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Just have to say...................

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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Morning all, hope everyone has a wonderful day. Robi how are you doing?
Morning all...I hope the woofies had a calm night & we hear there's been good progress today.

It's sunny and fresh, looks like being a nice day, hopefully it'll make me (and anyone else below par) feel a bit better. It's all moved up my body & I'm spinning all over the place today.

Oh dear, not more problems with the lighting shaney? :o)


I would have a rant about this digital tv malarkey but I wouldn't know when to stop.
oh you're here woofy, I'm tottering on thanks...more importantly how's Mr W? Or is it too early in the day to know?
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Morning all, Hope all is still well with Mr Woof and hope you soon stop spinning around Robi. The link I just for you!!!

I am off out to see and friend and then go to Morrisons. Hopefully this weather will last.

Took a Baclofen (muscle relaxant) last night because I hurt everywhere - it worked and I slept like a log but just can't wake up now!!!

See you later

Morning all,

Hope the woofie4s are Ok and comfortable.

My bro in law came out of hospital, spent a day( in agony) trying to pee; was rushed back to hospital and is now home with a catheter. Poor sis is rushing around like a mad thing changing his catheter (she hasn't a clue what to do was shown once by a nurse) washing his sheets and towels whenever she can as she is determined he won't get any infections and she is shattered. Oh lawdy I'llhave to wear a nurse's outfit for my hols!
Am still puzzling as to why suddenly bil needs a catheter, he had a toe infection cleaned whilst waiting for triple heart bypass, now suddenly he can't pee, there's no connection.
Some men can't pee after an operation Neti . Has he had any previous peeing problems? I feel for your sister .Been there .Still there :)

Just back from a nice morning shopping .Had lunch in Sainsburys .Fish and chips .Very nice . Bought a few odds and ends ,bra ,Tshirt ,jumper and mascara. Then Lidls for or sausage and herrings .

Lovely day here. Sorry to hear you're a dizzy dame too Robinia .I'm back on Stemetil daily .Am getting lots of ear pain too.That horrible pain that's similar to when you are on a plane when it's coming in to land .

Hope Mr Woofy is doing OK and you feel a bit easier Woofie .You sound brighter :))
Take care all ,back later .
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I have never been able to pee after an op and have always had to had a catheter for a while. I make sure they know in advance these days after a horrible experience when I had a caesarian.
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I was told that very often the bladder is the last organ (is it an organ?) to wake up after a general anaesthetic.
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Had a lovely couple of hours drining coffee on a friends verandah (She lives next door to my son). Beautiful weather here. Summer again!!

Then went to Morrisons and got a huge shop only to find as I unpacked it at checkout that a bottle of bleached had leaked over about 1/3 of the contents. Had to wait whilst staff ran around replacing things, which including sliced chorizo especially cut to the thickness I required.

Salmon with slices of Chorizo baked in ratatattattoooiiiiiiiiiii (can't spell it) for dinner tonight.

Am slowly waking up!!! Probably wide awake by bedtime.

See you later and hopefully more news from our Woofta!!
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Sorry you have had to go back on Stemetil Shaney. :o(
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The friend I was with this morning has been fighting cancer for years (lymphoma and previously breast cancer) This month she has starts more intensive treatment as it has spread. She will not really be able to leave her home for at least three months and probably six and has a long list of what she mustn't do for this time. It's quite horrendous really and is down to the type of cancer she has. She is so positive and so brave and has never ever moaned about it. Always smiling and doing things for people.

It makes me feel very humbled.

Cancer affects everybody doesn't it. A really evil thing.
Yes cancer is really horrid. Sis didn't have a clue it was secondary cancer, she thought she had sprained her shoulder or something, even went to physio! She can't see the cancer specialist until Nov 15th ridiculous, she was Bupa but cancelled.

Bil only had a local anesthetic, which is why I can't understand it.
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That is an awful long wait Neti. Poor girl. No long waits like that around here. Where does she live?
In Eastbourne, but as it's terminal I guess there's no hurry for them!
Very sad for you Neti .I feel so sorry for your sister .That's an awful long time to wait .
My SiL had breast cancer but she's a survivor,however perhaps your sister should get in touch with the Macmillan nurses.They offer lots of advice and support .They were brilliant with us .
Although Mr S had cancer he's not out of the woods yet and they are very caring and supportive .
Just a thought xxxx
What a worrying time for you Neti. I don't think there are many people who haven''t been affected by cancer. My BiL died with it and my Ex husband died 5 years ago aged 67. Very sad. The Macmillan nurses were brilliant with help for him.
She's still dashing about like Benny Hill at the moment (though not chasing girls!!) but she had a bad experience with one Macmillian Nurse when her partner was dying in 2007, the nurse never came when promised and never bought the special food that he needed, in the end she told the district nurse or someone and they changed nurses. she's gor neck ache but still perfecrtly capable in all ways. she had just bought a new settee before being diagnosed and we said send it back but she said she'd keep it (I am amazed as although she has plenty, she doesn't like spending too much which is wear we rub!)

I do still think and pray for Mr S and you too shaney, even if I do not always mention it. I pray for the woofies and all of us!

Both my mother, aunt and fil died from cancer.
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My Dear Dad died at 63 from a brain tumour. I still miss him very, very much. I was 33 when he died. He was a vibrant and very young man for his age. His father died at 63 from cancer.

I think it touches everybody's lives.

But Grandad had bowel cancer and the same op as Mr S and lived until 90 and died of old age!!

I am going to bed shortly. Am now feeling tired. Am contemplating taking another one of those Zonk out tablets!!
Good evening all. Good day here today. DH improving by leaps and bounds, has got up today, sat in chair and been for a walk, also allowed orange jelly for tea and if all goes well, soup for lunch tomorrow. I had a bet with my Sis yesterday and lost so took her out for lunch today, posh sardines and coffee at our local garden centre, very nice and bright sort of rural posh.
Neti I will carry on nagging Im upstairs about your Sis.
Did I tell you about my new ikea dressing table? It was sat in boxes in the garage. We needed something to do on Wednesday, op day so we lugged it upstairs piece by piece and assembled it. It's this one

Really nice and loads of storage.
DH is amused and impressed.
Sleep well all and no whirling

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