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flanker | 10:21 Mon 01st Nov 2004 | People & Places
66 Answers

Now that the scummy underclass that is the chav is being widely ridiculed by the press, is it now time we had a chav amnesty to allow them to turn in their burberry caps, hoodies, 'trackie bottoms' and cheap gold and allow them time to stop breeding at 13 and go out and get jobs like the rest of us have to do?


Do they actually know that they are chavs?


We call them pikeys 'round these parts, but as chav is the official 2004 buzz word, I guess we need to change. 



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what was authentic bigoted bile? Flanker's post or the programme?
Excuse me Donaldson,  but if flanker or any other hard working, tax paying person, wishes to use their lunch/tea break on AnswerBank, then that is entirely up to them! That has absolutely nothing to do with the benefits of being a CHAV!
Donaldson. if you think its the way most decent people feel don't you think theres a good reason?
I am not a chav, nor particularly am I a chav fan/fanette.  Whatever.  Anyway, who decides who are the decent people?
We call them charvers in the north east, and the younger ones are mostly found in bus shelters after dark swinging chewing gum round their fingers and offering to fight anyone who walks past. they sometimes have a buggy with a baby charver in it. The female of the species seem to be quite vicious and have a wide vocabulary of swear words at their disposal. We have quite a few of the older ones in our street, between 20and 25 with 3 or 4 kids who spend all day in each others houses drinking coffee and playing on playstations or watching daytime tv while the baby charvers eat sausage roll or pasties from the local bakery. 
flanker... well said i shall vote for you at the next election, i dont have to say anything as you have said it all  mulleinl
New word for me Flanker - I've never heard it before.  We call them pikeys round here as well.   They meet in the local cafe and sit around smoking all day with the babes in pushchairs being fed chips and thick cigarette smoke and drinking coke from their bottles.  Average age is probably 15 for the mothers and 32 for the grandmothers that accompany them.  I am not too far of retirement age and am probably going to have to live on a very meagre pension (even though I have worked hard all my life) so that these people can be supported for the rest of theirs!

I think they should add Burberry to the banned items list when flying, we don't want it spreading worldwide!!

Still, I went to a designer village outlet in Essex the other day - that rates pretty high on the chavometer :o(



Hi Kitty, I used to live in Essex & now live in Bedfordshire. Both places, along with most towns & cities have their share of CHAVS these days. They cost us, the tax payer, so much in revenue to keep them in the life style they have grown to expect! I like FP & many others, will retire on a meagre pension, whilst they are swanning around in their untaxed, uninsured cars etc., living the life of Riley! 
If you want to see masses of Chavs in one meeting, go to 'The Arena Essex' on Banger racing day. I went there in August but had to leave after a few hours because it was very uncomfortable. We had a family who casually plonked themselves right in front of us so we had to move. There was mum chavette, with a mouth like a sewer (F*** this and F*** that), dad Chav, who you wouldn�t mess with, daughter Chavette with the trademark dyed blonde hair with brown bits at the end, with her chav boyfriend, and Rat Boy Chav, who had a permanent nasty look on his face and spat on the floor every ten seconds. EVERY one of them smoked like it was going out of fashion, EVERY one had something Burberry upon their person and EVERY one had 'bling' jewelry (trademark big loop earrings for the girls and gold chains for the boys). Chavs are the work-shy class who have obtained money either by benefits or by cashing in on their ex Council House.

The more people highlight them the better. Hopefully they will read comments written about them and realize �Hey, that sounds like me�.

Trisha watching, R&B listening, body kitted Vauxhall Nova driving, Burberry wearing, chain smoking, lager drinking, incessant swearing, puffer jacket wearing, illiterate a***holes. Roy Carroll (lottery winner), prime example.


That�s got that off my chest.

Thanks for the laugh BigdogsWang!  Sometimes AB is a really good place to let of steam.  I must admit I get very uptight just thinking about Chavs.


A "parade" of chavs

BigDogsWang - Apart from the joke thread, I haven't laughed so much in ages, especially after reading your comments. You've got the CHAVY families down to a fine art! We used to shop in the local Asda when it first opened, but it attracted so many of them, that we now shop back at Sainsbury's (well apart from when I fancy a George clothes shopping spree that is)!


When you look at some of the little children with their big looped earings, yes boys too - you really can't hold out much hope for them. It is such a shame because they are the next generation! What a legacy to be left by your parents!

i think i have just read every CHAVism that exists bar a few, Do they not walk around with their hands down the front of their trackies, with those sad hats that have floppy bits covering their ears, walk like one leg is bigger than the other, have their arms out as though they are used to carrying somebodies tv and video home. where you come from ?

Oh and yes i fully agree with your post flanker, well said !

With reference to my earlier posting, I still think that you are being intolerant of other human beings, and that is dangerous.
But NoGoodBoyo, why should we be tolerant of people who have no regard for others.

NoGoodBoyo you need to wake up and smell what you're shovelling! There is no connection between 'Chav' and 'human being'!

Don't you realise that it is Chav's who have absolutely no tolerance of human beings? They are the scum sucking, illiterate, benefit scrounging pond life that is the festering boil on the body of humanity that is Britain.

I despise Burberry(it doesn't even look nice!), Henri Lloyd, Stone Island and Hackett and the low life that wear such garments like tribal colours and Gerald Ratner's gaudy ex stock like it was the Crown Jewels.

May they rot in the a vat of sump oil drained from their Vauxhall Nova's and Astra's!

Philtaz, I take it you don't much like these people......

I moved from the UK seven years ago, but I return regularly, particularly to London.  It never ceases to amaze me the way the fashions and morals (I appreciate I am moving towards Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells territory, sorry) move closer to the gutter.

Part of the problem seems to be they breed quicker and more frequently than most, so by 2030 the majority will be CHAV (or whatever the latest revolting incarnation happens to be). 

My solution was to move to somewhere CHAVless, but it is pretty drastic and I miss some things (english beer, culture (London is second to none, and most English towns are ahead of all but a few capital cities). However, I can walk down the street in safety, strangers do not intimidate me or even shout obsenities.  I don't get wound up about my tax money going to the undeserving.  I also can be happy to land at Heathrow and be happier to get back on the plane a week later, which to me is a good balance

Octavius / NGB, we individually decide who is good in our opinion, and act accordingly.  I agree it is dangerous to make generalisations (and in some cases illegal).  However, the qualities that seem to define CHAVs mean that people with morals (as generally defined, I appreciate it is subjective) find little or nothing to relate to.  Ultimately, the theory should be that no generalisations are made, but when every single piece of data points to CHAVs being beneath contempt then I can understand why people generalise.


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