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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Morning err that is afternoon all

Oh woofy, Loved that prayer on FB. Poor Mr Woofy, and poor you, as Lottie says be good to yourself too. Wish i were a miracle worker!
A bit of good news, My nephew's son has got 2 A* and 2 A's so he's off to Manchester Uni, they offered him a place before the results! One brain box in the family at least!
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Hi Neti.

Took some photos of Alice this morning, thought I would share. She was busy looking for mice behind our back fence!! Fortunately, she failed to get one.

I am having a lazy day, just can't be bothered!!
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Took this last night. Spot the rainbow. We never had any rain though!!
She's lovely lottie, but she won't catch mice sitting on the fence!

Poor Mousey is so furry that she looks a mess, sheds hairs everytime she moves, and keeps getting matted fur on her back, which I remove with the nit comb.
Hi folks
Not a bad day here .
Sorry to hear your worries Woofy .Think of you both all the time and hope things soon improve for you xxx
Nothing doing at Shaneytowers .Same old ,different day .
Congrats to your great nephew Neti .Good results indeed .
My bro brought me round a big bag of little cherry toms from his greenhouse this morning .
I think there's about two left :)
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Ah she looks down on them in the ditch Neti and then pounces from a height!!

Hi Shaney, I keep sneaking off to the greenhouse to pick little yellow cherry tomatoes. None of them get back as far as the house!!!!

Your post about your nephew wasn't there when I started mine. Well done to him. Good news
Hello all, thank you for the good wishes, they make me feel physically warmer. After a total toilet of a night we are wobbling on today. I drove DH to his dialysis for the first time but he has eaten some lunch and is now dozing in his chair and digesting it. I had a kip in the car while he was in the clinic, its amazingly comfortable. The dogs have been stars even though they got left for longer than usual.
Hi all I'm back. Good news Neti. What is your nephew going to study?

Sorry about your and Mr W's night Woofy. I wish I had a magic wand. Why good people have to suffer all these illnesses I just don't understand. Even though I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy either. And like everybiddy else says take care of yourself.

What a lovely place to live Lottie, right next door to a farmer's field.

I'm off into my little plot now to finish off from yesterday. Bye for now!
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Ha, ha Jude the farmer's field is infact probably the the third biggest estate in Norfolk!! and it surrounds us!! It even has a Hall.
My great nephew passed in Maths, physics, and some sciences, he was always a geek, but last year he became very good looking (father Euro Asian, mother english), but he wasn't interested in anything but his studies, good for him. He'll be a boffin!!
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And a famous ghost who often walks to the church which I can see from my house!!
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Woofy, how is your weather. I understand there have been some flash floods.

Miserable and drizzly here now and quite cold.

I have now acquired a huge wood pile and a trailer is being stored on our garden.

Master LL has cleared some more of his stuff out of our house but now the garden is being filled up!!
Oh well!!
Ooooo Lottie ghosties. Looks a lovely place and area to live. The sun has been out here and I've finally done the front and the back except a bit more digging which someone is coming to do if I haven't done it before he gets here at the weekend.
Brainy nephew. Don't you feel proud when someone in your family does well.
Well done to your great nevvy...Neti. We are still chugging here.
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Hope you have a better night tonight Woofy. Have been thinking about you both today. How long is Mr Woof's radiotherapy treatment set to last?
Lottie the treatment finished 4 weeks ago but the side effects diminish slowly over months after the treatment :-(
His lovely consultant has phoned and DH is going for a scan tomorrow to see what is going on. Consultant is also going to talk to GP and his other consultant (kidney lady) to sort out a way forward. He has eaten porridge and juice today and so far its has stayed where it should..He is very weary (gone to bed) but a bit chirpier...
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Sorry Woofy I was getting mixed up with Radiotherapy and Dialysis. My brain is in dull mode. Will dialysis now be ongoing? It's a long old slog isn't it Woof. Hopefully, his Consultant and team will soon have him bouncing back. xxx
The dialysis is forever. He can't have a transplant because the anti rejection drugs aren't safe until you are declared 5 years free of cancer. Its a bummer but we live with it.
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Best wishes to Mr Woof for tomorrow, Woofy.

I am really tired today for some reason. Mr LL phoned to say the traffic has been horrendous coming home from London and he will eat out on the way home. I have grabbed fast food from the freezer, but wasn't really hungry and didn't enjoy it. Am going to bung stuff in the breadmaker and head for bed with Meggie!! She is already asking to go upstairs to bed - showing signs of her age like her Mum!!!

Take care Woof and try and have a good night.

Big Hugs


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