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Religion & Spirituality
Welcome To Religion & Spirituality.Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.
"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."
- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Seriously, what you got to offer me? Or is it a case of what I can avoid! I'm deadly (excuse the pun) serious. But what can your belief system/religion/spiritual tradition/ offer me except a free pass...
There is no god, an imaginary entity created out of ignorance. There are some users who believe every word in the bible, a silly book with no credibility. Have to go, some unicorns have landed in my...
After 55 years on this earth I prefer fact. As much as it pains me, as much as it upsets me, I prefer facts over faith. A few weeks ago I was nearly suicidal. Still prefer facts to 'faith'. If I had...
Following on from the horrific news of a little boy killed by lightning - I am genuinly intrigued to hread how any of our Christian contributors can begin to reconcile this tragedy with the notion...
There appears no way that the universe arose from nothing, but came from a preexisting mind, that is God. https:/ /youtu. be/uInJ oikDgpY It seems the atheist scientists have hit a brick wall! Can you...
My experiences on R&S are that atheists hunt in packs and love nothing more than to tear into a big fat Christian. Oftentimes, this is accompanied by an almost world weary sighing impatience as if to...
In about 7 or 8 billion years from now, (not that this will worry any of us now) the Sun will die, Earth and the rest of the Solar system will have died long before, the Sun will probably become a...
The Ransom—God’s Greatest Gift -JESUS IS SON What is the ransom, and what do we need to understand in order to appreciate this valuable gift? Put simply, the ransom is GOD .S means to deliver, or...
https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/watc h?v=DJb q-FdJeh Y&t =0s...
. . . you can fool some of the people all of the time ?...
Am I a God to the spider I rescued from my kitchen sink this morning ? After all, I have the qualifications, "A superior Being, incomprehensible to the spider folk, but one protecting them from...
//https://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Society-and-Culture/Question1748115-2.html// On the above thread, Khandro accuses me of been 'inane' //neveracrossword: You accuse locusts of not 'debating &...
There are some 4,300 religions in the world, so are they all pleasing to God.
Many times I have passed on a bus and seen JW's, with their carts (and pamphlets), A few feet away from some begging, wrapped in a bag. Why arnt their kingdom halls open to the homeless, the...
You take love my neighbour,? Pray for one another,? Speak kind to one another? Do you think people should have a moal code?...
Is the celebration of Easter a God-given command or a man-made tradition? You can easily find answers to these questions by examining two sources of information—history and the Bible....
Alleuia. God 1 Satan 0
"Thine be the glory
Risen conquering Son
Endless is the victory
Thou o'er death hast won"
Happy Easter to you all. Whatever your faith is or isn't...
So what? A brouhaha that shows just how stupid the mass of Anglicans can be. https:/ /www.te legraph .co.uk/ news/20 21/04/0 1/churc h-engla nd-back tracks- easter- meal-ad vice-cl aims-ap propria ted/ or for those...
According to the Bible... God sends strong delusions to deceive people. He hardens their hearts so that they are blinded. Our hearts are 'deceitful' above all things Satan can masqurade as an angel of...