Stargazer. Sadly, most people think it too disturbing to think about what you have said, because it would make their lives uncomfortable. I'm not Vegan, and I don't preach about the evils of meat eating, but I do agree with you. I expect to be attacked soon as a hypocrite.
Some of the arguments here are a bit weird.
1 If we didn't eat baby animals or take them from their mothers so that we can drink their milk then there would be no new baby animals born and that would deprive them of the opportunity to have lived (see bhg481). Perhaps substitute another word for animals and then what would you think?
2 I like eating meat, so I don't care what the animals think or feel. Perhaps substitute another word for animals and then what would you think?
I think there is a not surprising attitude that animals are not really important. After all, we evolved eating whatever was available, and that naturally involved killing animals. Possibly always thought of as a bit off, hence the rites of respect paid to animals of the hunt by the hunters. They knew they were taking life and they knew they were dependent on taking life and so they often ritually apologised to the prey. Nowadays, 'life' is pink stuff in a plastic wrapper that tastes good when mum (or the Mac server) gives it to you ready prepared. (Please don't tell little Penelope that chicken nuggets are mad out of those lovely chicks we saw on the famr this holiday! It might upset her.)