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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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woofy is so grateful for the support and emails, she is very tired but Mr w is doing a bit better and she is feeling more positive.
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Have just emailed you Neti, and hadn't seen your posting.

Off to bed soon. A fraught day and I am tired.

Just cruising by to wish you all a goodnight .
Been quite nice here today and spent the afternoon in the garden at my bros with tea , cakes ( a small tipple )and nice company .

Thinking of you both Woofy and sending a big ((((hug ))))xxxxx

Goodnight lovely people .Sleep tight .
Night all.

Was your bro better shaney, I hope so.

Think of you woofy and Mr woofy x
Goodnight Biddyfriends everywhere. Take care - See you tomorrow. xx
Morning all.

I hope it is a better day today for everyone.
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I am off out and its grey and breezy here today. Going to 'Norfolk Herbs' to have a look round, and then a bite to eat at pub.

See you

Thinking of you Woofies xxx
Morning all. I've at last got my car back after much coming and going. I've just whizzed it down the By-Pass and it's going great............ she says touching her head!!

It's turned out nice here after a night of heavy rain. I'm going out for lunch with one of my friends today and then the man from The Water Board is coming to repair my meter. I just hope they haven't been undercharging me cos it may mean a big bill next time
Enjoy your day out Lottie it sounds good, I woudn't mind coming with you!
Have a peaceful day everyone see yer later 'gater(s)
I should have said touch wood before the last bit shouldn't I. Ha Ha ha!!
Just spent 2hrs doing battle with the Town Hall over my address (or lack of one) "Oh we must have forgotten" (since 4 weeks) so I went to see the mayor, who was in one of his "metings" (hiding from me more liek) so I explained to his secretry and she marcxhed down to the minster of interior and they wimped "oh it's august" we can't do anything yet" so I politely exploded saying that it wasn't always August and I had had enough as they were quick enough to take my taxes etc. The she was speaking in the local dialect in the phone so I interupted in the local dialect so that shut her up! So hopefully next week I will have a street plaque (road sign?) and I am now numero uno!! Then I said that the old cow at the bottom who always parks her car across the entrance to our lane, would impede fire engines etc so the police are erecting a No Parking sign there, result! let's wait an see!!!!
Thinking of you woofies.

Thinking of Mr s too!
Some of my typing seems to be in dutch or summat, just put it down to my higher intellect!!!! :0)
Haha Neti ,I can just picture you having a pop at the authorities :)
I hope you thumped on the desk and rattled yer handbag at 'em .

Not a bad day here ,cloudy and sunny on and off .

My bro is OK Neti thank you .He went for an ECG at the surgery yesterday morning which was OK and the GP is making an appt for him to see a cardiologist asap. About time as these attacks are getting more frequent .
Mr S. is running back and forth to the lav as I type .

Hope all other Biddies are Ok and as always thinking of you Woofy .
Take care all .
Morning/a'noon/whatevva...had a crippity crip night so I don't know what time of day it is. Heck, did it rain?! Hammered down it did didn't it Jude? The grass was squelchy this morning but it's drying out fast, I've got to ring the mowerer to cancel, I'm not having him to just pick up dead leaves but I'm hoping he does some hedge cutting instead.

Ooh, I bet neti's magnificent when she's angry, haha. Someone once told me I was...I wasn't angry with him I was ranting about someone else :o)

Thinking of the woofies....I was doing just that as I lay awake last night x

And good wishes for your bro and poor tiddling Mr s shaney x

I'm not enjoying this lack of hormones malarkey...I know why old women wear loose skirts and not tight jeans... <rolls eyes>...might need a squirt of wd40 before I start squeaking when I walk ;o)
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Well I tried a month of hormones and had such dreadful problems that I would never go down that route again. So now I haven't got any (which explains the beard!!)

We got some rain here about lunchtime, but not the deluge you experienced Robi.
Afternoon each.
Everything sorted today, car back, lively lunch at aloc al country pub, fish pie with praws, salmon, and a white fish, don't knowwhat that was, with veg. Very nice. Started with mushrooms in sauce with a mini baguette. Then came home for when the Water Meter man came and he said there was nothing wrong wiht the meter. He took 2 readings at gthe beginninjg and the end of his visit and proved he was wight. So I'm pleased about that. Cheap water bills from now on...
Going to have a relaxing rest of the day.
The garden looks a bit fresher now with the good downpour we had last night.
I think my pot at the front door needs redoing now so I'm off to put somje winter Brrrrr pansies in. Robi my seeds are showing well now so what do I do next. They have just got 2 leaves showing at the. How long do I wait before I do anything with them please and are they alright outside like they were last night in the rain.

Laters 'gaters!

**Please know that I am thinking about Mr S. Mr W. and their lovely biddywives. Also your brother Shaney.
Neti I've caught something off you typoingitis I think it's called!!
evenin''s been a lovely day but I didn't feel like doing anything much, so I didn't.

Lottie when I started with the hormones they were the 'elixir of life'...well actually not & I struggled with the first ones so my doc prescribed ones where you have no withdrawal bleed. He said I needed them as 35 was too early to have no hormones, brittle bones, heart probs, blah, blah, and I did feel better on them than off. Now the doctors are trying to get everyone off them as they don't think they're all that great after all, especially long term. Typical.

Jude with the seedlings wait until there are enough leaves to make them recogniseable as violas and then ease them out one at a time & dob some into your planters or where ever you want them. Doesn't matter if you overplant, you can always pull some out later. Mine are outside now but I started the seeds on the windowsill. I'm hoping they haven't reverted to the toddy little wild ones, haha
I know all about it Robinia .They put me on HRT after my hysterectomy aged 38 .I took it for about four years and after it kicked in I felt marvellous .But then ....I read something about these hormones being made from horses urine and all the side effects ( although I never experienced any )and it put me off so came off it .
Biggest mistake I ever made .i went straight into the change ( and how ) because they left my ovaries .I was hell on wheels :)
Never mind ..all water under the bridge and medication has come a long way in twenty five or so years .
I often wonder though that if I had kept it up maybe I wouldn't have got this arthritic business .
But I could have just been delaying it all .Wear and tear is wear and tear after all said and done .I should have hung up my sporting activities earlier .

So so sort of day here .It rained ...all over my washing ..poop... so it's still out there dripping .

Woofy if you are reading this,thoughts and love are with you both .Take care xxxx
Night all .Sleep well.
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Shaney, I was full of arthritis, etc. before I was given HRT. I am not putting what happened to me because of HRT on this site, but it was frightening.

Personally, I think it's the luck of the draw whether arthritis, etc. hits you. Although it runs on my mother's side of the family.

Ha, ha Shaney. I put my washing out after it stopped raining and it was dry when I brought it in!!

Goodnight to you all and special thoughts to Mr and Mrs Woof xxx

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