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Religion & Spirituality

Welcome To Religion & Spirituality.

Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.

"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

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So your God cant prevent suffering in this world, because mankind has got free will? Is that right? (or is God powerless?)...
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Why do religionists (of all flavours) hate this way of thinking so much? What is wrong with trying to enjoy this one and only life (that we can be certain of) so much? We all go through our own...
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Theland It amazes me how some theologians study to doctoral level, and learn nothing on the journey. I feel sorry for this lady who has obviously wasted her time, and now speaks...
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Hello there, like many I was non religious and found religion scary and not worth looking into but a friend forwarded this to me and this had me shocked, scared and questioning life and the presence...
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Islam is the religion based on the teachings of the Koran. Islamism is the political ideology derived from Islam, but incorporating Islam especially sharia law. Islamism is the driving force behind...
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Corbyloon and Andy Hughes - All too often people assume the authority of Christianity in order to judge me, and then find me hypocritical. I am not perfect I agree. Would you be vocal,or take action...
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Won't he be protected, like Daniel in the lion's den? Looks like a total lack of, (shall we say it?) FAITH ! Happy days; it's Green. Look at the specs ... that sucker can...
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Theland evidence for New Testament accuracy and reliability just keeps rolling in.Don't you think it is worth reading?...
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Theland God is a mind. The undeniable origin and first cause of what we think of as reality. Without God we have no reasonable explanation for the origin of information, the very...
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Theland Prager claims the Ten Commandments are necessary as the basis for moral authority. I agree with him. Do you?...
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Theland very short talk on reason and faith from a Christian scientist....
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More a question for Theland than anyone else (or any other literalist Bible believer) Can you explain to me why you believe that the universe is intelligently designed? In fact, lets narrow it down a...
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Given the amount of Islamic terrorism, and the negative impact Islam is having on our society, isn't it time the absolute truth about it was championed by all sectors of our country? Politicians are...
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Why does the government or any one else in authority, even answerbank admin suppress anyone's opinion that shows Islam for what it is??
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Ramadan is over and now we are celebrating Eid.What preparations are you making for this wonderful occasion?...
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So as I was saying?I just wonder why anything remotely connected to The Religion Of Peace or a certain Mr Robinson seems to attract unwelcome attention.What do you think?...
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Not a question, but for anyone interested: An ancient collection of liturgical texts, including some of the earliest Christian writing and second in size only to the Vatican, is going to be made...
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Theland at these followers of The Religion Of Peace as they celebrate Ramadan in their time honoured tradition.Aren't they having fun?...
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This year I shall be running a stall at the R&S Summer Fayre selling Bibles and Christian literature. Are you coming? Run a stall? In previous years Naomi ran a stall selling custard pies, home made...

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