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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Know the feeling girls....................
Morning all...bit dull here but looks promising for later.

Happy Anniversary to Dolly & Eric...I hope Eric's your husband :o)

Yes neti, many of those & more besides...have to say though that despite howling tinnitus there's nothing wrong with my hearing .. (x's fingers) fact I probably hear too well, it can be irritating sometimes. My skin's driving me mad at the moment, it feels hot, sore & itchy...everywhere :o(

Oh dear, Stan's going to be a bit busy, looks like he'll have to send one of his trainees to Norfolk
I would very much like for Stan to come overhere and sort two of my computers out!
Good morning Everybiddy. Lovely morning here. I did a load of diggin yesterday evening and I found a ring in my garden. I found it deep down under a big root of a shrub I was digging out. I think it is silver as when I washed it it just came clean and shiney. It has 3 red stones and 4 very tiny clear sparkly ones. I think they are garnets and diamante stones. I can always hope that it is platinum, rubies and diamonds, can't I! :¬)
It also is stamped but I can't read it, not even with a magnifying glass.
I'll have to take it to my jewellery making craftsman friend.

Happy anniversary Dolly and Eric. I hope you had a good day and that you are keeping well.

Hope everybody's aches, pains and itches are getting better. I have a bit of a sore head where I bashed myself with a thick stick last night when I was digging. A few mini swear words came out at the time!!

See you in a bit - off shopping now...
Came to village and its yet another damn fIesta, so no euromillions as the shop is shu bet my numbers come up tonight!
^^ obvIously typed on phone!
Well I'm whizzing along at speed at the moment but you can bet your bottom dollar it won't last .I think this machine is like me .Full of good intentions ,starts off whizzy and then goes dizzy :)

Anyway good morning folks . Not a bad one and the gardener is here at long last .

Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby Dolly .That's a good innings .I hope you have many more happy years together .
ooh, I'd like one of those suits, it'd speed me up a lot.

Stan has just called in, he's on holiday on a beach in Bulgaria (where he comes from) and it's raining there, but he's sending Ivo to look at my motherboard. If it's the power supply it's easy to fix, if it's the motherboard I'll need a new computer, sob.

Now I just need the paviour to return my call from Tuesday, but he's British so he probably never will. Bulgarians may be late (I don't know why he didn't tell his receptionist he was on the Black Sea, I'd tell everyone) but they do call back eventually.
Hello all. We are sleeping loads today (catch up) and had bacon and egg for breakfast!!!!
Hi woofy!!

jno, maybe stan can call into Ibiza on the way back!!

It is unvbearable here today so hot and humid.

Hija wanted to take me out for lunch, so we had to eat lamb chops and stuffed peppers, very nice and at least it was in an air conditioned restaurant. Too hot to sit outside.

But she hasn't been paid yet, so muggins had to pick up the bill, but she is paying it back, cos it's my tooth cleaning money!..and she's treating me to a new handbag!
Ivo says compuer is dead and I am awaiting Stan's suggestions on a new one and using fddly little netbook which has alreay eaten this post once, you won be hearing much rom me.... don't all cry at once...
wow where did the day go? Dogs and DH are still spark out and I just woke up and had an ice lolly.
We used to to what it feels like to be stuff at college (Occupational Therapy) nothing so sophisticated as the suit but a real eye opener. I think I need food but don't want to make a noise.
We're having hot dogs and potato salad ( home made Neti :)
My garden is tidy and all is well at Shaneytowers .

Don't cry Jno .We love you xxx

Blody computers .Mr S. has deleted about a years worth of history for me .I didn't realise you can do that :) No wonder I was limping along .I'm chugging along now in hope .We rely too much on all this technology .

Few garden piccies for you
I had a wrap with meat and mayo in it with a side of cherry tomatoes, chocs for dessert and two (!!!!!) glasses of wine. DH is still dozing happily and the dogs are being good in the to get DH up to bed later....that's gonna be fun......
Shaney I am jealous of the garden, mine looks like a hayfield
Well I starting waking him at 20.00, told him it would take an hour to get him to bed and he said it wouldn't......he was right, it took an hour and 20 minutes lol.
Morning all. brekkie duty here and lightbulbs just gone so can't see.
morning all, still touching wood but the improvement continues....he has gone off for dialysis, time for a saturday kip zzzzzzzzz
Hello All. Good to hear Mr W. may be over the side effects Woofy. 'Everything crossed' for you both. Have a good rest while he is having his dialysis.

Lovely photos Shaney. All you ladies have lovely gardens. Except maybe Neti who struggles a bit, like me. Sorry Net ;¬) Still I'll keep trying.

First day of the footie season today. so I'm off to see The Rams this afternoon. Not that any of you are really interested but it keeps me out of trouble for a couple of hours.
Off out for my usual Sat cuppa. Must remember I owe my sis £4. Every Sat when I go I nearly always owe her money. Usually for a trip she's booked.

Have a good day all - laters 'gater(s)
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Morning folk.

Drizzly and muggy here today. Just had a quick run through all your news to check you are all up and running and glad to see Mr Woof is still improving - thats lovely. Sorry about your computer jno; nice news about finding a ring jude - hope it is worth a fortune; beautiful photos Shaney; Happy Anniversary to Dolly and hope you are in the light again Nets.

Had a busy day yesterday. Actually went to our local little Gym and asked if I was capable of doing anything. They have given me two free sessions and I used the exercise bike and the treadmill and a twirly thing that you twist around on (don't ask). Nice little quiet gymn in an old flint barn that is very cool and the people very friendly and there were only three people using it and one was an old boy of about 80, who I had to giggle at because, like a lot of very old gentleman, he was dressed in shirt, tie and formal trousers - bless him. Anyway I shall continue to go. £20.00 per month isn't bad and as it's next door to Tescos I can call in there afterwards and find stuff to eat!!!!

Then to hospital again re Hernia. Very dour doctor couldn't raise a smile, but he is leading hernia expert. Have to have an MRI scan to see if it is bowel or fat that is coming through - advised to lose fat which lays above the scar which means I will cut down on food, lose weight all over and the fat layer there will remain. It has been there since I had the two ops which caused the awful scar. Stupid man. Got to see him again in six months to reassess. Apparently not a very good idea to try and mend hernia in that area as it can cause complications with infection and blood clots!! Nice!!

Went for walk with Mr LL in the evening and had a lager by the river and Mr LL cooked a gorgeous risotto for dinner - so a nice end to the day.

I have rambled now and nearly reached 2000 words. Shall I ramble a bit more and get to 2000. I have almost made it, so why not ......... ramble.....ramble..........ra

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