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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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guess who??

Deepest sympathies Robi there's nothing worse than an manky hair do.
Afternoon everyone. What a day I've had. Bnggered me new mobile up. Got No 2 son to have a look and he said the memory card was faulty and then I locked it up and couldn't do anythin. Anyway after numerous phone calls and a visit to the Orange Shop I am now in contact again. Thank goodness. I felt I'd lost me right arm. And in between all that I had to go to a funeral. Anyway, I wonder Robinia if you go to the same hairdresser as me! I like the way she cuts it but the blow dry never is how I like it even though I go in with it how I want it she never does it the same. The weather is a bit muggy here but the rain hasn't arrived yet. Me garden could do with a drop, I suppose I should get me hose pipe out again. It's associating with you lot that has got me into this gardening lark. Going to have a cuppa now and watch Foyle. See you tomorrow, I'm off out tonight. Have a good night all :o)
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Nah nah nah, jude no mentioning gardening please, I absolutely loathe and detest it, ergo, I have a barren jungle on my land. All eco friendly, that's what I say.
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I want to know where Vinny has got to with the Fromage and garleek .
I am sans chs and would like a couple of garleek champignons with some pommes de terre and a bit of filet de beouf .
Failing that ..chs on tst will do nicely .
bonsoir mes petits peapods.please aident yourselfs au pain d'ail et au vin.
bon appetite
hic...! erm...sorry.shaney..there's no wine string of onions got caught in the bloomin wheels of me tricycle...and I went ars* over tit....and all me plonk ..spattered.!...hic...!.....cheers mange touts....!
that housewife 49 was a good little prog wasnt it....Im sure the ole man was that long haired chap from that shameless thingy?
so it looks like the ole AB is gonna be the same as sport..
bu��er it..!....I like it like this..hope its just a rumour..still...worse things happen at sea......(:O)
Wakey Wakey....Mornin....tis a lovely da....erm...dont mention ze weather....hehe..!
must be orf to zuperbug>>>>catch yer later >>>>>(:O)
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Morning folks
Not very nice here ..cold and windy ..Think I might move to Woollie ..... Come back Vinny ...I was only joking ! .
Housewife 49 is very good ..I have seen it before and read the book ..but the programme was actually better than the book.
Do you think they are going to alter it all so it's like the Sports section ? I shall be in even more of bgrs muddle then !
Hope you are all OK and have a nice weekend everyone .
Bloomin heck...
their still in never never land...
yo a nice gentle tune to wake up to...
erm...just as well go in the garden and sunbathe then>>>>its soooo hot out there>>>>>>(:O)
hiya shaney....your weather looks good fer..................
...........................tuesday...!...if I could swap the weather just fer one day I would....but seeing has I cant...I will sunbathe for you.....(:O)
hasnt portugal got fed up with jno yet...hehe..!
wave's to friends in sweden and aussie..and little mouse.(*_*)
Blooming warm and sweaty here today. My weekend off, with no rehab, oh what a dream. Housework still piling up. I can't speak French. Off to polish and scrub (where's that mrs s when you need 'er!!)
bonjour mes amies...
il fait du soleil aujourd'hui. Just when I don't want the hot sun on me...tut....parce que j'ai un bras enorme :o(
nope, don't gasp - in case anyone doesn't know bras = arm. Yep, bitten again....

erm..... & I've accidentally taken a double dose of hrt....with these trollopy highlights, anything could happen. Better lock up yer sons.

I'd seen Housewife 49 before too, but I watched it again & yes Vinny it was him from Shameless...

'tis wee James' 1st birthday today would you believe?....I've bought him a nice white ensemble & some chocolate buttons, hehe, as only a grandma would. I bought the girls some purple play dough once which they loved but apparently it 'went missing' at home...spoilsports.

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Hmmm....a sunbather by proxy ..well that's better than nothing !
Seriously it is really cheesy here and I am fed up with it .Poop and Bah ! They reckon it will be hot tomorrow but am not holding my breath .
Au revoir pour now . Je must go to la biblioth�que and change my livres.
Fame at last Biddies!!

...and it's in the right category!!!
heavens, just popped in for a peep... awash with port and vinho verde... and everyone's having haircuts and practising avatars. I shall wait until they become unavoidable before inquiring about how to get one for myself. Besides it seems Dot has already helped herself to Johnny Depp, so it may have to be Bette Davis. Glad to see neti has come unscathed through the aviatronic process too.
what no pain grill�?...not even any br�l�?....yer sacked Vincent

morning...tis overcast here but that
suits me
...tut! to keep the boogers off me somehow.

welcome back jno hope you had a good time...I'll set up the projector for the slide show this evening shall I?

hope you're all having the sun,snow, or whatever that you're wishing for ....& for Dolly
some rain(& goosepimples for me....)
the sweats pouring of me has I speak....I was out there 8;30 this mornin and me neck was burning...tomorrow promise's some thunder....yep.
love that song robinia...erm...the french market..they were only charging 2 squid fer a bloody frenh they got a load from tesco's as fer the cheese,its cheaper to buy a bar of gold....ummm.not off jnotho.. hehe..!
yo (:O)
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Yet another suntanned person in the house ! Welcome back Jno ..hope you had a good time .... for that sweaty sprout ...Grrrrr is all I can say ! I am definitely moving to Woolie now ! Hide yer chs !
I'll give them sunny Norfolk ! Yes it's cool.. .cloudy and misty in Shaneyland ...again !!
Oh tres bon Vinny...have you been tracing those through the Izal?'ll be sorry when your share has run out, hahahaha...
<hides luxury, soft but strong & very, very long, 3 ply, quilted with aloe vera & Chanel No 5 derriere wipes>

It's been overcast but mild here which was lovely & comfortable to be ite & abite in

shaney I think Vin's fibbin' about being hot....
he looks a bit chilly to me

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