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A Baby's Human Rights

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naomi24 | 14:30 Sun 30th Oct 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
193 Answers
Both Jews and Muslims lop bits off their young male children, not for medical reasons, but because their religions demand it, so a hypothetical question. If a case were brought before the European Court of Human Rights claiming that this practice is in violation of a human being's right to decide what happens to his body, what do you think the outcome would be?


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Fenale circumcision implies a comparable operation to male circumcision.. A more appropriate term in use is female genital mutilation.. Removes the ambiguity..
Totally agree debean!
Im unsure of the law regarding this practice in this country but I would imagine it is totally illegal on every front, even the parents would prosecuted for allowing the operation to be performed I imagine.
lol naomi, thats getting a bit personal isnt it? anyway to answer your question yes i did.
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Sith, so how do Muslims justify this when their book, which they're supposed to believe is the unalterable word of Allah, says they shouldn't do it?
Hell Sith3, why not? its no skin off your nose!!
naomi, i am no expert, but muslims follow the quran, but also the hadith and sunnah, which is the sayings and actions of prophet muhammed. maybe it comes from there, i dont know....but one thing i do know is that when i had it done it was not that painful and also it hasnt affected my life in any negative way.
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Sith, //muslims follow the quran//

But that's precisely the point. They don't follow the Koran because that specifically states 'Let there be no change in Allah's creation'.
sith 123 \\naomi, i am no expert// :))
but naomi, what did the rest of it say? We also folow the hadith and sunnah. not just the quran.

and ratter, i dont see whats so funny, considering when i do give evidence and try to help you say that i should just leave it, however when i say that i am not one you laugh or make a joke. so ive come to the conclusion that whatever happens, you just love trying to make people look like a fool and in doing so you just make yourself look like one also by constantly pointing out small errors which do not really matter. no offence.
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Sith, //what did the rest of it [the Koran] say? We also folow the hadith and sunnah. not just the quran.//

As far as I'm aware the Koran doesn't mention circumcision. It does, however, specifically forbid you to alter Allah's creation. The rest of your literature is not considered to be the absolute and unalterable word of God, and is therefore cherry-picked to suit - hence some Muslims, but by no means all, support the barbarically disgusting practice of circumcising women.
Sith, You dont see what is so funny? maybe you should be looking at your own postings. you spill such total nonsense that it is laughable and your arguments are so easily dismantled because you actually know nothing about the subjects you are trying to argue. when questions are put to you, you skirt around them constantly, and you always change your story to cover up your lies!

Take a few lessons from Keyplus, at least he knows the subject that he is arguing and doesnt look quite so foolish. :))
There was a TV programme a few months ago, revealing that young girls in the UK are still being sent abroad for "holidays" to undergo female circumcision.

This is apparently a practice in some muslim communities, and it is the female parents who perpetuate it.

Truly disgusting, but does anyone know if anything being done about it?
Venator, I know various campaigns have tried to stop this, I signed a petition on this a few years ago. The problem is, even if it was to become illegal in these foreign countries it would still be carried out in back streets in dreadful unhygienic conditions by unqualified practitioners.

I think it all comes down to re-education at the end of the day.
Just a quick search shows there is a lot being done but how effective this I don't know.
I didn't want to post this, as it's revolting, but here it is.

I had a work colleague who had undergone this as a young girl, and had indescribable problems with her first pregnancy.
Venator, I also found that link, I wanted to post it myself but could bring myself to do it, thanks for posting it.

I cant understand any human being that would even permit that to be done to another human let alone insist on that being performed on their own helpless little girls.

If I was a wealthy mad I would put every penny I had to track down these people and try to put an end to this savage mutilation!! Truly sick!

These "cutters" should be locked away for life!!!!
I had to stop reading it :-(
*If I was a wealthy man* I am mad though!!!
OH dear! The doorbell just rang and it is two ladies from Jehovas Witnesses. My ratter has answered the door ... lol! Will they never learn that this is not a door they should knock on? He loves this!! I guess I will have to go and tell him to "Spit them out" soon! I actually feel sorry for them as they are getting far more than they bargained for ... lol
Ok, I feel better now!! :))

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