Coffee and chatting. Today I'm off to get some petrol and a 'few bits', as we say up here, at Sainsburys.
I've got a busy week. Tomorrow I'm going to Tai Chi then lunch then in the evening I'm going for a meal with NF. Wednesday I'm off to Windsor on a trip with Fuschia, Thursday I'm meeting a friend in the evening for a meal. She is in her 40s and she likes to talk to me as she is in the same position as I am with her eldest child. He is 24. So we meet up now and again for a chatchup as she isn't as far forward as I am with things.

Anyway Pop Master has nearly finished so I'll be off out.

Laters 'gater(s)! x
Hiya jude, just finished my ironing, I have to get petrol aswell but there are huge summer queues so I'll wait until lunch time as it should get quieter then!
Just had a phone call from big sister (who is tiny) her cancer 's back in her neck bones and it is terminal, they have said 2yrs, I cannot believe it. I am so upset.
Oh Neti I'm so sorry. Cancer is such an invasive desease. Take care.
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So sorry to hear your news Neti xxxx
Hi folks
I'm so sorry to hear that Neti . Very sad for you .They can put a man on the moon but can't find a cure for cancer .

Nothing doing at Shaneytowers .Same old .My brother just brought me some runner beans, toms and a mahoosive cucumber !
Weather not too bad ,bright and breezy .

I see you've joined the shopping trolley brigade then Jno :)
I can't get on with mine at all . I get in a muddle with the ruddy thing in the supermarket .
Only do small bits of local shopping these days and let Sainsburys bring the rest .
Hope you are all fair to middling and muddling along .
Much love to the Woofies ,not long now .KBO xxxx
Where's Robinia ? Hope you are OK .

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