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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Oh Dear Neti whatever next for you. It's seems ridiculaou that an authority can take your land just like that. I think if they do that over here they pay you. Will they be doing that there. I hope so if it gets that far.

That coat sounds a good buy Robi. By the way my seeds are going mad in this drop of rain we've had. I'm going to give them a little bit longer to look a bit bigger then putting them in a pot. I bet they turn out little purple ones like yours but they coulod look good in a pot all together. says Jude, trying to sound like a gardener!!

Hope Mr W is back on track now Woofy, And you are relaxing a little bit more. Also hope your sister is still with you for a while.

I have another busy Tuesday. Tia Chi, Pub ;lunch then later on going to another pub on the other side of Derby to meet the friend I was supposed to meet last Thursday. So it will be watch what I'm eating. Have to go to see the Dr. at the end of this month for a revue, Ha! ha! REVIEW I think it should be, with regards colitis and IGT. Mind you, I wouldn't mind a 'revue 'with my lovely Dr.

Let you know about the SOTD Shaney but I'll tell you now you've beaten be!!

laters 'gaters x
Ridiculaou!!!*** you know what I mean doncher!!
Lotti and jno I needed those, made me laugh!
well, the interviewing went on till 7 rather than 2 as planned. It seems to have been basically an ad or PR promotional material for pomegranate pills, recorded on film. As you know pomegranate is a wonder fruit that cures all ills but when you juice it you lose 75% of its goodness, so these pills provide a great way of getting it all.... and so on. I'll have to wait and see if this ever appears on Youtube or something.

In the meantime, if anyone's husbands are feeling poorly, stuff them with pomegranates. I've just had several hundred leftover seeds on my salad and I'm a new person. And the kitchen is just gleaming too.
and now I am going to watch Lucy Worsley in the Regency, though I feel sure she should be playing hockey somewhere, she seems just that kinda gal.
She's lovely jno, great fun.
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Night night everybody - I'm off to bed. Fell asleep at 7.00pm cuddling a poorly Meggie on the sofa. She tells me she feels a bit better now and is asleep on our bed.

Neti I am sorry for your irritating day. Maybe the butterfly minds of the local officials will flutter off and wind someone else up?
Good day here, DH chirpy and all his various specialists very happy. Wind blowing a Holley tonight and worse forecast for tomorrow so no early dog walk and a nice lie in. Gentle cuddles for Meggie. Robi are you still whirling? I used to love pomegranates but they set my teeth on edge now.
Hello all
Not a very nice day here ,blowing a gale and raining and off .Feeling it too.
I've spent some of the day following Robinia round Debenhams
...and some lolling about . Couldn't be arsed with much today .
Just watched New Tricks and there's going to be a new series next year . Didn't do any scores tonight Jude .Weary bones and general lethargy :)

Sorry to hear of your predicaments with the powers that be Neti . Surely they can't just grab your land willy nilly like that .
We'll all come and squat , wave banners and sing ..We shall not moved ...
Jno can pelt them with pomegranates :)

Pleased to hear Mr Woofy is on the up and hope he continues to improve .
Same old at Shaneytowers otherwise .
Goodnight chums ,sleep well .
Oh yes PS I've enjoyed that Regency programme with Lucy Worsley .
She's got a good website
The history of toilet paper is fascinating :)
Nite all xx
that's very interesting, shaney. Did she really pronounce breeches as breeches? I thought it was supposed to be britches. And she definitely said inTESTinal as inteSTEEnal tonight. The BBC used to have a pronunciation unit that kept people up to scratch on things like that but maybe celeb presenters regard this stuff as beneath them.

Also, I wouldn't object if she decided to open her mouth when she talks. But she knows lots of interesting stuff.
Morning all

Just told Mr N of the land plans, he's not a happy bunny whoops!
Good morning Biddyfriends. I'm pleased you and Mr W had a good day yesterday Woofy and today in my quiet time at Tai Chi my thoughts of goodwill will be speeding towards you.
The weather is a bit wet over here to say the least. I even went in my car to the paper shop which doesn't happen very often.
I had no chance with the SOTD Shaney. I managed 1 miserable point. Nevermind I still enjoy watching to see how brainy some of these youngsters are.
I'm off out in a bit so I hope you all have a good day whatever you're doing and that all aches, pains, worries and upsets abate a bit for you.

Love to all see yer later 'gater(s) x
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Good morning.

Nice news about Mr Woof :o) xxxx

Weather as per Shaney!!! Horrible. Meeting friend for lunch, then collecting prescription drugs from Medical Centre, then Morrisons.

Anyone want any apples, the branches of our trees are absolutely laden. I would fill up boxes and put outside for people to help themselves, but nobody walks past us. We keep giving bagfulls away to anyone who will take them. Never have we had an apple harvest like this, and I don't really like apples very much!!!

See you later.

have you got an Abundance group near you, Lottie? They pick unwanted fruit and donate them to charity. (I think it's mainly urban, though.) Lots of ones in our area are being picked by them (OH is a member) as there's been a huge apple and pear crop here.
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I will check jno. You have however just reminded me that I have seen several of the charity shops with them for sale outside the shop fronts. I shall have to get Mr LL to pick a load next weekend and take them down to town. It seems such a shame to see them waste.

The trouble is any neighbours round here have loads of apples of there own to get rid of.

Also Mr LL has been enthusiastic about tomatoes. Several varieties and far too many of each. He grew them from seed. We also have loads of Cayenne peppers because he thought he had sown Bell Peppers!!

Neighbour came round yesterday with a huge bag of pears!!!

ooops, sorry, morning all, it's bloomin awful here...has anyone seen my sister's pvc greenhouse? :o)

Who's Lucy Worsley? Is she that twittering skinny woman on one of the freeview channels? I'll teach 'er 'ow ta speak proper.

Lottie have you got a church nearby? You know, grey building where grey people come out looking greyer. Well it's about harvest festival time isn't it, maybe they'd take some off you. Failing that, catapult 'em over here, they'll feed my blackbirds all winter :o)

Be careful with all those pomegranates jno, something I read the other day said the juice has the same effect as drinking a litre of syrup of figs. I won't repeat their actual description :o)

Keep calm & carry on neti, all will be well....and best thoughts go to the woofies & anyone (or any doggy) who's below par.
(I'm giving myself a couple more days & then it'll have to be the doc :o( )
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Hi Robi. How are you feeling today?

Yes I can see the church from my windows I think it gets a congregation of about 3 every three weeks when they have a service. The vicar does the rounds of several churches so they take it in turns.

Gets catapult out and aims towards the Midlands!!! Duck Robi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

No wonder I have so many blackbirds!!!!
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Sorry, missed your bit in brackets at the end. So no better then :o(. Poor you. You must see the Doc, as you say, but like you, I would be avoiding it too!! I hate going to the Docs. I have my MRI scan to look forward to next Wednesday.
Off to el medico with you Robi, I am seeing mine tomorrow as hip keeps giving away, what else do I need??

Love that Lucy Worsley website Shaney, I had heard of the loo paper before but codpiece was interesting! I find her very interesting.

Hope Mr woofy is feeling better.

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