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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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Oh dear ...dodgy tums and tacking stitches ....and it's hot you say Neti ?'s not sdng hot here !
If you want to swop .....I don't mind . But you can keep the stitches !!
Oooh ... a Jam tart has just appeared on a plate .....lovely !!
oh dear, not a day in biddyparadise is it?
They're very hot (sorry) on the ole fisio over there then neti? My neighbour didn't have that much for a hip replacement...they came to her a couple of times & left her to get on with it...which she didn't & then wondered why she couldn't do the cancan.

Bloomin weather....Looks like it'll be Drooping the Colour on Sat....
I see Vinny's trying on his bearskin

(heehee...made myself laugh with that one)
Yes I'll swap with any of you right now, but I get to keep my fisioterapist (Paco).
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Evening...phew....! just gotta take me bearskin robinia
hiya gopher..little mouse....I know its you...coz you said you ignor a certain time of year....B&S 2006....they dont call me watson fer nuthing you the mouse was a clue..hehe...!.(:O)
Im keeping me fingers crossed for the weekend...this starts tomorrow...yo
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Morning Raindrops
All OK are we ? Any one need a squirt of WD40 ? It's still raining on and off and very muggy .
I see that mouse is after the chs again and it has a crash helmet this time ...very clever mouse that one !
Where' s the weather pixie this morning ? I need the forecast for tomorrow .
morning drippings...this is rikidoodalus, we're either drenched or dessicated. I'll have a squirt mrs s I feel like those gel crystals you put in your plantpots & I'm all wobbly & waterlogged.

It's a new moon today but doesn't look like it's bringing any changes....

where's me canoe?
erm....I dont know what the forecast is shaney....
but dont go out tomorrow.whatever you do.hehe...!..(:O)sundays nice..
just love that song robinia....I use to play that on me violin at school....but I had to stop going to classes coz we couldnt afford the 1/6d....sob...hankey please..
..okay....I'll stop if you buy me a custard tart..! deal or no deal........(:O)
oh just caught me Vin I'm pulling me thigh-high waders on to go to the cake's not raining at the moment but I always wear 'em on Fridays... hehe....

I wanted to be a fashion 'modul' but couldn't afford that play & I'll teeter up & down with me the dream, lol.
Morning All It's actually stopped raining at the mo but doesn't look very promising! I'm in the mood for cleaning my house today so don't try and stop me lol! Just had to stop for something to eat.
I need some putta advice Vinny . I have bought a blue tooth cableless adapter. I have installed everything but now I'm stuck as I don't know how to download anything. Useless! Aren't I? Thought you might be able to enlighten me!.
Hope all of you are ok today and having a good one. I am going to my local haunt today to see a band call Three Wheel Drive. They are very good even though they are a bit too 'bluesy' at times but they do play some rock for us as one of my friends used to go out with one of the guitarists.
Do you ever forget what day it is. I keep thinking it is Saturday today. Must be my age.
Well time to get my Dyson out. So in the Vinny vernacular 'Catch yer later dudes'.....:o)
ooh, a toothless blue cable thingy... sounds wonderful, Jude, you are far ahead of me in the technology game, I am still without even a mobile phone. I think the rain is just holding off until it can hit our picnic tomorrow, should I decide to go. I have had an osteopath jumping on my back and my stomach is less cramped so I think I shall bore myself rigid by going to work today. If people behave politely towards me I may grace them with my presence tomorrow (I have a bottle of Sainsbury's sangria to contribute).

Oh er hang on, just started pouring - I knew I shouldn't have typed that!
Hi Jno I'm not sure I know what Blue Tooth means except it's something to do with transferring information from one device to another without any cost or something like that :o) I wouldn't bother going to work it I were you it's too late in the day now.....
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I've just looked on Accuweather and it's dire for tomorrow and I am going to a wedding . Bggr .... I have just broken a nail and cannot get the ruddy creases out of this linen outfit I bought to wear .Still by the time I've had a couple of gins I shall look more crumpled than usual anyway .

We've got a Blue Tooth thing Jude but I have no idea how it all works or what it is all about .Another of my son's gadgets that only he knows how to work . He bought it to download stuff from this machine to a lap top but it's all Greek to me !

hiya jude...what device are you down loading to?via bluetooth...! have you enabled your device...if its a mobile phone.Mp3 have to turn your bluetooth on.if its from media will find your device..just select download to device....(:O)
very nice,neti, but it'll take a few of those to fill the pool, won't it?
> > > >
there goes technology speek right over my head :o)

shaney I've just rented out my pacamac & rainhat to my sis who's going to a wedding tomorrow too (Leics). I sewed her some nice plastic roses on to zhuzh it up for the occasion.

< oh lordy, what with wasted at weddings, pickled in the park & canned in Croyde this lot are going to be good for nowt this weekend>

We've had a bad storm here...made me feel right kweer it has.
Discombobulated of Derby.

^ ^ ^ good one for Kit ;o)
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It's a beautiful evening here but the wind is starting to get up .I shall remain optimistic !
If it buckets down I shall wear my would cover up a multitude of sins anyway .I am one of these that no matter how hard I try I always look as if I have been in a disaster .I am the one who always manages to spill something down myself ,ladders tights (not that I wear them that often )and who generally looks as if I have been pulled through a hedge backwards while everyone else swans round me like a fashion plate .
Ahh shaney we once looked after a little girl like that, we would spend a while bathing, and generally smartening her up, tell her to wait outside while we locked the door, she never moved, but she was a right mess when we turned round. No idea how she did it - still we loved her!!

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