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merciful alarm clock?

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DaSwede | 16:57 Fri 08th Feb 2008 | Gift Ideas
386 Answers
Have any of you tried the zen alarm clock?


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Yes shaney it is a repeat prescription but is dished out on a different date to the rest of my meds so I forget and it lasts for 2 months at a time so goes out of my mind. As I married a younger man and am insured under him I have to pay until he reaches 65! on the other hand if he becomes unemployed - as an English pensioner he can then be put on my NHS and get it all for free - don't ask, it's a silly system. Mind you there's no "dole" as in England so everyone has to work at some point in their lives ie 1 years work = 6 months dole and then you've had it!

Lottie my mother and I had a fiery relationship ( I wasn't her favourite child) but once I became a mother she was so lovely with my daughter, but she liked people to pander to her every whim or be famous and rich, well Mr N and I don't do that so she wasn't too impressed! I miss her every day though.
Sounds like my Mum Netti. She liked to be the centre of attention and was adored by men!!! She led a full life and loved a good time. But boy was she manipulative!!!
Oh dear, Lottie, we could be sisters, that's my mum to a T!!!!!
Shaney, my BP pills cost 26€ without prescription and 9.50€ with prescription and they last 3 weeks, can't afford to live!!!!
good morning...anyone got any free chill pills I'm about to expire from worry here?....After much thought & sleepless nights I decided to let Charlie have the dental work, he's there said that although he has the heart probs typical of his breed his heart wasn't showing signs of stress & that frankly his bad teeth were a bigger threat to his health. Fingers and paws crossed everyone please.
Am thinking of you Robinia, and Charlie of course. Sorry I have left an explantion about the chill pills on the Jordan thread!! Let us know as soon as he comes home. I am sure he will be OK.

Big hugs to both of you xxxxxx
thanks Lottie...
I laughed at the vests & flour, I think 'what do you & yours stockpile?' would make a good thread
I'll let you post it!!

I think it happened more in our parents generation because of wartime hardships, etc. Don't know about the valium and galaxy though.

Take care, and try not to worry too much xxx
oh dear - Lottie and neti separated at birth?


good luck with the, er, canines, Robinia
LOL jno. I simply love that link!!!

My mum didn't mention I had a sister! And to think we were probably both of us out in Spain in the 60's/70's living it up!! Me in Malaga and Neti in Ibiza (although I did do Ibiza for a short while).
It would be funny if we discovered some of us really were related in the dim & distant past....

might explain a lot ...

6 degrees of separation .... I think I'll leave it there!!!
Ooooh ..big hugs and waves paws for Charlie .I hope it all goes well Robinia xxx
.I'm in a muddle at the moment .Back later .
I think we are all sisters except brother Vinny of course.

Thinking about you and Charlie Robi. Hope all goes ok for him.

It's absolutely Scything down here. It looks like a brolly walk for me today. I think it's in for the rest of the day. Was going to walk down for a blood test but changed my mind and went in my car. The nurse took 3 phials of blood. I nearly put pints then Ha Ha!! My next appoinment is to see my dr. I've had more appointments this year than I can remember ever having.
I'm off to deliver my nieces birthday card now in the rain.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Good luck Charlie old thing!! xxxx
Charlie's made it through, the little trooper! I can fetch him in an hour, apparently he's dozey...well I could have told 'em that....this has been a veeeeerrry long day
Well done Charllie!!!
That's lovely news Robbie. Just got in from visiting redundant son and doing some shopping. It's really cold out there and I'm glad to be home!!

Lots of Love to Charlie,

Look at my lovely teef!!

well done Charlie - you deserve a big bone, but don't suppose you can eat one !!!!

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