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why do atheists:

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sith123 | 09:19 Sun 23rd Oct 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
99 Answers
try to ask so many questions to theists however when we ask them lots of questions we are called fanatics, idiots and a whole lot of other names?


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The texts that religion adheres so desperatley to were written by man, all of them. You base your lives on mans interpretation of the word of god sometimes written centuries after the supposed act had taken place.

As for Islam you and the other muslims may find you are treated with more tolerance, if you actualy came out and condemmed, with out any ifs or buts, the acts of violence commited in the name of your god.

You should also consider that the words of the Quaran are being abused by those who would commit those atrocities.
Becoming atheist/realist did not come easy. Like most , I had a christian upbringing, I was spoon fed it as a child, went to Sunday School, then later church. Religious instruction in school was force fed several times a week. In God I believed , it was like I was going down a tunnel and the light at the end was God. Then in my late teens cracks appeared in that tunnel and I started asking questions, could these miracles really have happened? I was completely torn, picking up the Bible many times and reading passages, to reassure myself. I had to ask myself, would my parents deceive me (we all trust our parents) . Was the respected vicar who taught in school, lying?
It took a few years of mind battles , but in the end I realised that the writings in the Bible are either fictional or exaggerations of ancients stories.

If these miracles ever happen again, (very doubtful). I might have another mind battle. LOL

Sith. How many times has someone relayed an experience of some sort, told their nearest friend and by the end of the week the tale has totally change out of recognition.
Do you know that you and I and others are facing today were predicted 1,900 years ago in the Bible.
“Know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

and by the end of the week the tale has totally change out of recognition, I don’t think so.
And Bible says: The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. (1 John 5:19) In view of this, we would expect the world to be hostile to published of truth.
What published truth? You can't claim anything to be 'truth' unless it carries proof - so where's your proof? And before you go scurrying through the pages of your bible again, biblical references do not equate to proof.
Thanks for that goodlife, what you have posted simply means that (unsurprisingly) human nature has not changed in 1900 years. Furthermore the bloke who wrote that bit was in prison for preaching so no wonder he was on a bit of a downer about it all. I should just read the happy bits if I was you.

If that passage specifically mentioned that people would be playing Xbox Live instead of going to church on a Sunday then I would take a bit more note but predicting that 'Some people are wrong 'uns' is not exactly profound.
*and by the end of the week the tale has totally change out of recognition, I don’t think so.* My point was that given time, stories that are told when passed from one to another, things get exaggerated and parts get missed out therfore distorting the original .
Your not one of these people who really believe the world was created in seven days are you.
*“Know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power. (2 Timothy 3:1-5*

Nothing changes then, much the same as 1900 years ago.
No,But people say they know the Bible, no a “Day” as used in the Bible can include summer and winter, the passing of seasons. “The day of harvest” involves many days. (Genesis 30:14.) A thousand years are likened to a day. (Psalm 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8, 10) “Judgment Day” covers many years. It would seem reasonable that the “days” of Genesis could likewise have embraced long periods of time—millenniums. What, then, took place during those creative eras? Is the Bible’s account of them is scientific.

And Since this old world will soon come to its end, those who kill time will soon not have time to kill. Those who use time wisely, will be blessed with an eternity of time in God’s new world.
@Goodlife - more platitudes from your little book of verse. The verses are vague enough that all sorts of events can be twisted to fit - It proves nothing, it is evidence of nothing.

Same goes for the elastic definition of "day". Apparently, it can mean all sorts of lengths of time, from 24 hours, right through to a millenia, depending on what flavour of fervour the believer has.

For the nth time - your proof, your evidence, is comprised of a circular argument. Referencing the bible in the absence of any independant corroboration is valueless.
Regarding Judgement Day, if there is an entity with so much power that it can create a Universe then I think it will admire my logic, reasoning and that I am true to my own beliefs, not anybody elses, and that I revere the beauty of nature and the majesty of the universe we exist in.

On the other hand those who believe without question whatever has been written in nasty little books by people with their own agenda for controlling others are probably first in line for a divine slap.
Like I said this old world will soon come to its end, those who kill time will soon not have time to kill. Those who use time wisely, will be blessed with an eternity of time in God’s new world.
I thought it was meant to have come to an end last week! after the failed Apocalypse in May

Christians have been predicting the end of the world for 2000 years

H's a short list (that's a lie it's a very long one)

Incidently I hear rumours that in May a number of students released sex dolls inflated with Helium

Don't know how many saw this "rapture"
\\Those who use time wisely, will be blessed with an eternity of time in God’s new world.//

I use my time wisely, I use a lot of my time helping others and fighting for the rights of those who cant do it for themselves, many of these people I fight with turn out to be so called Christians who put finances above humanity every time.

"Gods new world" you are living in cuckoo land mate!! :-)
if the 'overly religious' didnt try to force their religion down others throats, try to run the world with it, and cause wars and suffering in the name of it...
then i am pretty sure most atheists would not even mention it...probably wouldnt even think about it... i know i dont...

the thing about most atheists is, its not so much that they are 'anti' religion, or against it, but rather they dont care and dont give it a seconds thought and view it as irrelevant to their lives...
they are largely indifferent.

but any strong reactions they do have are exactly that - RE-actions - reactions to something religious people have done or said...

it is the religious who will not let the non-religious alone and wish to dominate them...
that is why you get called these things...because it is how many of you behave...
it is good that you are finally recognising that this approach of preaching, lecturing, threatening, patronising, moaning, etc, simply does not have the effect you hope it only serves to annoy and cause protest...
you have to realise that you are wasting everyones time...

(by 'you' i mean all overly religious people, not just you personally)
Well true, but what is such a long time to men is really a short time to God. When he can allow to men a seemingly long period of time in their interest. What is a “thousand years” to Him, when it is like a mere twenty-four-hour day in comparison with his eternity of existence is something for the ridiculers to think about.
See, thats the problem goodlife, you just come back with more irritating nonsense that no atheist will accept in a million years, you really dont understand the whole concept of Atheism do you?
and yet the anti-theists keep chomping at the bit.

r&s is becoming a constant groundhog day.
We gotta keep up with the opposition :)
really, i see it as stooping to their level.

but if it floats yer boat....

And of course Ankou, you wouldn't possibly stoop to that level now would you :)
nope. this looks like atheist baiting to me and you've all been hooked.

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