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Religion & Spirituality

Welcome To Religion & Spirituality.

Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.

"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

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I found this in my local parish magazine, uncredited: The Old Countrywoman I've been coming here on Sundays for seventy year or so. Twas here that I was christened and here I'll want to go. Now I know...
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That hands out religious tracts in the town centre... He believes that one day I shall be saved. He's never explained to me what 'been saved' actually means. To be fair, he has problems with his...
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In our usual spirit of mutual respect and friendliness, would you like to address the whole, "God Question?" Is there a God? Proof? There is no God? "Proof?" Any general comments?...
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When Lenin, (so much admired by some of our current prominent politicians!) seized power in 1917, the Bolsheviks integrated atheism into their vision of heaven on earth. The dream of mass atheism...
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Faith appears quite often in this topic. Today I came across an interesting quote from the American Philosopher Eric Hoffer [i] Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power [i] I can...
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In answer to the big questions, the origin of the universe, the origin of life, what is your opinion, and what evidence to you have to satisfy your opinions?
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If there is a God, why has such a supposed loving almighty allowed such a tragic event to happen....
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When I ask a question, with past experience, I fully expect comments like the following:- "Yawn." "Here we go again." "You've been told before." "This is not a cinema." "Bored already." "Chapter and...
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It's blowing a gale here, so Zeus is obviously annoyed. Only problem is that Poseidon will get tetchy as well, and boil up the seas. I must pray to Athene tonight to get her to intercede as she is...
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The most fundamental question. Answer it as you see fit, or ignore it as you see fit....
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What do you consider the ultimTe authority for morality? I believe it is God....
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Theland, I did ask this question on the thread in News, but I think it deserves a separate discussion - As a Christian I am assuming that you follow the belief that God has a 'plan' for each of us....
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The Builder
Heard at the tail end of University Challenge recently ............. "Jesus ... you may well be coming back ... " Does Paxo know something that we don't?...
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I'll be the first to put my hands up to the fact that I havn't been too kind on here to those with a religious faith. Just wanted to get that out of the way... But is it possible that we can (both on...
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. . . or were they? I have on several occasions encountered the suggestion by believers that my disbelief is down to having been deceived by the devil. Playing devil's advocate for the moment - for...
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Deskdiary You'd like to think, in 2019, that people had grown-up and realised what...
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Coleridge thought that everything that is meant by 'nature' - wind, sea, light, darkness, natural shapes etc. - is a form of God's language to us. Would you agree?...
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Religion tells us that God did it. Science shows us how and in the process the hand of God is no where to be seen. Here we go with another YouTube video but one I hope one some others (as I did) will...
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A service was held thanking God for holding off the rain at Whaley Bridge enabling the damaged dam repair to take place. But wasn't it God who caused excess rain which led to the damage in the first...

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