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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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Hmmmmm - is VinnySprout at Glasto I wonder.
Just to let you know that George has finally come out of the closet, lovely clean fun had by all!!
I wish netti...
on thursday,I had to suck water out of a basement flat.The place had been totally flooded..the carpets were floating..Soon after,I fell ill...have been really sick....and Im just recovering hopefully I will be boring you all again ...hehe..!..hope everybodys okay..where's robinia??in fact where's dolly shaney jude kip...missed you all
catch you later dude's..
whats that bloody egg timer thingy flashing for...
yo (*_*)
yo Vinny - good to see you back. You've got mail.

Colin Blunstone's birthday today - I love
this that you posted a while ago, it always makes me :o)
oh no... watch out... Vinny's sending a virus down the internet... ages/adult_lady_bug_2.JPG
Afternoon Everyone hope you are all ok. Sorry to hear you've been poorly Vinny and hope you are much better now. I'm still around but have had quite a busy week getting out and about. Been to my sister's today for my rice pud which I haven't had for a number of weeks. The weather's a bit wet over here as well and I think we have it for the next 36 hours or so they said on the radio today.
I'm really into the Travelling Wilburys at the mo and play my CDs every chance I get. I get the feeling that none of you are into them like I am. Lol.
See you all later have a good night. :o)
its Graemers birthday today....Happy Birthday..!dont spose he has a clue where we are...but just in case..
yo (:O)
hahaha, brilliant Vinny.
Happy birthday graeme, wherever you are.
couldn't resist
brill robinia..
can I hear netti making a movie..
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Happy birthday graemer wherever you are !
Hooray the roofers are here ...thank the Lord and it is not raining as yet ....I will be so pleased to kick these buckets and bowls into touch after ten months of having a shower in my kitchen !!.
Happy birthday Graemer - we miss you! x
Happy birthday Graemer! -x-
oh goodness... I do believe a little droplet of liquid descended from the heavens a few minutes ago... of course it sank straight into the sands in this little corner of the desert, but I fear another will be along in a day or two. Tut, I blame climate change.
Morning all .................. we've had a deluge during the night, most welcome I can say. Yesterday was so very hot, bit cooler now, just like England. Love it. Back to bed now with a cuppa.
I believe there's been the odd bit of rain in Britain too, neti; those poor biddies in the Midlands will be getting through the kitchen towels at quite a rate, trying to dab their floors dry. Of course where I live it's always good for the camels to top up the oasis a bit.
Hello BiddyBank,

I think I've found you! ok so there was an issue with your posts appearing on the recently posted pod well I think we've fixed it.

Post will now only show in the pod if the question was generated within the last week and as you guys tend to stick to slightly older questions i.e. months old, your posts will now not show so you should be left in peace!

Let me know if there are any further problems

Ed :o )
thanks very much Ed, you're a star! I've just read your mail & was coming in to give it a try...not that we doubt you or anything :o)

hi to everyone - hope you're all warm, dry & well.
I think jno's telling porkies....I'll give her slippers a good nuking, an hour should just about do it.

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Thanks Ed ......very nice of you .
Hope you are all permitting .Cold wet and windy here and I am suffering from flying tomato plants . Talking of Windy ...are you alright down there Vinny ...or do we need to send a canoe out ?

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