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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Morning all...have we plunged into November, it was so dark (and wet outside) and my bedroom window was steamy first thing? The neighbours probably think I got lucky... I did have a long shower so that may account for the steam.

Errr, hang on, that's a bit random jno, an interview about pomegranate juice? Did you hear correctly, haha? Is it the new cure all? I'd better have a tanker full.

Well now you've started me off Jude & I've been scouting for waterproofs. Tarquin likes Sprayway & if anyone knows about clothing for the elements he does.
Lovely parkas too Lottie, I'd already spotted those & there's one with a detachable fur collar I like too. Like you I get more wear out of those but it's nice to have a best coat too...the moths like a change now and then :o)
Oh booger, I need one of everything....and a lotto win.

Hope you're all tottering along as well as. It's going to be another easy day for me, this flare up's dragging on and I need to gather some speed before winter really sets in.
it seems our housesitters have asked to use our kitchen. They stayed here when we were away twice this year, because their own flat is being refurbed (one was at their spare flat in Paris, so I am grateful). Anyway, she's something in PR and is going to film a client extolling pomegranate juice. She wanted to do it in her own kitchen, but that is still a pile of rubble, so she is going to do it in ours instead.

A testament to our nice white kitchen with star galaxy worktop, I feel.
Yes I also like the anorak with the fur collar.

Robi, get you, a best coat! haven't had a best coat for years, we don't wear them over here, yes it's cold but the old anoraks get worn! Hang on thinking about it, actually yes I do have an mock afghan full lengthcoat that Mr N bought me in Madrid in 2002, it a hippy looking thing, so that is my best coat.
Morning all
Bit dull and dreary here but quite warm .
Hope you are all jogging along and that Mr.Woofy is continuing to improve .

Poor BiL Neti. Those bags are horrid .Your sister could ask the district nurse to fit a Flip Flo valve instead .Much better and he'll have more control .Going about with a bag full of piddle strapped to your leg is no joke as i very well know from Mr S :)

Coats ,coats glorious coats .Do I need another coat though ? Hmmmm.
I love this tiger print maxi coat but I don't think it's quite the thing for bumbling around in Morrisons :)

Ooh fame at last Jno ! I hope they give you free supplies of Juice for your trouble .

Take care all,enjoy your Sunday
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You could use my kitchen to promote before and after advert. Mine would be the before bit!!

After a lovely morning, Robi has sent her dull weather over here, but no rain as yet!! It'll no doubt arrive before evening.

I have ordered the silver grey coat!! If I don't like it, it will go back. The delivery cost is far less than petrol to Norwich and parking!! I haven't told Mr LL!! I am thinking of our Russian trip next Spring. One of the destinations apparently only becomes available on the week we go, before that it's iced up. I don't think there will be much sunbathing on the deck!!

I would have loved that coat back in the early 70's Shaney. It probably would have cost about £7 10s in those days.

How is Mr Shaney.

No news from Woofie today yet, hope all is well.

Son and Mr LL have just gone off with trailer to pick another load of wood up. We shall soon look like a wood yard. We have to have our chimney lined and a new woodburner, and get rid of the jackdaw nest before we even think of burning any of this wood.
Another stinking hot day, I hate it, we have been trudging all through the girries in Playa den Bossa looking for a barca football shirt as Mr N thinks it will be cheaper d'oh it was unbearably hot, no shade. The place is all tarted up and our usual eating places have gone upmarket, which means same food, new chairs, posh name and sky high prices. Found a shirt at double the price here, had a miserable lunch with a don't care waiter, he left us for ages before attending and Mr N was all for walking out, I had tasteless avocado and salmon salad, tomato and cheese spaghetti (he forgot to bring me a spoon and cheese, so I got them) then I had a huge pancake with sugar and lemon and the wally spilt the lemon all over my new bag and phone. We just paid and left, bluudy place is going to the dogs. Mr N had spent ages cleaning the pool and I was so looking forward to swim but the filter has blown all the gunk back so it's like a village pond. It just dust but yukky. Back on bed in the cool, hopefully nothing can go wrong now!
Thanks re: flip flo shaney I'll pass it on.
hello folks, sorry for the silence, bumpy day yesterday when DH's tum flared up and the nurses were idiots but way better today and better nurses. Long story that I won't bore you with. It has peed down here today.
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Glad I caught you Woofy. Was just coming in to say goodnight and hoping you were around!!

Sorry you had a bumpy day yesterday, but glad things are better. I always think that there are bumpy days after any ops. One step back two forward, but eventually it is just forward.

Staff on duty can make such a difference!!!

Sleep night.

Night night all xxxxx
Hi Woofy hope DH had a better day today and you of course. And I hope tomorrow is even better!
Had my friend round all night for a Baileys and a natter. We have agreed to go out on Friday to our local if there's somebody good on. Yippee!

Have a good night Everybiddy. Sleep tight See yer later 'gater(s) x
Evening all ...
Not a bad day here .The sun got out and it was quite warm but a light shower round tea time . Lazy day at Shaneytowers .
Sorry to hear Mr Woofy had a wobble .Hope he soon bucks up again. One step at a time .Take care Woofy xx
Goodnight folks ,sleep tight .
Hello all.

Hi woofy, sorry to hear aboput Mr W's wobble, hope he is recovered now.

Hope you are all OK, will be back later.
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Hi All,

Light shower eh Shaney!!!! We had about an hour of torrential rain - just like buckets of water being poured down on us. No chance of gutters coping. Then it turned nice in the evening and sunny again this morning (at the moment!!).

Nice news about Friday Jude. You will get back in the swing again!! Is this going to be a permanent arrangement.

Son and GF stayed all afternoon and into the evening after helping with the wood, so we had a nice family get together and a good chat over tea and cakes. Although we see them it is usually on quite a rushed basis. Son seems to be always busy doing things.
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Oh, and he took all the boxes away with him as he came in the jeep and had room!! Hooray!!!!!
Good morning! Bright chilly day here, DH has texted me to say he has bounced back from his wobble and is going forward again. Digestion has started to work properly (use your imagination....on the other hand, no perhaps don't lol) so another big step nearer home.
Ps I have caught the berghaus bug and ordered one of their waterproof coats with the removable fleece inner ready fir the hard winter that I KNOW is coming.
That m an s parka is nice but not up to all weather dog walking
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Good news Woof!!

I have quite a few doggy walking coats, waterproofs, Berghaus etc. I want one that looks a bit more presentable when I go out somewhere!! My ballgown, tiara, and a berghaus waterproof don't look good ;o).

Actually I am thinking of Russia next spring.
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My hernia is playing up and I am trying to not notice!! The surgeon has frightened me off having the op!!!!
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I have a Brintex (sp.) breathable waterproof ex Master LL and you can zip any fleece into it. It is looking shabby, but it will see me out. I don't think they make clothing any more

For Neti


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