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merciful alarm clock?

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DaSwede | 16:57 Fri 08th Feb 2008 | Gift Ideas
386 Answers
Have any of you tried the zen alarm clock?


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and yes my hips crack and crunch - the cracks can be very loud and I get some funny looks!!!
Morning, possums, why I am always the only one awake in the morning.

Oh BTW Lofty I forgot to say yesterday: I too am totally oblivious to just how pretty I am ;-)
(awake but can't get my words in the right order...)
morning all - oops only swedie about - did you have a good birthday? I'm surprised that you are up and about so early.

Slightly chillier here today, apparently the temp is going to drop drastically this week, which suits me fine.

Have run out of thyroid pills so have to pass by a chemist, don't want my levels dropping again.

Catch you laters !
I'm having an out-of-bed experience, Neti:)
Have just downloaded an Xmas tree wallpaper for my desktop, is it a bit early??
Well it's not so much that it's a bit early Neti, it's more that it's a bit tasteless...
Oh, you said 'tree', I just read the 'Xmas' part. See, I should never get up early. (Actually I do rise earlier than you lot think, but my computer is right by the window and it's too light there and I don't like to draw the curtains so I tend to wait before I turn it on.) Anyhoo, what HAVE we got for our wallpapers? This is mine
Afternoon All. Just got back from having lunch, a carvery wihth my friend. Very tasty. Hope you are all having a good Sunday. I have got it right now haven't I it is Sunday.

This is my desk top. I bet you all think I;m very strange, I just think it's great. No other reason. Hope it works I still wish we had the preview function.

It's gone very dull outside and it keeps raining on and off.

Have to ring my eldest son now and then my youngest is coming down to see me with his wife in a bit.

Take care all
I have to ring my eldest now and then my youngest is coming to see me in a bit.
The carvery was tasty - not my friend. Hee Hee!!
I'll get something right one day. Repeating myself now.
Hi Jude

Waves Madly xx
Hi Lottie. Hope you're ok!!!
Have been out for lunch with Mr N, and am now back in bed watching downloaded Children in Need etc: as Mr N has sport on tv on Sundays, so I have a really really lazy day. Oh btw I bought some more thyroid tablets, 24 centimos on prescription - really cheap!!Hopefully Mr N will make some Krispie cakes later on as he has been known to do, scrummy, x
I like your wallpaper Jude. I wonder if it's inspired by the Guinness commercial...? http://www.theanswerb...e/Question830924.html
(...or, rather, by the paintings that inspired the commercial)
You have to buy your thyroid tablets Neti ? Don't you get a repeat prescription ? People with thyroid conditions get their medication free here even if you are under sixty .
Dull and dreary here ..Heavy rain earlier .
I have old Shaney as my wallpaper :) And touch his nose on the screen every morning .Daft bat :)
I'm going to have beef casserole with dumplings and braised red cabbage shortly .Winter warmer :)
Take care folks .Will mail you in the morning Lofty .
I have a picture of my Mum as my wallpaper and I stroke her face and talk to her every time I come on line. I shall never change it. I took it only a year ago. I wish we could have been better friends over the years, but you can't change things and you can't change people. She was a character to be reckoned with and a super intelligent and beautiful lady - we clashed because we both have similar personalities. She was my Mum. Look forward to hearing from you tomorrow Shaney xxx

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