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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
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Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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What a day - the microwave at fisio has burned my shoulder, I'm allergic to both the post op cream and the dressing plaster - so shoulder is bright red and stinging, needless to say Paco wasn't at fisio today!! The bus back was full so had to wobble about standing, and the blasted washing machine won't work (of course it's full!!) and there's no way I'm gonna do all that by hand. Running out of food as I still am not allowed to drive. Think I'll call it a day - c u 2moro!
Washing machine is beggared - burned out, no money for a while to replace it. Have jsut spent an hour handwashing - throw over the dollytub please!!!
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Oh we can do better than than that Neti ...dolly tubs ..Noooo......we've had a whip round for you
Evenin me Hearties....
done a carpet today I did,and the kind ladeee gave me a copy of the pirates of the Caribbean....
Oh Arrrr...Pirate copy it was..hahahaha...!
Thunder this mornin....come the afternoon ,turned out right warm and was lovely on the ole Hammock.Look at this sky tonight..
Poor ole sending the army in ...(:O)
Beautiful photo Vinny I've also got the new Pirates pirate dvd, and also Shrek 3, so will be busy watching them instead of watching the washing he he!
Ooops sorry jude,nice vids..(:O)
hi netti..(:O)
Hi all - am off to sort out holiday, look at prices of washing machines, then off to the old fisio, I do hope Paco is back. Try to catch you all later dudes(!)
Morning all Lovely morning here but don't know for how long. Off to Tai Chi this a.m. then for a pub lunch with my friends.
Hope you are all ok and that you get your washing sorted Neti. However did we manage without electric machines. I can see my Mum now 'dolly tubbing' in the yard. Bless!
Lovely photo Vinny
See you later :o)
In another bad mood, Paco wasn't there, had some grumpy old woman called Pilar (of stone!) and she hursts me. Am allowed to buy washing machine this afternoon. Am a very swetineti and also tatti, going for a dip in pool.
gah, it takes me longer to sort out my photos on my computer than it does to take them. Anyway, here's a few...

The jacarandas were in blossom... religous organisations were parading for Corpus Christi, which is a national holiday in Portugal, hence the holy man with the beard... the other two are the Oporto riverfront and Santa Clara church, which is completely covered inside with wood carving, just stunning.
Good afternoon.
What brilliant pics jno.The wood carving is fantastic...!if anybodys looking at the last pic with tinypic.choose the larger picture is stunning...try counting all the statues.just amazing..
what a brill camera you must have dont work for a magazine, be any chance..?
erm..think I will partake in a few lemonade's tonight...and play a few oldies on catch you later dudes...(:O)
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Hello folks
After an absolutely lovely day ....surprise surprise's tipping down at the moment ,thundering and lightning !
Well we can't have it all !
Lovely piccies Jno that church is fantastic ..beautiful carving .
Hope all are well and I will say Goodnight and leave you with Yo
just an average-to-biggish Panasonic Lumix with a big zoom (though it's actually only about an inch long)... and I had to make the photos smaller to get them on tinypic. The church is amazing, isn't it? There is another one like it in Oporto that gets better write-ups in the guidebooks, but actually it has less carving and I didn't like it so much. It does have a carving about a foot high of some martyred monks having their heads cut off, which is kind of gory.... I used to write occasional stories about my travels for a posh magazine in India (I met the editor once while I was travelling there) and they printed my photos really nicely, but it seems to have closed down or just vanished into limbo now... shame, it didn't pay much money or anything but it was nice seeing my pictures on good white paper. Still, now there's the internet the whole world can see them.

Shaney, the thunder in these parts started the minute I had cut up some fruit to go into my sangria. Thought of microwaving my slippers and having Ovaltine instead. Stupid weather.
mmm, see you've all been heartbroken without me <sobs>
got some puta probs so I shall be very minimal for a while...

great pics jno have saved the church as my desktop...imagine the jigsaw that would make.

as you were...behave yourselves.

oh I say, anyone lost a pair of knickers?
When we need to move home, I have an unanswered q in travel, but for some reason I cannot copy and paste the link anymore. It's quite recent asking about hotels near Barcelona airport. Can anyone lese post a link?
When we need to move home, I have an unanswered q in travel, but for some reason I cannot copy and paste the link anymore. It's quite recent asking about hotels near Barcelona airport. Can anyone please post a link?

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