Vulcan - If true that would be correct.
There are no good or bad Christians, just Christians who are flawed, me being one of them. But we should make the effort to be better today than we were yesterday and even better tomorrow. Sadly, it doesn't always work out that way.
I think one of the factors that gives Christianity a bad name, is when the local church community become a clique, and appear to be indifferent to the real world problems, and lack any good substantial bible teaching from the pulpit.
Christians should aim to be part of a community, building up each others faith.
That is where I am lacking. My health is prohibitive these days, and before I retired, I was working 84 and sometimes 92 hours a week, and did not attend church.
I did go at one point to a Church of England, but found it weak on bible teaching and too much emphasis on the vicar, and his outlook which was not substantive although he was a good man.
I attended a Gospel Hall for a while, but that is another ?ong story.
But, no, I do not consider myself better than anybody else, in fact I consider myself inferior in many